
Access another methods sender

Hey guys, So I'm pretty new to Objective-C and kind of just learning as I go here. So I have a method that passes on its sender when called to another method. So when called internally I can call it like this: [self insertNewDBInfoConnection:sender]; Here's where I hit a bump in the road. this insertNewDBInfoConnection: is only going...

Acess files with the same name in Sub-Subdirectories

First my structure: Application |---> dirA |---> dirB |---> index.html |---> somefile.js |---> dirC |---> index.html |---> somefile.js |---> dirD |---> index.html |---> somefile.js some problems here. i need to load the index.html of this different dirs in my webview. but ...

iOS keyboard click user preference

Can anyone tell me how I can discover if the user has enabled/disabled that annoying click when they type, I'd like to use that as a default to indicate whether I should make a click when they click something. Thanks, vic ...

Lingering white box using Core Animation where NSScroller used to be

I have a window that features one large image, stretched to fit the window (but retaining its proportions). On top of that image is a control panel. When the user moves the cursor away from the control panel, it fades out. When they move it back over it, it fades in. I messed around with NSViewAnimation to do this but had some troubles,...

Duplicate Symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_myClass

Hi, I am newbie into MAC objective Programming. I developed a simple class with few functions. The files are something like follows. myClass.h, myClass.m and main.m. I am getting the linker error : Duplicate Symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_S_myClass. I tried all possibilities like removing/adding header and .m files. But is not going. Any h...

NSMutableString stringWithString:NSString not working for me

Hi guys, This piece of code below is causing my app to crash EDIT @interface termsAndConditions : NSObject { NSMutableString *titleText; NSMutableString *bodyText; NSMutableArray *arrayBodyText; } @property (nonatomic, copy) NSMutableString *titleText; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSMutableString *bodyText; *EDIT* else if ([[self....

Equivlent Objective-C code for Google Maps GMap2.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds)?

Hi all, I'm familiar with the Google Maps API and I'm trying to learned the iOS MapKit library now. I have an iPhone application which takes an input string and geocodes it using Google Maps geocoder service. I also want to set an appropriate zoom level for the new map but I'm not quite sure how to do it. After reading, http://stacko...

how to check if a point falls into a MKRect

fellow stackoverflowers, does any one know of a MapKit function that returns a BOOL or something to indicate whether two MKMapRect intersect or contain ? ...

Several Custom UITableViewCells in one NIB - how to refer to in code?

I'm creating custom UITableViewCells using the approach outlined on this page: http://icodeblog.com/2009/05/24/custom-uitableviewcell-using-interface-builder/ So my cellForRowAtIndexPath code looks a bit like this: static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"CustomCell"; TableCellWithLogo *cell = (TableCellWithLogo *)[tableView dequeueReusabl...

Selection of tableview cell's index path

Hi all, I have a question regarding the selection of table cells. I have three grouped tables which are used as forms, only one of which should be in view at a time. So in the nav controller I have a button which presents another table in a popover with the title of all three forms and will control which form is currently available. So...

Finding users close to you while the coordinates of you and others is free to change

I have a database with the current coordinates of every online user. With a push of a button the user can update his/her coordinates to update his current location (which are then sent off to server). The app will allow you to set the radius of a circle (where the user is in the center) in which you can see the other users on a map. The ...

how to find exact error location in Xcode?

I have developed an app that runs perfectly on OSX 10.6 but it gives some error on OSX 10.5. It basically accepts some information from user and stores it on HDD using file handeling. Now I get everything as expected but the file handeling part. i have applied if then else and using NSAlertpanel to check if file is successfully created o...

iPhone read image from socket

I am working in a little app for iphone base on ideas used to make an Android app. To test, obviously i use the simulator, but the simulator don't have support for built-in camera. The Android idea to test this consist in use a WebCamBroadcaster Java app in the desktop to capture frames from built-in webcam and pass it through socket. Th...

iPad - dataWithContentsOfURL throws NSRangeException when I load a URL that has data

Hi all... my corporate overlords want me to display image ads for our upcoming iPad application. I'm currently trying to show the image by using the following code: - (UIImage *)getAdImage:(NSString *)adName { NSString *adID = [self getPrivateConfigSettings:adName]; NSString *adUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:[self getPrivateConf...

viewDidAppear called twice, but viewWillAppear called once

I have discovered that when my program starts, in one of my viewcontrollers the order of calling is viewDidAppear, viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear. I was not expecting the first viewDidAppear to be called. What could be causing this and how do I fix it? ATM I have a flag in viewDiDAppear to check if viewWillAppear was called, but it's a h...

objective-c preprocessor directives

how do i write the following in the preprocessor directive language? if (isfullversion and isproduction) else if (isliteversion) end if ...

Insert a string of text into an NSTextView at the cursor position or selection of text using Objective C.

How would I do this using Objective C and cocoa using Xcode? I am trying to insert a string at the cursor or user selection on the click of a button. ...

How to draw dotted circles using graphics in iphone sdk ?

Hi all, I am implementing a graphic based application. I am very new to graphics, I need to display a dotted circle in my view. Is it possible to draw a dotted circle in using graphics, can you guys please help how to do it? Thanks in advance, S. ...

how can i set wallpaper from my nativa application thru iOS 4.0 using Photo Library?

Hi! I have made one application in iOS 4.0.In that application using Photo Library i am getting image in ImageView and from the Button Click I want to set that image as a iPhone Background so how can I do this using iOS 4.0? ...

problem with Switch Case

I am creating a UIView dynamically and adding a scrollview in it. What I want is to create mutiple scrollviews and add them by using SWITCH Case. I am passing an integer value called num on IBAction of a button on UIView. and calling the function to create a scrollview. -(IBAction) button1pressed{ num = 1; NSLog(@"value %d",num...