
How to send large data using C# UdpClient?

I'm trying to send a large amount of data (more than 50 MB) using C# UdpClient. So at first I split the data into 65507 byte blocks and send them in a loop. for(int i = 0; i < packetCount; i++) myUdpClient.Send(blocks[i], block[i].Length, remoteEndPoint); My problem is that only the first packets can be received. During sending t...

how to map network drive for Clearcase View in Windows service ?

Hi, I want to map a clearcase view on network drive inside a windows service. I have tried with net use command, but it did not work properly. ...

Intercept file access on a network share in .NET

I am looking for a way to possibly intercept the point that a file is being accessed on a network share. Specifically before it is determined whether the user has access to the file or not. The goal will be to grant access to that file if the file request is coming from a specific process and that user currently does not have access. ...

IPC between multiple processes on multiple servers

Let's say you have 2 servers each with 8 CPU cores each. The servers each run 8 network services that each host an arbitrary number of long-lived TCP/IP client connections. Clients send messages to the services. The services do something based on the messages, and potentially notify N>1 of the clients of state changes. Sure, ...

determine if TCP connection uses SSL

Perhaps some server can handle both non-secure and secure protocols. Is there known way to determine if existing TCP connection secure or not? (I believe it is possible just monitor traffic and check if some text is readable, but maybe there is better or maybe more detailed suggestions?) ...

Reading a whole file on a network drive the fast way (Windows, C/C++, C#, ...)

Lately I've been having problems reading big files on a network drive and I just can't pinpoint what I may be doing wrong. I tried both in C++ (Unmanaged) and in C# and had about the same performances on both...which were somewhat abysmal. Sometimes it will read at 4 KB/s a file on the network, but if this file is located on the local H...

How to retrieve MAC id from ASP.NET using C#

I want to retrieve MAC ID of all users who are visiting to my website. How can I do this ? Is it possible to retrieve MAC ID on Web ...

Message Passing Arbitrary Object Graphs?

I'm looking to parallelize some code across a Beowulf cluster, such that the CPUs involved don't share address space. I want to parallelize a function call in the outer loop. The function calls do not have any "important" side effects (though they do use a random number generator, allocate memory, etc.). I've looked at libs like MPI...

Java to/from C++ socket communication, DataInputStream and eof, binary, encryption

I'm trying to have Java server and C++ clients communicate over TCP under the following conditions: text mode, and binary/encrypted mode. My problem is over the eof indicator for end of stream that DataInputStream's read(byte []) uses to return with -1. If I send binary data, what's to prevent a random byte sequence happening to repres...

Developing any Network based 3D Game

Hi, if I have a 3d game(using java language and netbeans environment) I want to make it like those game that can be run by network(RMI/sockets) would you help me that how can I do that?I have too make a new java project in my netbeans??thanks ...

IPv4 and IPv6 In a Single Network Segment

Hi there. I need someone to back me up, or prove me wrong, in regard to the comments I've made some time ago. Here is the original thread: Basically, I'd like to know if we can have 2 different kinds of IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) running on...

NetServerEnum: List of servers on domain while on workgroup

Hi. I am logged in to a workgroup MSHOME and need to access a named list of server pc's on a domain "xxx.local". I have tried this: const int MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH = -1; int SV_TYPE_WORKSTATION = 1; int SV_TYPE_SERVER = 2; IntPtr buffer = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr tmpBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; int e...

C# network programming

Please tell me good tutorial for learning .net network programming ...

getOutputSize constancy?

I need to encrypt and send data over TCP (from a few 100 bytes to a few 100 megabytes per message) in chunks from Java to a C++ program, and need to send the size of the data ahead of time so the recipient knows when to stop reading the current message and process it, then wait for the next message (the connection stays open so there's n...

How to make blog network like SmashingMagazine

I noticed SmashingMagazine released a Smashing Network feature, which includes other website's posts. This is interesting, I am wondering how do they do that? B.T.W. I am using Wordpress ...

JAVA Network classification

What is network classification? Can u give me some example. Is it possible to write a network classification in Java and how about the appropriate library. ...

How to do a fast dns lookup using InetSocketAddress in JAVA

I used 5 threads to create new InetSocketAddress and store them in queue, but i found it is not enough. How to do a faster dns lookup? ...

Detecting uploading using HTTP and copying using USB device

Hi there, I have been asked by my (pananoid!) boss to do two things 1. Detect when a user uploaded files to the net using HTTP. So for example how can I detect if a user uploads fire to a free webserver somewhere and can hense steal company data Detect that a user is copying files to a USB device and what the name of these files are. ...

Can android OS push information about network connecting status to application?

I need some advices about the Android OS and application. I wonder if the Android OS is able to push network connecting status to applications. (I found applications can get a network connecting status from android OS. But I can't find reverse cases.) However, I am thinking android OS may push network connecting status to applications....

Unable to run my C# .net 2.0 application from a network machine. How to make it fail gracefully?

Tried out many things to run my application from a network location but nothing worked except increasing the Zone security for Internet Zone in the local machine to Full Trust using Microsoft .net framework 2.0 configuration. Hence now I am trying to at least handle the error that occurs when I try to run the application from a network...