
Can't get Zombies to work in XCode

I'm trying to solve my first really hard EXC_BAD_ACCESS problem. I see from a lot of tutorials and blogs that I can use Zombies to help me figure out where I'm going wrong. But I don't think my zombies are working, and I'm DEFINATELY not getting anything useful out of the console. When I start the program I see this: This GDB was config...

Dynamically selecting different viewControllers

I've got a problem that I think is probably straight forward but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. I've got a tableview that loads from an array of NSDictionaries. Each Dictionary has a title (shown in the row) and an associated nssstring representing a viewcontroller that should be pushed onto the stack when the row is selected....

Weird updates when using reloadRowsAtIndexPaths: in a table

I've got a table where the accessoryView button in the cell is replaced by a custom check mark icon. If the time interval for a pair of temperature settings is enabled, the cell row shows a check mark, along with a time, heating and cooling value. If the time is disabled, no check mark, and time displayed in the timefield.text is modifie...

Releasing a delegating object in its delegate callback method

I'm trying to figure out what the recommended practice is for the following situation. Certain objects, such as CLLocationManager or MKReverseGeocoder, send their results asynchronously to a delegate callback method. Is it OK to release that CLLocationManager or MKReverseGeocoder instance (or whatever class it may be) in the callback met...

What is the color used in Table View section head / footer text?

This muted blue grey color is all over the place, and I can't find a convenience color that looks even remotely close. Clearly I'm missing something obvious... I'm trying to "fake" a stock look for a UIView that is my section footer for a UITableView. Has anyone else had any luck? My UILabel will also need a white drop shadow. ...

iPhone app like Twitter design structure

I'm new to iOS development and am working on this app that has a similar interface to the official Twitter app. However, I'm not sure how to organize the view controllers and the hierarchy, especially for UITabBar and UINavigationBar (which one is the parent controller?). Can you guys point me to the right direction? I started from a b...

Trouble with detecting touches inside a moving UILabel

I have a subclass of UILabel (MYLabel), and I'm adding instances of MYLabel to my Main ViewController's View and then animating them (using [UIView beginAnimations:] and [UIView commitAnimations]. If I have a static instance of my MYLabel, it has no problem being touched and calling touchesBegan: but while they are animating, they aren'...

Which iOS frameworks most useful to learn and in what order?

I've just started learning Obj-C and the Cocoa-Touch framework for developing iPhone and iPad applications. When you add a framework to an XCode project I can't help notice there are an enormous number to get familiar e.g. AddressBook, CoreData, Foundation, Security etc. Which frameworks are common to most projects and the most importa...