
How to determine Android internet connection?

How can I determine the current internet connection type available to an Android device? e.g. have it return WiFi, 3G, none. ...

Get connecting IP from specified ports that using by other program.

Hi, Does anyone know how to Get connecting IP from a specified port that is using by another program. in C#. Thanks ...

Listen to a port that is in use

Possible Duplicate: Get connecting IP from specified ports that using by other program. If a port is used by a program, is there any way I can listen that port and get the connected IP on that port? ...

getaddrinfo() returning only ::1 as IPV6 address,

I'm using getaddrinfo() to return all assigned IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6) for my local machine. I see that on XP, getaddrinfo() only returns ::1 ( I installed the IPV6 stack on 2 XP machine and configured the IPV6 address and pinged the both peers. they are working fine. I check the Ipconfig its all working fine. ) ...

Does GCC's __attribute__((__packed__))...?

Purpose I am writing a network program in C (specifically gnu89) and I would like to simplify things by reinterpreting a certain struct X as big array of bytes (a.k.a. char), sending the bytes over the network, and reinterpreting them as struct X on the other side. To this end I have decided to use gcc's __attribute__((__packed__ )). I ...

What are the effects of incorrectly setting the netmask?

What are the effects of incorrectly setting the netmask? I have a C++ application that sets the network mask of a device. If the netmask is set incorrectly, tftp doesn't seem to work properly. Why would this happen? What other problems occur when the netmask is not properly set for a device/PC? ...

Inspect network traffic from simple linux cli app

I'm running a small app on the command line, and I'm trying to watch the (http) network traffic it creates. Is there some kind of wrapper program (like 'time', or 'watch') which can display all network traffic to and from my app? (Or at least, make a copy of it in a file) ...

C# how to get data from server database

How to get data from server database (SQL Server)? The scenario, client press the download button then the data from the server that has been queried (SELECT) and the result is sent to the client over HTTP (Internet). What is the best way to do this? My way, I use Web Service to select data and send it to the client (the data is sent in...

what is best port for program

Which of the following ports is the best one to use for a program I'm working on using a custom protocol still under development. I'm looking for one that will be accessible to virtually every host that is connected to the public internet (ie every host that can view websites can use this port). The three main options are: port 53 udp ...

How can my Ruby "" timings be so low when my "ping" timings are so high?

I'm using MongoDB for the first time and trying to time its performance. I'm running ruby on a VirtualBox Ubuntu 9.10 guest with a Windows 7 64-bit host. MongoDB is on a remote host, not on my lan buit somewhere in the internet cloud. Here's my code: time1 = rows = coll.find(some_criteria) puts (( - time1) * 1000)....

mobile network friendly host

i am developing an app for iphone, it is a client side application. and i found the 3g network is very slow, should I change the server host to a mobile network friendly host? any suggestions? ...

DHCP : Cant receive reply from server

I am working on Ubuntu 9.04. I am running this on VMware workstation. Here is my C code: int sockfd,cnt,addrlen; const int on = 1; struct sockaddr_in servaddr,cliaddr; char reply[512]; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } setsockopt(sockfd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR, &on,sizeof(on...

TCP IP Guaranteed delivery question

HI, Let us say that there are 10 packets 1-10 and the 6th Packet gets dropped because of a network fault. Does TCP resend's all packets from 6-10 or just 6th ? ...

Antivirus on application servers which deal with lots of network traffic. Yes or No?

Interested in people's opinion. You have an application server running 3/4 services that do lots of TCP based communication to/from the server. There is also a fairly heafty amount of MSSQL work going on too. Do you run something like Symantec Anti-Virus with proactive/real time/heuristic/foo protection on the server? Or do you per...

Virtual Network Connection

I can see that lot's of programs like openvpn and Teamviewer for their VPN Connection creat a virtual network connection on windows. I want to create one for myself for testing purposes. Is it possible to create one programmatically or so? ...

Centralized network logging - syslog and alternatives?

At work, we're building a distributed application (possibly across several machines on a LAN, possibly later across several continents on a WAN+VPN). We don't want log files local to each machine (filling up its disk and impossible to view in aggregate) so we need to centralize logging over the network. Most logs won't be important, so U...

Homework: Generating Graphs

I need to simulate a discrete event simulator and for that I need to generate a network consisting of 30 nodes and then check if the generated graph is directed or not. Can anyone guide me on how to start with this. I should not be using the boost library to do this. Yes this is an assignment, I need an advice to start with. I just need ...

Can anyone guess what protocol these packets belong to?

We see these packets being injected in an FTP-DTP channel during a downlink file transfer on Telstra's NEXTG mobile network. We are not sure if these are network level packets, a problem with our 3G modem (HC25 based) or something like our firewall injecting in the stream. Using a tool we noticed that the PPP framing fails with protoco...

How can I re-establish a network connection in a Perl script?

I have a Perl code which goes to particular website and extracts the required data from it. I face a problem if I lose my connection: the script stops functioning. How could I make the Perl script resume the connection and start the process from where the interruption took place? Can I use the Perl to resume the connection if so could an...

Is transactions over machine boundary (via tcp-ip) possible?

Hi, Theoretically, can one define a protocol where one machine does some remote calls on another machine (or more than one), and where in any part of the process, if any of the machines (or operations) fails, or the communication drops, everything is rolled back? (just like databases can) I ask this, since on the hardware level, one a...