
Is there anything on a local network or desktop environment that could effect JScript execution?

I know this sounds odd. The JS on my project functions perfectly, except when the web site is accessed using computers at one specific company. To make things even more difficult, the JS fails only about 50% of the time when run from that company. The JS failure occurs with FireFox, Chrome, and IE. I have tested this myself using FF and...

how to detect network event in cocoa osx.

Is it possible to make sure my thread reacts on whenever there is network available ? Basically my thread should automatically get event that network is available and perform certain task. Any help will be appreciated. ...

reachability always returns reachable...

Hello All, I'm having an interesting issue with reachability (or maybe my ability to figure out what to do) :) Using several pieces of code from different places and including apple's reachability example, I'm experiencing a funny behavior... when I turn off the WIFI, the code returns a non reachable server.. I get that!!! BUT wh...

Impact of Changing IP Address of Outgoing IP Packets From My Network

If I modify the source ip address of all outgoing ip packets from my network to an ip address belonging to someone else (while ensuring that the checksum is correct) then what will happen. Assume that I have a public IP address connected by a point-to-point link to an ISP. Will the ISP check that the IP address in my IP packets is corre...

running .net application over a network

Hello, I need some advice please. I need to enable a .Net application to run over a network share, the problem is that this will be on clients network shares and so the path will not be identical. I've had a quick look at ClickOnce and the publish options in VS2008 but it wants a specific network share location - and I'm assuming thi...

requestRouteToHost android

Greetings everyone! I'm getting rather fed up with android's ConnectivityManager class. I've been trying for 5 hours to get the requestRouteToHost to work. I'm running my code on the emulator but the requestRouteToHost always fails. I know I have connectivity because I called getActiveNetworkInfo() and it was connected. I've added the AC...

SNMP Broadcast on Windows

I'm writing an SNMP agent in windows. The agent responds fine simple get and get-next request sent directly to computer's ip address. But when I do a SNMP broadcast, the computer receives the packet but does not anwer that. Why is that? The firewall is off and the antivirus too. ...

DTLS Library How To

Hello, is there anyone know, what is the best dtls library you know ?. ...

how to copy database files from the network access server to Client PC in .net?

im using a code to copy the files from the database of server PC. so im accessing that server PC through IP address but it is giving me error and not copying the files in the folder of my PC (client PC) this is my code that im using...can u tell me where im wrong?? the file path is given on my listview in winform.. public string Record...

Android, phone call audio stream via wlan

I am planning on developing my specific voip app for android. Here's the scenario: when a phone call occurs I want to hear the person who's calling on my local pc speakers and I want to speak to him via my own pc microphone / headset. So I need to send the audio stream of both me and the person I am talking to via the wlan network. Som...

How to fake source ip-address of a udp-packet?

Hi everyone! Think about the following: Your ISP offers you a dynamic ip-address (for example My question is simple (the answer may not be): Is it possible to send a single udp-packet with an outer source-ip (for example to a fixed-ip server? I don't need to get a answer from the server. I just want ...

How to send raw data over a network?

Hi everyone! I've same data stored in a byte-array. The data contains a IPv4 packet (which contains a udp-packet). I want to send these array raw over the network using C# (preferred) or C++. I don't want to use C#'s udp-client for example. Does anyone know how to perform this? Sorry for my bad English and thanks for your help in adv...

how to get files from one PC to another using

im using want to get the files that are on the server PC to my PC..both the PCs are connected through network.. i have given IP address of that PC in the path...but its not copying the files to my folder. im using the following code ...but its not working..kindly help me out.. File.Copy(Path.GetFileName(sourceFile), Path.GetDi...

How do you find what class is keeping a network connection open?

I'm accessing a database in steps, and making sure that I dispose of all my DbConnection objects & related when I've done with them; however, when all the network stuff is done & should all be closed I still find open network connections from the app on netstat. How do I find out what class instance is keeping these connections open? ...

Combinations into pairs

I'm working on a directed network problem and trying to compute all valid paths between two points. I need a way to look at paths up to 30 "trips" (represented by an [origin, destination] pair) in length. The full route is then composed of a series of these pairs: route = [[start, city2], [city2, city3], [city3, city4], [city4, city5], ...

Good books for learning advanced network topics (eg VOIP, MPLS, VPN, QoS) ?

Not sure if this is an appropriate question as it isn't directly programming related, but since understanding those is sometimes necessary for programmers, I believe it is a valid question, so I'm posting it. Anyway, I want to learn some of the more advanced topics that you normally don't find in introductory network books, such as the ...

iPhone - Server file transfer

What is the best way to have an iPhone read from / write to files on a local network? ...

Should I use StreamReader/Writer with NetworkStream for C# server/client?

I'm in the process of building a client/server based game for a project(feeling quite out my depth). I've been using TCPclient and a multi-threaded socket server. Everything is working fine at the moment but I have been using StreamReader and StreamWriter to communicate between both client and server. I keep seeing examples like this fo...

Is there an easy way to verify that a server exists on a network with VBScript?

Hey, I have the eventual goal of determining that a particular database on a particular server with particular credentials is running, but I would settle, at this point, for the ability to check and see if a server is actually up on the network. Does anyone have a way of doing this? I seem to be drawing a blank. Michael ...

XAMPP Redirecting to XAMPP directory on Internal Network

I installed XAMPP on my desktop. I set up vhosts for about 5 sites and they are all working properly from the desktop itself. The problem arises whenever I try to access these vhosts from my laptop. I changed the hosts file on the laptop to redirect the laptop requests to the desktop, however, when I try to access these ...