
C++/Qt download file in sync

Hi I want to achieve to download a file in a separate thread and store that file, but I was not able to find an appropriate way to achieve this without evil delay (quite frequent download of small files, so signal+slots are too slow). What I want to achieve: (Pseudo Code) request file; wait for download finishing, timeout or error; save...

C# API to test if a network Adapter is firewalled

Given - .Net 2.0 XP machine with SP2 and multiple network adapters Is there an API that can be used to check if the network adapter is firewalled? OneGuyInDC ...

C Network Programming - Winsock

Hey, I have been learning C over the last two weeks, managed to get my head around pointers, arrays and structures. I am looking to do a bit of socket programming on windows and was wondering if anyone has any websites with tutorials and examples or suggest books that teach network programming with winsock? I have tried looking for so...

Google Chrome breaks network connection when JavaScript errors

I have this strangest problem and I can't debug it. I am writing a heavy JavaScript application, which spawns a popup when user uploads a file. The actual file transfer happens in the popup, which is set to be the FORM submit target. Works in all browsers, there are no javascript errors. However, in Google's Chrome browser, when form i...

WCF sending huge data

I want to send a huge set of data to a WCF service. The data might consist of thousands od records (entities), depending on the parsed input file. Now the question is: what is the most optimal way to send these data? a. Record by record? By this I will be sure that I won't exceed the maximum allowed message size and I can recover from...

implementing a network fuzzer over a vnc server?

i want to implement a network fuzzer over a vnc server as a final year project . I want to code both the fuzzer and the vnc server from the scratch . Can i know how feasible it is ? And some good tutorials on it? ...

Datastructure alignment.

So, I'm coding some packet structures (Ethernet, IP, etc) and noticed that some of them are followed by attribute((packed)) which prevents the gcc compiler from attempting to add padding to them. This makes sense, because these structures are supposed to go onto the wire. But then, I counted the words: struct ether_header { u_int8_t...

java read file from network device

can someone help me to find a tutorial or sample java code for reading file from a any machine which is same network ...

How non blocking read/write throught remote FileSystem

Hi, Is there a way to write and read files on a remote filesystem (such as NFS, SSHFS, or sambafs) in a way that read or write or even open return immediately with an error code ? In fact i'm using twisted and i want to know whether there is a safe way to access remote files without block my reactor ? Regards Fab ...

Magic Packets and Virtual Networks

Hi All, I have 2 virtual networks, say and I have the following code to send a magic packet: using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Globalization; public class MagicPackets:UdpClient { public MagicPackets() : base() { } public void SetClientToBrodcastMod...

why normal call to if_freenameindex would double free if_nameindex?

I am learning socket programming under Linux,so I make a sample program to list all the network interface,here is the code /* print the name of interface */ #include <sys/socket.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { struct if_nameindex *pif; pif = if_nameindex(); while (pif->if_index) { printf("name: %s \t in...

Problem with NSStream SSL Connection

Hi all, I am using NSStream with SSL property for socket connection. It works fine when I use the local IP address such as But if I use any server like (it has SecurityLevelTLSv1), it shows an error error code:-9843, Message:Operation could not be completed. (NSUnknownErrorDomain error -9843.) Here is my code: ...

NetworkStream Readable

Hello, I need this property in order to check the availability of my network stream conintuosly. It is described in the Visual Studio 2008 Documentation. But if I check the definiton of NetworkStream class in my Visual Studio there is no "Readable" property within its members. I really need this to update the status of the networkstr...

Connect to slicehost from MediaTemple with a PHP Script (GS Hosting)

Hi, I want use a Redis server with a PHP Site hosted on a MediaTemple GS hosting. MT allows PHP Sockets to contact an external server (slicehost)? ...

How to run a java file/project in remote JVM which is present in other Network ?

I am trying to work on a project which involves running/executing the java file in three JVM on different Network. If i locally run the Java file should simultaneously should run in all three or two JVM. For example :/usr/local/ class HelloWorld { public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.print...

Client-to-client messaging in cocoa?

Hi, erm, now I trying to do a messaging between both client instead of client to server. So if I'm not wrong we can't startup service individually but how to see whether is setting up individually or both connect to same service? My Code for startup the service: -(void)startService { // Start listening socket NSError *error; ...

DNS answer returning NS records without IP addresses , is this normal ?

In my application, I have to send notification e-mails from time to time. In order to send mail (over SMTP), I have to get the MX server of that particular domain (domain part of e-mail address). This is not a Unix application but an Embedded one. What I do goes like this :: 1 - Send a DNS query (MX type) containing the domain to the c...

Help Socket Programming

Hi All In my application I fetching the updated data in every 25 second… but some time my application crashes while fetching the updated data.. to resolve this we are planning to use socket connection for live updates I am tried to find any sample application for socket connection or socket communication in ADC Library platform but fou...

How do I check out a subversion repository from a network share?

I have a Subversion repository on my laptop in my room (windows Vista), but I want to check it out to a computer upstairs (Ubuntu Linux). I put the repository on a network share but I'm not sure how I can check it out to ubuntu. Note that I don't have subversion server set up on my laptop, I'm just trying todo a checkout from a network ...

Mixed Windows and *nix environment - 'local' suffix issue

Dear all, Stupid question - apologies in advance. I have a mixed Windows and Linux dev environment, and the server is Linux (Ubuntu). Let's say the server is called 'myserver'. I develop on both Windows and *nix (Ubuntu and OS X), with references to myserver as 'myserver.local' on *nix, and 'myserver' on Windows. I have shared code ...