
What is CRC? And how does it help in error detection?

What is CRC? And how does it help in error detection? ...

Simple javascript library for visualizing a graph/network in a circle?

I am looking for a javascript library which plots networks with the nodes arranged in a circle. There are some other good questions about javascript visualisation in general, but most of the things referenced seem to be quite heavyweight toolkits. I am looking for a simple API that lets me pass in an array of string pairs representing ...

Poco MulticastSocket tutorial

Is there any tutorial, that shows, how to work with Poco::Net::MulticastSocket ? ...

Simulate a tcp connection in Go

In Go, a TCP connection (net.Conn) is a io.ReadWriteCloser. I'd like to test my network code by simulating a TCP connection. There are two requirements that I have: the data to be read is stored in a string whenever data is written, I'd like it to be stored in some kind of buffer which I can access later Is there a data structure for...

How to switch from wifi n/w to gprs programmaticaly in android?

how can i forcefully send data packets over gprs n/w eventhough wifi is on ? how to create socket for gprs n/w in android and to know gprs ip ? thanks;-) ...

Linux API to determine sockets owned by a process

Is there a Linux library that will enable me to tell what IP sockets are owned by what processes? I guess I'm looking for the programmatic equivalent of lsof -i. Ultimately, I want to correlate packets seen through libpcap to processes. UPDATE: A couple of people have suggested using /proc/<pid>/net/tcp and udp, but on my system, the sa...

Are parallel calls to send/recv on the same socket valid?

Can we call send from one thread and recv from another on the same socket? Can we call multiple sends parallely from different threads on the same socket? I know that a good design should avoid this, but I am not clear how these system APIs will behave. I am unable to find a good documentation also for the same. Any pointers in the d...

Network Order short (Java)

I need to send a Network Order short for a game server I'm writing using Java. I read about network order, but I couldn't find any details about a short that is sent before the data. Could someone explain to me what it is, and how to send one to a client with Java? ...

Windows network packet modification

I'm looking to write a small program which will intercept network packets (on the local machine) and modify them before they go out on the network. I need to be able to modify the headers as well, not just the data. I've already looked through several possibilities but am unsure which one is best to pursue. There are open source packet ...

Problem accessing SQL Server from network share after reinstalling SQL Server

Hello everyone, I have a problem, that is really driving me crazy. First of all I must admit, that most of the work was done by a coworker, who isn't available anymore. Before reinstalling the MSSQL Server rig, the whole thing looked like that: Someone has developed a little .Net c# program which connects to the SQL Server, that is ...

Is the Network Performance counter "Bytes Total/sec" is reliable

All, I'm building a network intensive application to consume real time financial marketdata and the network team is suspicious regarding its bandwidth usage per instance. I'm trying to use the System.Diagnostic performance counter "Bytes Total/sec" in the "Network interface" to get an idea of my application footprint on the network. H...

python struct pack double

I want to convert -123.456 into a C double for network transmission in python. So I tried this: struct.pack('d', -123.456) I get this as a result: 'w\xbe\x9f\x1a/\xdd^\xc0' Obviously there is some hex in there, but what is with the w, /, and ^ sprinkled in there? ...

How Network Layer finds route for a packet.

An HTTP application request for This message is passed to Transport layer. Transport layer adds its header and sends the packet to Internet Layer. The Internet Layer cannot see as it can only access the header which was appended by Transport Layer. Then how can Internet Layer decide route for ...

Through Java, make a call to Javascript functions on networked device?

I am doing device monitoring on a networked system. I need to know how to make Javascript calls on that device via its IP address to get certain status information (this device's status is only available through Javascript APIs, not SNMP, etc). I am working in Java. ADDED: The specific device is an Amino set-top-box. It has what it call...

A newbie question I have to ask, beginning network programming for games?

I'm an absolute newbie in this field and I'm kind of frightened of heading down the wrong path of network programming. I'm trying to build a strong network library for my game engine. I've looked online and have seen there is a network library with boost, I'd love to use that as I'm really keen on further integrating it with my codebase...

How to use Reachability class to detect network status?

i am creating an application which requires internet must be avialable to use it.I want to use reachability class in my project and i want to detect if user has no internet connection whatever the technique is either wifi,Carrier or whatever the way is.I want a step by step guide for this.Thanks ...

How do I implement port redirecting/mapping on windows?

I am programming a web proxy that is installed on client machines (same machine as the web browser). I would like for all traffic that is web traffic to get redirected into my proxy server. I am using a windows operating system (XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Vista, Windows 7). What would I need to do, to redirect all internet traff...

Can I run a server/client program like this?

Hi, I want to write a yahoo! messenger and I create 2 java applications .one is for "server" and the other one is for" client" .at first I run the Server application and then I will run my GUI frame which is in my client application(So I will run my client application):it will show a frame that gets user name and password from a client ....

GUI Problem!Network Problem!

Hi, I have two applications,one is for server and the other is for first I run my server application .then I will run the client application.When you run the client application,one frame will be shown which get user name and password and if they were correct,the other frame will be shown.but when I click on the Sign In button ,...

Limit Virtual machine network bandwidth in Micrisoft Virtual PC

Hello I'm testing a ClickOnce application in a Micrisoft Virtual PC Virtual Machine, and I would like to know if there is a way to limit the network bandwidth for the VM to test the application in a "slow" network. Any clue? Best regards, Paulo ...