
System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives() hangs with disconnected network drives

Hi, I am writing a file manager in .NET 3.5. At startup, the application must enumerate available drives. I am using DriveInfo.GetDrives to do that. Unfortunately my users lamented that, when they have disconnected network drives, the application took about 30 seconds to start. I discovered that the GetDrives() function hangs for many...

How much network overhead does TLS add compared to a non-encrypted connection?

(Approximately) how many more bits of data must be transferred over the network during an encrypted connection compared to an unencrypted connection? IIUC, once the TLS handshake has completed, the number of bits transferred is equal to those transferred during an unencrypted connection. Is this accurate? As a follow up, is transferrin...

Receiving packets in UDP

Let's say my program sends a 1000 bytes over the network (UDP). Does it guaranteed that the receiver will receive the 1000 bytes in one "batch"? Or perhaps he will need to perform sevral "reads" until he'll receive the entire message? if the later is true, how can i ensure that the order of the packets for the same message don't get "mix...

altering network setings via java program

I want to write a program that will reset a user's Local Area Network / (TCP/IP) Properties. Here's what I do manually (which I want to program to do automatically): 1) START -> Run -> cmd (get command prompt) 2) ipconfig /release 3) START -> Connect to -> Show all connections 4) Right-click "Local Area Network" and click "Properties" ...

batch file for configuring my network setings

i want to write a batch which will have the same effect as follows. Here's what I do manually (which I want to program to do automatically): 1) START -> Run -> cmd (get command prompt) 2) ipconfig /release 3) START -> Connect to -> Show all connections 4) Right-click "Local Area Network" and click "Properties" 5) Highlight "Internet Pro...

how do you decrypt SSH .pcap file that uses Diffie Hellman ecryption. With public and private keys.

how do you decrypt SSH .pcap file that uses Diffie Hellman ecryption. With public and private keys. We are trying through Wireshark with no luck. please advise. ...

iphone SDK detect Wifi and Carrier network

Hello everybody, my app accesses the internet and i just want to detect whether there is a connection either via wifi or via carrier data network or not apple has made an example for that "Reachability" i think it just detects the wifi and not the carrier network ca...

Network bandwidth assesment tool

I need to test the bandwidth I have on my USB RNDIS connection. I am using windows CE 6.0. I already tried looking into iperf for windows ce, but, sadly, I did not manage to compile it. Can anybody recommend of a tool/API to test the bandwidth under Windows CE? In case the answer involves an API, I am looking for something with minimal e...

Adding and changing Windows network settings programmatically

I want to build a program to set up a new VPN network on the users machine, and then connect to that network. The users will be using Windows (Vista or 7). I am wondering how I would go about setting up a new VPN network programmatically and then have the user connect/disconnect from it at a click of a button. The network to set up ne...

What's the delay for in TCP/UDP?

HELP PLEASE! I have an application that needs as close to real-time processing as possible and I keep running into this unusual delay issue with both TCP and UDP. The delay occurs like clockwork and it is always the same length of time (mostly 15 to 16 ms). It occurs when transmitting to any machine (eve local) and on any network (we hav...

Security exception when launching c# app from network location

Hi, i have a very small utilty app written in c# that works fine on my local machine but if i put it on a network drive and try to run it from there i get the following securityException.. Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c...

iPhone active network type (2G, 3G, WiFi)

Does anyone know how to determine the active network type at the specific moment: 2G, 3G or WiFi. For example, at a specific moment there could be enabled 3G, but the used network type could be 2G. ...

Wireless Mesh Network based on cheap consumer routers

I wanted to know if any such system already exists for the average open source user. With all of the net neutrality arguments around and with the cost of broadband likely to go up in the future. It seems like a good idea for a open source protocol which allows standard consumer routers to operate together and form a mesh network with o...

automatic renaming and numbering of nics using udev

I'm writing on an udev-rule to automatically rename and number NICs with specific MAC addresses. The resulting rule should do nearly the same 75-persistent-net-generator.rules does (match first 3 bytes of the MAC address of card, name it 'mycard*' depending on how much cards of this vendor are installed, write the renaming-rule into 70-...

Does python twisted framework HttpClient access proxy?

I need to access a webpage using twisted.web.client.getPage() or a similar method to download a webpage from a known address (, the problem is: I am behind a proxy server and I couldn't find anywhere explanations on how to configure twisted or factories to use my proxy, any ideas? Bear in mind I have to specify user...

Java application hanging if network is modified

I am working on an eclipse app that has got multiple views. From these views I have to access some data over the wire. An error is thrown in following scenario. Step 1: Start app, everything works fine. Step 2: Disable network Step 3: Enable Network Step 4: Try to access data over wire from one of the views. The app apparently hangs. St...

Network/Online application in Java

Using J2SE, I tried making a LAN application using*, and it worked perfectly. I believe it's very similar (if not the same) concept to be applied for online applications. What package(s) or classes should I use to develop an online application? do I need a static IP address? Opinions, links and tutorials are welcomed. ...

How to provide your app with a network API

I am going to write a Ruby application that implements a video conversion workflow consisting of multiple audio and video encoding/processing steps. The application interface has two core features: queueing new videos monitoring the progress for each video The user can access these features using a website written in Ruby on Rails. ...

Send reply to broadcast with a Socket

I'm trying to send a broadcast and then let the server reply to it: public static void SendBroadcast() { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Broadcast, 1); ...

Does Indy support raw TCP sockets on Windows?

I'm a C++ programmer, but my question is about the Delphi network socket library Indy. Essentially as Microsoft crippled raw sockets with WinXP SP2 so that TCP data cannot be sent over them, does this then also apply to Indy? One of my friends recommended it to me rather then using the WinSock API. If not, then is the only way to use r...