
Load and stress testing a network app

A client has a piece of hardware - it doesn't really matter what it does. 150 of them can connect to a PC and up to 150 PCs can interface to the single server. These are his figures and I and not sure if I want to query them. At his premises he has a largish room with 150 h/w devices mounted on the walls - and testing consists of a lot ...

How to File Transfer client to Server?

i try to recieve a file from server but give me error on server.Start() ERROR : In a manner not permitted by the access permissions to access a socket was attempted to How can i solve it? private void btn_Recieve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TcpListener server = null; // Set the TcpListener on ...

TCP Client/Server Image Transfer

Hi all, I'm trying to send an image using a TCP socket. The client connects to the server without any problems and start to receive the data. The problem is when I try to convert the stream to an image using FromStream() method, I get an OutOfMemory Exception. Can anyone help me out? Really important!! Here is the code; client snippet ...

What is the proper backlog for an asynchronous server socket?

If you're working with an Asynchronous server socket in C#, what is the proper backlog to put on the socket? For instance: server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint iep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port); server.Bind(iep); server.Listen(10); ...

Sockets: I/O Error 32

Could someone please explain what an I/O Error 32 refers to in the context of a network socket? I have a multithreaded Socks5 server written using Poco SocketReactors and am getting this error when the server load reaches a certain point. The exception is thrown within my onReadable handlers at the same time across all threads which hav...

Odd performance with C# Asynchronous server socket

I'm working on a web server in C# and I have it running on Asynchronous socket calls. The weird thing is that for some reason, when you start loading pages, the 3rd request is where the browser won't connect. It just keeps saying "Connecting..." and doesn't ever stop. If I hit stop. and then refresh, it will load again, but if I try anot...

What is the most updated book on programming TCP/IP sockets with Perl?

What is the most updated book on programming TCP/IP sockets with Perl? ...

Listening Port Permanently. if file is on my stream, Get file. How to?

i writed 2 client and server program. client send file also server listen port and than get file.But i need My server App must listen on 51124 port permanently. if any file on my stream, show me a messagebox "there is a file on your stream" and than show me savefile dialog. But my server app in "Infinite loop". 1) listen 51124 port eve...

Running Network Application on port Server side give me error how can i solve it?

if i run Server App. Exception occurs: on Dinle.Start() System.Net.SocketException - Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted How can i solve this error? Server.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; u...

Bluetooth service problem

hi I need to create a custom bluetooth service and I have to develop it using c++. I read a lot of examples but I didn't success in publishing a new service with a custom UUID. I need to specify a UUID in order to be able to connect to the service from an android app. This is what i wrote: GUID service_UUID = { /* 00000003-0000-1000-80...

net::rawip and net::packet cpan modules

which cpan module is more sutiable for packet crafting and injection (net::rawip and net::packet) could someone provide what the cons and pros for everyone one of those modules and when it suitable to use every module ? ...

How can i learn file name and create a folder?

i try to make TCP/Ip Application to listen any other roemote computer to recieve any file. So i try to get files. i can do that. on the other hand every sample on google about giving SaveDialogBox to recived path folder.Forexample my old server.cs is that: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; us...

How can i get more than one jpg. or txt file from any folder?

Dear Sirs; i have two Application to listen network Stream : Server.cs on the other hand; send file Client.cs. But i want to send more files on a stream from any folder. For example. i have C:/folder whish has got 3 jpg files. My client must run. Also My server.cs get files on stream: Client.cs: private void btn_send2_Click(object sen...

Implement a vpn

I want to build an application client(client.exe) - server to do the following: when the clients run it they are thrown in a VPN and they can communicate each other within 1 applicataion. For example : clients run client.exe and they can see each other in LAN ONLY in Starcraft. From what i have read the right type of vpn for this situati...

Client connections with epoll

Hi, I'm programming an application(client/server) in C++ for linux using epoll y pthreads but I don't know how to handle the connect() calls for attach a new connection in the descriptor list if a loop with epoll_wait() is running(Edge-triggered), How to can I do it?... I could to use a dummy file descriptor to trigger an event and scap...

active directory monitoring

I want to develop a monitoring tool to monitor active directory like (solar wind,op manager etc). For this purpose,I have chosen Zabbix(an open source tool) to monitor AD and provide me real time values so that i can plot those results on my Front-end. To monitor any process/service by zabbix, i need to provide its complete path to zabbi...

Applet networking patterns

Hi SO. I have an applet that connects to a server, it receives some commands and based on that it haves to draw (or move) different things. Which patterns should I use? I assume that the network connection and applet should run in two different threads? Thanks, Kristoffer ...

Writing to Socket outputStream w/o closing it

Hi, I'd like to write some messages to the server. Each time, for the tramsmitting only, I'm closing the outputStream and reopen it when I have to send the next message. os.write(msgBytes); os.write("\r\n".getBytes()); os.flush(); os.close(); How Can I keep this Socket's OutputStream, os, open and still be able to send the message? ...

Searching for patterns to create a TCP Connection Pool for high performance messaging

I'm creating a new Client / Server application in C# and expect to have a fairly high rate of connections. That made me think of database connection pools which help mitigate the expense of creating and disposing connections between the client and database. I would like to create a similar capability for my application and haven't been...

Using LINQ, need help splitting a byte array on data received from Silverlight sockets

The message packats received contains multiple messages deliniated by a header=0xFD and a footer=0xFE // sample message packet with three // different size messages List<byte> receiveBuffer = new List<byte>(); receiveBuffer.AddRange(new byte[] { 0xFD, 1, 2, 0xFE, 0xFD, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0xFE, 0xFD, 33, 65, 25, 44, 0xFE}...