
MySQL ring replication behind NAT

I am considering switching from Firebird where I'm using a hand-built replication to MySQL and its integrated replication solution. I have 4 departments with sporadic network connections. Each one has to have its copy of the database, and has to be able to update database, so I decided that using ring replication method (A->B, B->C, C->D...

Does javax.jms.ExceptionListener delay the onException callback when network connection goes down?

I'm using Websphere Application Server (WAS) 6.1's default messaging provider for JMS. My remote client application creates a connection, then does a setExceptionListener to register the callback. When I simply stop the messaging engine using the WAS Integrated Solutions Console, my app behaves as expected, i.e., onException is called ...

Location Aware Proxy Application

Anyone know application like network location(mac) for linux,windows.If not i am thinking of developing one for windows or linux.Application knows the location of user home,office etc.. then configure proxy according to the location its a handy tool actually.Any idea how to start that? ...

Disabling NICs or blocking all tcp connections

I was wondering if it's possible to use .NET to disable a certain network interface or, in alternative, to drop all the existing TCP connections (from the whole system) and then inhibit further creation. I'm asking this because I want to write a small C# utility that monitors the system and blocks networking (or at least TCP connections...

App on Dev iPhone Not Starting on Certain Network Operators

Hi all, We develop iPhone apps in Europe and sometimes we demo them in the USA using our dev iPhones that we bring with us. Our apps connect to our services (server-side apps) to pull data to operate. We recently noticed something strange. Depending on the carrier that we select as network operator our app may not work. It just doesn't ...

How to send canvas.Children over socket?

I can't serialize it, therefore can't get byte[]. Network whiteboard with .net is impossible?) ...

Running .net applications on a protected network

I have seen that unsigned .net applications will not run on most college networks and as part of a school applications i am trying to let these applications run on a protected network. the app is writen in VB 2008 and is signed strongly. ...

Is there a network diagram standard for illustrating web services?

I'm putting together a Solution Architecture document for an enhancement we're adding to our site and it occurs to me that I've never formally illustrated a web service call before. Is there a convention for how web service calls are illustrated on your garden-variety network diagram? Can anyone point me to examples or share something ...

iphone 3g network problem

does the code for checking network availability works well with 3g.(provided it works fine with wifi and 2g). Whether i should send the message to the destination and then show the error or first check for network availability. ...

connecting to my local virtualized debian

Hello I have installed Debian as a VirtualBox guest on Windows XP. Now I have installed ssh and apache on this virtualized Debian yet I couldn't find a way to connect. I have already tried "", "" and inet addresses I get from running "ifconfig". (I can get the "it works!" page of apache2 when I try under guest D...

Designing WCF server for low latency

How to achieve low latency of WCF server in publish-subscribe scenario? Specifically, clients subscribe to data and receive updates, latency in question is between data changing and client receiving the change? CPU, memory, bandwidth requirements are not important and can be high. Basics are obvious: binary serialization, named pipes, e...

How to check if internet connection is present in java?

How do you check if you can connect to the internet via java? One way would be: final URL url = new URL(""); final URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); ... if we got here, we should have net ... But is there something more appropriate to perform that task, especially if you need to do consecutive checks very...

Bind Web Browser to Specified Network Interface

I have a situation where the web browser needs to bind to a specified network interface if more than one network connection exists. Is there a way to programmatically specify which network interface the web browser should bind to? ...

Checking internet connection with command-line PHP on linux

I'm using command-line PHP on linux to open bluetooth dialup connection, and I need a quick'n'dirty way to check if internet connection is active. Well, doesn't have to be dirty, but quick is appreciated. :) Using exec to run external commands is not a problem. I'm thinking of pinging some stable server (e.g. google), but I'm wondering ...

Sending text file over network with high compression

I have a text file that I want to send over the network, this file could vary in size from as low as 1KB to 500KB. What algorithms/techniques could I use to tightly compress this file before sending it such that the least amount of bytes are send over the network and compression ratio is high? ...

how to visit every computer on the network and modify the host file in windows xp

Hello all, We need to append a line to the hosts file for every user on our network. I have admin privileges, but don't know the first thing about windows scripting. Can someone point me in the right direction on this? I don't have the list of all the machine names, so I'd prefer a script that would discover all the machines on the n...

XNA Peer-to-Peer

Hi, what is the best way for writing an XNA Peer-to-Peer game without having to use the Windows Live stuff that requires that both players of the game have an XBOX Gold membership I also need some client/server functionality but that isn't as critical yet! Thank you. edit: what does everyone think of this

j2me networking

I am producing a basic j2me application that collects gps information and then sends it out over a wireless network. It seems like I need a thread to read GPS and a thread to send the data over the network. This seems like a producer/consumer pattern with some sort of queuing mechanism on teh consumer side that will allow the data to...

Get a list of directories on a shared computer .NET

I have a list of the name of shared computers of the form "\\computer" and need to find shared folders on those machines. All of the .Net methods I've been able to find require a valid UNC to be called but since I only have the list of computers I cannot make a valid UNC. Is there a way to discover all of the shared folders on a comput...

Check type of network failure on iPhone/iPod

Hello All: I have an application which uses a web service to get data. Before getting data from the web service I check for network availability on the device by using the approach explained in "Reachabilty". But what it does it ping a server and depending upon the response it gives the status. But in my application I want to show diffe...