
Sending frames in java

Can I send raw frames (low-level internet packets) in java ? ...

Change identity of TFS build agent

We have a TFS build agent that runs integration tests. Some of these tests make calls to web services on the internet. Our network uses a proxy to talk to the internet. Since the build agent runs under the identity on Network Service and the settings of Network Service are not configured to use the proxy, the tests fail. How to do one...

Sharing storage between servers

I have a PHP based web application which is currently only using one webserver but will shortly be scaling up to another. In most regards this is pretty straightforward, but the application also stores a lot of files on the filesystem. It seems that there are many approaches to sharing the files between the two servers, from the very s...

Sniffing PPP/WAN interface in Vista/Server 2008

I used to be able sniff traffic on windows xp and server 2003 on PPP/WAN interfaces using wireshark. There used to be a Generic dialup interface, but its seems not to be there on vista/server 2008/7/Server 2008 R2. I did some google but it didnt come up with any results. Have you guys any idea to get it started? ...

Get Download and Upload Speeds C#

Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a class or a library or anything that will allow me to get the current download speed, I've tried a lot of code from the net including FreeMeter but can't get it to work. Can some provide any sort of code just to give this simple functionality. Thanks a lot ...

Refresh Internal Windows Network State

Hey, I am working on a piece of software that effectively needs to talk to server sockets on the other side of an XP Windows Network Bridge. Now, this works ok, but if one of the connections that is part of the bridge fails (e.g. the physical cable is removed), and then re-established, the Network Connections viewer will not update the...

Security perspective in DTNs

At present I'm going through delay tolerant networks and what I've observed in there very less work done relatively done in the area of security in DTNs. Can anyone provide me an insight into the present work done in the area of security and problems that exist pertaining to security in delay tolerant networks. Thank you. ...

.NET 3.5 (C#) Named pipes over network

I'm struggling to get a .NET (NOT a WCF) named pipe to communicate across the network. The MSDN documentation implies this is possible, nay trivial. But my code: using (NamedPipeClientStream pipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(servername, "myPipe", PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.None, TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation)) ... ...

How to create Java socket that is localhost only?

Hi, I have a Java server that opens up a socket using ServerSocket (using Thrift with it). This server has a client on the local machine in Obj-c that communicates with the Java server. Everything happens on localhost. Right now the java server is visible on the network as well, I would like the java server to only be accessible on loca...

Measure Network Bandwidh in C#

Hi! For my application, I want to show the user about the network bandwidth. So, that getting delay for downloading will be known by the user.. Is it possible to show them?? ...

which way is better in java?

Hello everyone I want write a Special Messenger(should be able to some transaction) with RMI(Remote Method Invocation) or Network(Socket) , It should be Fast Secure Convenience(easy to use) and of course beautiful :) It's for a big LAN and it should be able to handle our transaction in Oracle DB !!! which way is better in java? ...

Should I test UDP server code, and if so - why and how?

I don't have much experience doing unit testing. From what I learned, code should be decoupled, and I should not strive to test private code, just public methods, setters, etc etc. Now, I have grasped some basic testing concepts, but I have troubles applying more advanced stuff to this case... Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control,...

WCF Callbacks on Remote Computers within Same Network

I have a WCF client & service, where service (which is hosted inside a console app) calls back to client using ever so standard WSDualHttpBinding with WSDualHttpSecurityMode.None. It's all fine and dandy when hosted on a local machine, but as soon as I move service to a computer other than my local machine (but on the same network), clie...

Blackberry firewall "connection inside and outside the firewall" problem

Device is 8900 OS version 4.6.1 Getting this exception/message The application atempted to open a connection to a location inside the firewall and outside the firewall which is not allowed by your security policy when trying to open an http connection when firewall is on (allowed HTTP connections for the app when prompted). Exact sam...

C# handling result sets from SQL Server

Hi, I have large wait times in ASYNC_NETWORK_IO on my SQL Server and I found this interesting article the part i find interesting is: Identify large result sets and verify with the application team (or developers) how this is being cons...

Increasing ip_conntrack_max safely?

Hey all, I've see the following in my logs every so often: kernel: ip_conntrack: table full, dropping packet. Currently, I have ip_conntrack_max set to 65536 (default, RHEL5). Keeping memory usage in mind, how much can I safely increase this value? I've got 4GB ram on this box. One of the functions this machine serves is as a stati...

tcpflow for windows

is there a tool like tcpflow for windows? i need to sniff tcp's data only (without the headers) I would prefer to use command line tool ,so i can grep the output for example ...

.NET/WMI how to monitor activity on a windows share?

I refer to this: I am opening a new thread because I feel that thread is very unclear in both question and content. I am in Windows XP using .NET 2.0 VS2008 C# and managed C++. The question is how exactly to monitor the number and nature of open connections to a windows...

How to Create a Virtual Network Adapter in .NET?

I would like to create/add a virtual network adapter to a client operating system at runtime (via code), preferably in C#. Something similar to that of what VirtualBox/VMware/Himachi creates when you install their software. I am guessing this will require some C/C++ shenanigans for the driver integration, but if it is doable with only C#...

how break the 64 limit when using WSAEventSelect

i develop an echo server with WSAEventSelect. It only allow 64 connections. What should i do. ...