
C# - Network vs. Server

Hello, I have been working on an emulator, and it sends a few packets separately, but the client receiving the packets is able to handle multiple packets incoming from a single receive. Here's my method: /// <summary> /// Sends a few packets at login to prepare the character for gameplay. /// </summary> /// <param name...

Is Network Up? C++ Fedora/Unix

Does any one have a snippet of their code that, checks if the network is enabled on a machine and has an active IP Address. I have a networking software that connects to other client machines, Although it works when the machine is connected but if i unplug the cable or disable the network, It throws a whole reem of exceptions. It woul...

Searching a Network Drive (PHP)

Hey I have a program that will allow me to find and display specific file types, but it won't work for files located in a network drive. How do I get around this problem? here's the code: <?php clearstatcache(); $sourcepath = "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/IMS/n_test"; // Replace \ by / and remove the final / if any $root = ereg_replace( "...

protect from and simulate a data center outage

Recently the data center I'm using experienced an outage. During the outage customers using my service reported that their websites were very slow. The customers integrate my service in two places: 1. A script tag in web pages that pointing to my server. 2. making API calls against my server with php: fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"...

Testing Equipment for VOIP,IPTV and IP data analysis

Hi Geeks, I am planning to make an handheld device which can be used for VOIP,IPTV and IP data analysis. I am providing the features I need to test with that handheld device. IPTV - A media player to play IP video, the equipment should emulate the STB, channel zapping,IGMP,jitter, packet loss VOIP - A voip caller applicat...

any idea how do we copy a browser uploaded file to its network machine of client

Hello experts, I am not sure whether its possible with just a browser. User will have its own local network where he should be able to upload the files through the browser via some site( in his local network's server and not on the hosted application server. Any suggestions like a plugin or activex but needs to be browse...

Capturing raw Native 802.11 packets using NDIS 6.0, Windows Vista

I'm trying to write code that can capture raw native 802.11 packets to essentially write a packet sniffer. I'm using Vista with 802.11 device which uses an NDIS 6.0 native 802.11 driver. Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way (and please let me know if there are better alternatives!) I'm trying to do this all through the Windows ...

Network protocol object serialization in C++

Hello, I'm writing some C++ code that will have to send data over TCP/IP. I want this code to be portable on Linux/Windows/Osx. Now, as it is the first time I write portable network code, I basically need some simple functions to add to certain objects like: class myclass{ ...member... public: string serialize(){ std::ostringst...

Determine if internet connection is available

Hi, I know that I am not the first to ask the question: How do I find out if my application is online or not? I found this post: StackOverflow. I want to do it with C# and .NET 3.5. The recommendation is to ping the resource regularly. I am not very happy with that advice. I would rather detect a network change and THEN ping my service...

Construct Network Topology

Hi All, We are trying to develop a Topology Map of available devices in a network. I have the details of the system, like IP, Device Name. All I need to do is to populate them on the graph and show it graphically, the problem is that we need to do it in JSP. Is there another way, like show using Flex, where I would pass IP/Device Nam...

Is there a way to locate a TCP Server running under local network?

Is there a way to locate a TCP Server running under local network using raw sockets and C#? -The Client searching for the Server is running under the same local network as the Server and it knows the port the Server is running with. -is it by Broadcast? ...

Measuring network performance tool in c#

Dear community. I am about to develop a Network measurement tool. The objective is to make a tool, which can measure the responsetime in between a client and a server machine (from the client side). It is s side-application to a main application - If the main applicaiton experiences that the responsetime from the server is above a certa...

Multiprocess and Multithreaded design

Parent process preforked a number of process and each preforked process created number of threads (thread pools). All the thread in the same address space can share the data and can use the different synchronization techniques for critical sections. I want to know how to synchronized between threads which are from different address space...

How does a desktop application get information back from a website?

I'm a desktop application developer. I'm creating a basic website from which to sell an application I've written, and learning some web tech along the way, but haven't learnt that much yet (my chosen CMS - Textpattern - has saved me learning much PHP so far). I want my desktop application to call my website and say "I'm version x.x.x.x"...

How can I get the cellular connection interface name on the iPhone?

I did not find any clues on how to get the cellular connection interface name. BTW is the cellular connection interface static or it can change for example from en1 to en2? Thanks ...

Transfer of entire contents including white space of non-volatile storage on switch to a server over ssh

This is a feature request for our networking switch where a customer wants complete binary dump of the entire contents (including white space) of all the non-volatile storage we have on our equipment (like compact flash/eeprom) to a server over a ssh v2 connection. What is the best way to do this ? ...

[C#] Sending UDP packet to server and getting response

Possible duplicates: UDP Response or Receiving a response through UDP I've been writing a udp server-client setup over the last month and have a working server. This server is meant to be a communications program to retrieve data about the computer it's hosted on that was requested by a remote client machine. The general idea is outline...

What is the overhead of using HTTPS compared to HTTP?

Hi, I was reading this blog( posted by google on not enabling HTTPS for gmail by default. One of the paragraph says as below. Unless there are negative effects on the user experience or it's otherwise impractical, we intend to turn on HTTPS by defau...

Why would a browser make two separate requests for the same file?

I'm debugging a program I wrote and noticed something strange. I set up an HTTP server on port 12345 that servers a simple OGG video file, and attempted to access it from Firefox. Upon sniffing the network requests, I found these two requests were made: GET /video.ogv HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U...

How to set up a simple web server(Windowws XP Pro)

As a heads up, I have some experience programming on Windows and other devices, but I have almost zero experience doing web anything, so I'm sure this is simple/easy to find online and I just don't know what I'm doing. I have a computer on my home network that is connected to the internet(I can VNC into it from online if that helps) and...