
How do we determine queue and stack size while working on network processor?

While working on a network processor, how can we determine the size of the queue and the stack. ...

What is the Backwards Compatibility of SNMP?

I am working on a network monitoring application and need to know what versions of SNMP are backwards compatible with the other versions. I am writing the program in Java and using SNMP4J to query OIDs on particular devices. Within SNMP4J, you must specify the version of the SNMP device when setting up the target. Currently, there is SN...

Create a VPN client in C#

I have been looking at different VPNs, and it seems like they don't have great encryption (like the default Windows XP VPN server). I wanted to see if I could create my own, using C#. But I don't know how to create a client that will intercept all of the packets, and forward them to a VPN server. How can I do it? ...

Create TCP Packet in C#

I'm sending data to an extremely old system via TCP. I need to send 2000 bytes in one packet, and I need it not to be split up (what happens when I write out 2000 bytes via a socket). While, yes, I shouldn't have to care about this at an application level -- I in fact do care about this, because I have no other options on the older syst...

scanning a system for shared folders in lan

Hi, I am developing an application in flex 3 using action script 3......... I have some range of ip address in LAN(wired or wireless both).....i want to check which all the systems available...and also want to see their shared folders.....can anyone give some code or reference in action script.... Thanks to everyone... ...

how to download local network file via browser

Hello exprts I want to give a link of network local file in browser, where users can open from there. link would be like this file.xls In IE6,7,8 it doesn't work. Any idea ? ...

is it possible to monitor cellular network data transfer on the iPhone?

in programmatically, is it can do? if yes how? or it not possible because 3party application can not run on background. ...

How to throttle network traffic for environment simulation?

Hello! I'm trying to test an application that uses a database connection. What I would like to do is throttling the bandwith to, say, 1 MBit or such to get a better feeling for the application under realistic conditions. I already use Wireshark to have a look at the communication with the DB and I expected Wireshark to have a feature l...

C++ for Wireless Sensor Networks

Similar to: Why are RTOS only coded in C, but: Besides the numerous myths about C++, why is it not used as much as C/nesC (TinyOS) for WSN? Knowing C++ can be used for Simulating Wireless Sensor Networks with OMNeT++ it is hard not to think that it can also be used in real-time embedded systems as C is to accomplish event handling. I ...

What is the best compression library for very small amounts of data (3-4 kib?)

I am working on a game engine which is loosely descended from Quake 2, adding some things like scripted effects (allowing the server to specify special effects in detail to a client, instead of having only a limited number of hardcoded effects which the client is capable of.) This is a tradeoff of network efficiency for flexibility. I'v...

iphone sdk - networking problem

Hi guys I'm trying to run a simple server-client program on the iphone. The server and client are 2 different threads. Basically the server is supposed to send "hello world" to the client, and the client should print it. The server sends it like so: send(new_fd, "Hello, world!", 13, 0); The client receives it like that: if ((numbyte...

When querying a large number of remote network PCs how can I time out in a foreach loop?

Hi all, I'm using a foreach loop to query remote PCs, for some reason querying a certain PCs the program sticks on the PC (maybe it's been turned off mid query), how can I wait for awhile (although a fixed length of time would be no good as some can take minutes to query others 30 mins) and then move on to the next PC? foreach (String ...

Pairing 3 or more iPhone with bonjour

Hi All, I'm working in a game and one of its features is to let the user play with players near him. I know that if I show a dialog to the user for choosing between to be a server or a client it's easy to pair 2 or more devices. However, I think I can do a little better work if I don't show the dialog to the user (most of them don't kn...

PHP: upload files to network shared folder

Hi there: I have a problem uploading file to a network shared folder. I can connect to the folder by using windows authentication in IE. The script is as followed: $target_path = '\\\\server\\images\\'; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'],...

Is it safe to use boost serialization to serialize objects in C++ to a binary format for use over a socket?

I know that you can use boost serialization to serialize to a text format and then push over a socket, but I'd like to serialize a class of statistics data into a binary format (both for size and encoding/decoding overhead reasons). Is it safe to use boost serialization for this? My specific worries are: Differences between intege...

How to Share Files Between my iPhone App and a Mac/PC

Hello everyone. I have developed an iPhone app which stores photos in the /Documents directory of my app. I would like to add a feature which gives to the user the opportunity to transfer those pictures to his/her PC or Mac. I don't really know how to do that. What is the best way, using Bonjour, bluetooth, or directly USB (if it is p...

how can I send dial-up message through external modem connected serial port?

hello, I have a question. I connect the external modem to the pc with serial port. so i want to connect server through dial-up method with C#. And then, send and receive message. How can i solve this problem? please. Can I use serialport component of .NET? ...

How can I mount network drive in Mac OS X on Java?

I am writing a programme on JBuider 2005 on Windows XP platform for Mac OS X. Programme must launch on Mac OS X and programme turnes(directs) to share folders on other computer(Windows XP) in network. It is necessary that then we launch nprogramme on Mac OS X this programme automatically mount these share folders under Mac OS X. Then pro...

Developer Survey on Carrier Network APIs

Here’s a chance to tell a major national carrier which APIs (“enablers”) you want to see as a developer. The survey will take about 5 minutes and all participants will have a chance to win one of six Android smart phones. Thanks so much for your help and your feedback! To start the survey, go to

Installing python with python win32 extensions on a network drive

I need to keep a large number of Windows XP machines running the same version of python, with an assortment of modules, one of which is python-win32. I thought about installing python on a network drive that is mounted by all the client machines, and just adjust the path on the clients. Python starts up fine from the network, but when ...