
Sample application to read and inspect packets on a network?

Hi, I'm looking to write a quick program to read and inspect packets of a certain format and then blacklist ips with a certain style of packet-traffic (packet patterns of an attack against the network). Are there decent samples of reading and inspecting packet flow on a network? ...

Attempt to connect to port leads to "Timeout Error"

Until recently, I have been able to forward ports just fine. I have no firewall and have not changed my ISP or router. When I scan my ports the result i always get is "Timeout". ...

How to stop my network connection on WinXP using batch command?

for example, if I want to stop "lan connection 1" in my control pannel, I usually right click it in my control panel and disable it. Now I want to write a script to disable and enable those connections. How can I do it?? Thank you very much ...

How to programmatically execute the Network Setup Wizard and cofigure a lan connection with static ips using C#

Hi, I am creating an application that is connecting to another computer through an Ethernet cable in XP. I need to execute the network setup wizard to setup a local area connection (with File sharing Turned On) and then set static ips and the default gateway; all this programmatically using C#. How can this be achieved? ...

How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP?

I am attempting to debug an application on a Motorola Droid but I am having some difficulty connecting to the device via USB. My development server is a Windows 7 64bit VM running in HyperV and so I cannot connect directly via USB in the guest or from the host. I installed a couple of different USB over TCP solutions but the connection a...

Rechability of Local LAN Ip on iPhone/iPad?

Hi, i want to check if an Webserver on on local lan ip is reachable. I checked Apple's Rechability Sample, but this sample says all local lan ip's are reachable. Any Ideas how to check this? Thank's ...

maximum packet size for a TCP connection

What is the maximum packet size for a TCP connection or how can i get the maximum packet size? ...

Need help with artificial neural network

I have an input data for neural network that consists of 2 vectors with 200 elements, that i got from some program for generating signals. So it is actually 2x200 input to my nnet. As target data, i have one 1x200 vector that i also got from the same program. That is my training data set. I gather as much of those sets as i want so i tra...

Running an RMI registry on one computer and connecting to it from another

Hello. I am doing a student assignment, using java RMI. I've programmed a simple RMI-server application that provides method which return some strings to the client. When I start the server on localhost and connect to it by client on the same computer, everything goes well. However, I am not able to do this between two computers on ho...

(JPA/Toplink) Network error IOException: Address already in use: connect

Hello, I have a JPA project which used to work. This month, I have added some data in my database. When I run the usual job (I used to run on preceeding months), I get this error: Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b09d-fcs (12/06/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal E...

Sharing Data with a Client-Server across a Home-Network Recomendation

I am writing a client-server application in which there is a database maintained on a home server, which will share it's data with a client-app across several computers on a home network. This mdb database consists of three tables with no more than five-columns of data in each table, and there should typically not be more than 5,000 rec...

copy files to nework path or Drive using python

hi , Mine is similar to this question. The only difference is my network drive has a password protect with user name and password . I need to copy files to a samba share using python and verify it. if i manually login in then the code works but w...

lowest latency, least overhead app server?

I'm designing an application which will have a network interface for feeding out large numbers of very small metadata requests. The application code itself is very fast, basically looking up data cached in memory and sending it to the client. What's the absolute lowest latency I can get for a network application server running on a lin...

Compatibility between Qt and Boost sockets libraries

Hello In my work, I'm developing a Viewer client for a Offshore simulation server, using sockets to send the simulation data from the Simulator to de Viewer. But, the server uses Boost.asio as it's sockets library. As the client uses Qt for it's GUI, I was wondering if there is any problem in using de Qt Networking library for handling...

Sending UDP Packet in C#

Hello everybody! I have a game server (WoW). I want my players to download my custom patches to the game. I've done a program that checks for update/downloading things. I want my program to send a packet to my game server if player have all my patches. I dont need any response from the server, it will handle it, but its another story. ...

Recommend a remote java debugger for slow connections

I tried to find some debugger capable of beeing used on slow networks, like those established via VPN connections. I ended up with doing ssh and starting jdb on remote server. Using IDE debugger in this case (like Eclipse or JSwat) ended up with hangs and timeouts. I think it was because those debuggers register to too much events. Ho...

Using Reachability for Internet *or* local WiFi?

I've searched SO for the answer to this question, and it's not really addressed, at least not to a point where I can make it work. I was originally only checking for Internet reachability, using: self.wwanReach = [Reachability reachabilityWithHostName:@""]; [wwanReach startNotifer]; I now need to support a local WiFi con...

Are there any lightweight analogues to CORBA/RPC for embedded programs?

I am writing embedded applications for different hardware (avr, arm7, tms55xx…) and different rtoses (freeRTOS, rtx, dsp/bios). And every second of them needs to communicate with PC or another digital device. Sometimes interactions logic is very advanced. So I'm interesting in common methodology (like state-machine programming style), pr...

C# - NetworkChangeEventHandler

I have small application which catches Network Availability change and its working very fine in client Desktop m/c (which is having XP) But when I tested the same in Vista by disabling the network and enabling it again..the event is not getting triggered. NetworkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged += new NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHan...

how to limit network bandwidth for testing (win7, virtualbox)

Hi! I develop ASP.NET application on Windows 7 machine (IIS 7.5). I need to limit network bandwidth to test my AJAX GUI. What kind of software could you recommend for those cases: a) I deploy my app to the remote IIS box and try to limit bandwidth of my network connection in Windows 7. b) I deploy my app to the IIS installed on Win7 an...