
How to do a Post Request in Python?

Hi I'm sitting in a Greyhound Bus with Wifi and want to connect a second Device to the Network. But I have to accept an onscreen contract and the device does not have a browser. To accept the contract the following form has to be accepted. The device has no CURL but all the standard python 2.6. libraries. <form method="POST" name="wif...

Java: Validating and testing proxy servers from list

How do I validate a list of proxy servers, then checking whether the proxy is HTTP or SOCKS and whether the proxy transparent or anonymous? the input are only hostname and the proxy port. ...

Powershell: how to map a network drive with a different username/password

Background: Assume I use the following powershell script from my local machine to automatically map some network drives. $net = $(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network); $net.MapNetworkDrive("p:", "\\papabox\files"); $net = $(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network); $net.MapNetworkDrive("q:", "\\quebecbox\files"); ## problem -- this on...

Edge direction in network diagrams

When I draw a network diagram with, say, browser A communicates with http-server B which talks to a database C, I draw the nodes for A, B and C and edges between A and B and between B and C. Then I want to materialize the flow direction by adding arrows. On which side should I place the arrowheads? Variant 2 is the intuitive one, but ...

Error: The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized. - socket(2)

I am running a ruby script that uses Ruby/MySQL and net/ftp. The script is running on a Windows Vista box and is trying to create a database and ftp connection to the same remote Solaris server. Here is the gist of the code: require 'mysql' require 'net/ftp' dbh = Mysql.real_connect(db["host"], db["user"], db["pass"], db["name"]) ftp ...

iPhone Reachability

I am trying to cover my bases with reachability so that my app doesn't get rejected by the App Store. I am familiar with the Reachability class that Apple provides in sample code. My question is, how best to implement this. I've seen that checking if the WWAN is accessible is not always best because it may be turned off for power cons...

An exam question about reliable protocol.

Consider the following file transport application, which uses the protocol defined below to reliably service a client’s request. The protocol has the following characteristics: • The protocol runs across a network with a 1050 byte MTU, a 20 ms one-way latency. • Each transferred packet consists of a total of 50 bytes of packet header...

Stop QNetworkRequest buffering entire request

How can I stop QNetworkRequest from buffering the entire contents of a QIODevice during a put/post to an HTTPS connection? It works fine when posting to HTTP but HTTPS causes the entire file to be read into memory before the post starts. ...

Detect H.323 by simple sniffing?

Is it possible to detect if a H.323 connection (phone call) is up by simple sniffing traffic on an adjacent node? ...

How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts...

I got a AsyncTask that is supposed to check the network access to a host name. But the doInBackground is never timed out. Anyone have a clue? public class HostAvailabilityTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean>{ private Main main; public HostAvailabilityTask(Main main){ this.main = main; } protected Boolean doInBackground(S...

Redirecting audio output

Hi folks! I need a method to redirect my Mac's audio output to a different computer on the same network as the Mac doesn't have audio output. I'm on Snow Leopard while the other computer which has speakers attached does not have any operating system atm. Any tips appreciated. Max ...

C# -calculate download/upload time using network bandwidth

Hi freinds, As a feature in the application which Im developing, I need to show the total estimated time left to upload/download a file to/from server. how would it possible to get the download/upload speed to the server from client machine. i think if im able to get speed then i can calculate time by --> for example ---for a 200 Mb...

How to scan an IP Range C#

How to scan a specific range of IP and also increment it to user defined range.. in like most of the port scanners. but how to increase host bits.. it increases network bits.. ...

How to profile network utilization of a .NET application

I have a .NET windows service that does a lot of network magic (WMI, Ping, etc - the list is very long). I would like to profile, with as much ease and detail as possible, how much bandwidth the application uses in total as well each part in the code. Are there any tools that can help me do that? Ants profiler for example will help me ...

Share data in LAN

I'm building a music library program, and I want to have the ability to share the library in the LAN. How can I discover others who share their library? I'd like to find others' libraries without typing in IPs and stuff. ...

mkdir nant permissions

I need to use mkdir on a network path, which is on a different domain. I can login into the network properly, however nant is not able to. I setup a network drive on the system where nant runs, however it still cant access it. Does anybody know how to achieve this? ...

postfix behind a proxy

Hello, I have setup a Postfix mail server. This server is behind a network proxy. whenever I send mail to external mail servers like [email protected] I get 'connection refused' message in my postfix mail logs. But I receive the mail sent via postfix mail account to my email account that is on my company's corporate mail server (i.e insid...

How to create a virtual network for an application

I'm creating a simple p2p application. To test this I'd like to be able to simulate a simple network of about 2-3 computers, such that each instance of the application thinks its on a different computer and talking with others over the network. I considered qemu, but haven't managed to get networking working using VDE or TUN/TAP. is thei...

How to monitor the Network usage of a particular interface in Java?

I want to know the exact amount of data which is getting transferred through a particular network interface for logging purpose, is there any standard library or api call from which I can do this in a cross platfrom way? ...

Performance debugging network throughput of minimal Winsock2 app

I have a very simple Winsock2 TCP client - full listing below - which simply blasts a bunch of bytes. However, it's running very slowly over the network; the data just trickles by. Here's what I've tried and found (both Windows PCs are on the same LAN): Running this app from one machine to the other is slow - it takes ~50s to send 8MB...