
How can we handle the ConnectException?

Hi, I have searched a lot ,but i couldn't find the fine answer for it.I use try_catch block for this exception(if this exception is thrown one frame will be shown to the user that I will tell him/her a message) but it still show the exception in the console.please help me.Thanks. submit() method which will throw this exception: priva...

Network problem!(multithreaded client/server)

Hi, this is my Main class which belongs to the server application! but it is really surprizing that without running the client application,these sentences will be written in the console.would you please help me why?thanks. my Main class: public class Main { static Socket client = null; static ServerSocket server = null; // We can hav...

Why it returns null value?(Network)

Hi, These are two classes that one of them is in my Client application and the other is in Server application. my MainServer class : public class MainServer { static Socket client = null; static ServerSocket server = null; static BufferedReader in; static PrintWriter out; static String line; public static void main() { System.out...

Swing problem!(problem in showing a frame)

Hi, sorry for posting a lot of code!!I don't know that why my ListFrame doesn't work??? these are the classes.At first I run the MainServer and then I will run the MainFrame in the other package.and then by inserting a correct user name and password ,the Listframe will be shown,BUT I click on menu bar or list or delete button but nothing... Software caused connection abort: connect

I am trying to programmatically (Java) open a URL that points to a modem on the network. I am connected to the network and can ping the device as well as fetch the URL within a browser. However, programmatically, I get the following stack trace when trying to open the connection. Software caused connection abor...

Network Intrusion Detection System in Java..!!

i am planning to implement a NIDS (netw intrusion detection system) in d java programming language on a very small basis... well after searching i found 2 libraries for it.. 1) Jpcap 2) jNetPcap which one should i use..and y..? which is more preferrable to use...? ...

Why does it return a null value?!!(client/server application)

Hi, i have asked this question 2 days before but I can not edit that(I don't know why)also i have changed some part of my classes.also I have checked it a lot but really I don't know that why it returns null value(on the console is written :Client says: null ),please help me. at first i get the text from a text area which get text from ...

why the frame will confused!![:-)]

Hi, these are my classes.when i run my MainClient class,one frame will be shown that get text from client and then send it to the the first time when i click on the Send button,it will work correctly and send data to the server but suddenly the frame will confused and I can not do any thing like writing or clicking on the butto...

how to create a vpn software

I want to create an application which creates a VPN between some endpoints, something like hamachi and i do not have a starting point. I haven't found any resource to explain how to create such a network application.I want to use c# because i have some experience with it. I really need some help, anything that can put me on the right way...

Are there some up-to-date tutorials on Perl network programming?

Are there links, materials, or books about network programming with Perl that are relevant to 2010? I saw some books on programming the network with Perl are very old (about a decade) and the tutorials on the internet are also old and using old modules. Could someone provide a good reference about programming sockets and network layer/...

QProgressbar and QNetworkReply signals

Hello, i'm writing an application in C++ with the Qt Framework. It should download a File over http and display the download progress with a QProgressbar - but I don't get that part to work! Sample code: QProgressBar* pbar = new QProgressBar(); //calls the website and returns the QNetworkReply* QNetworkReply* downloader = Downloader->...

Windows network authentication the right way.

I am about to start on a project that will be running as a windows service listening for incoming connections and doing some things locally then sending a reply message. I understand the basic concepts with sockets and communicating over the network, however the things the service are doing could very easily abused. I would like to authe...

C# get system network usage

I need a way to get the current system network usage, up and down. I found some on the net but they're not working out for me. Thanks for your help Code snippet: private void timerPerf_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) return; NetworkIn...

How can I make this client as a multithread client?

Hi, I have read a lot about multithread client but for this one,I can not make it multithread! would you please help me? public class MainClient implements Runnable{ private static InformationClass info = new InformationClass(); private static Socket c; private static String text; public static String getText() { return text; } p...

it doesn't return anything from server!!

Hi, I have 2 important classes(client and server) and I will write something in my text area and by clicking on the send button I will call the active method of the client class and I will send that text to my client class,every thing is ok and that text also will be printed on the server console but I can not echo that text from server ...

Using IP for network communication

I have created a list of my friends' names. By clicking on their names one frame should get opened for me and a second one on the machine where the friend has the same application running.Just like the chat window in a messenger application. I use the IP address fort this. Will this wor? this is my list action performed: priv...

iPhone App consuming webservices how to avoid performance loss?

I have an iPhone app that grabs information from different sources in XML format. For example i have a UITableView displaying information, in xml format after being parsed, from an url like this one -> returns posts information like this <postsList><post><title>test1</title><pubDate>..</pubdate></ite...

how can make two clients chat with each other?

Hi, this is not my homework(my homework is just about doing chat with a client and server which it works correctly especially with your help[:-)] but I want to make two clients chat with each other,I don't know that when i get text from the first one how can I send that text to the other client.would you please help me.thanks. public c...

why it returns null pointer exception (server side )

Hi, this is my server class which let the clients to chat with each other but it will return nullpointer exception for this line: while (!(line = in.readLine()).equalsIgnoreCase("/quit")) would you please help me?thanks. my ChatHandler class: final static Vector handlers = new Vector(10); private Socket socket; private BufferedReader ...

Why does this code return a

Hi, these are my client and server class but i don't know that why the text received doesn't work in a correct way (it will return something but not the one that I want) also when I close the run part of server i will have these exceptions,please help me.thanks server side: final static Vector handlers = new Vector(10); private Socket ...