Can anyone help convert this this actionscript to Objective-c?
if(mcMain.y >= stage.stageHeight - mcMain.height)
mainJumping = false;
mcMain.y = stage.stageHeight - mcMain.height;
Specifically the stage.stageHeight and mcMain.height?
I have an array an a timer that adds a new object to my array every 5 seconds but am running into a slight issue. I have a code that is called repeatably which moves the objects in my array but for some reason the previous object that spawns will stop moving when a new object is spawned into my array. How do I make it so every single obj...
I have this IBAction that is suppose to make a character onscreen jump, however when its called it just moves the character up once, then each call after that the character just moves down more and more. This function should just be called then the character would 'jump' up and then fall straight down off the screen since i havent put i...
What is the quickest way to jump to a particular symbol/selector/class in Xcode? (I'm looking for keyboard shortcuts preferably).
Right now, I know two ways of doing this:
“Open Quickly” > Click on the Symbols dropdown menu at the top of the editor > Select the selector to jump to it.
Click on “Project Symbols” in the “Groups and File...
Ok, I have some C# code that looks like this and I was wondering what other developers would recommend if I am trying to put this into Objective-C.
List<List<string>> meta_data
I'm planning on using NSMutableArray but how to exactly get that two-dimensional array figured out is my problem, since there is no such thing as a multidimens...
Still learning Objective-C / iPhone SDK here. I think I know why this wasn't working but I just wanted to confirm.
In awakeFromNib, if I use [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:...] it actually allocates (iPhone) system memory with this NSMutableDictionary data, but when I use [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:...] it ...
I'd really appreciate some advice around testing for errors using OCMock.
Method Under Test
It grabs a process using an instance of the AppScriptController class.
@implementation ProcessGrabber
-(void)grabProcess {
NSError *error = nil;
NSString *processName = [appScriptController processName:ProcessRef
I've been searching around for tutorials on how to save certain things to NSuserdefaults but have only found stuff mostly dealing with arrays and strings. Can anyone lead me to or give some person knowledge about saving and loading a int. For my application I have my int highScore = 0; but I want it to save this int into your NSuserdefau...
Objective-C uses a sophisticated message-passing system when one object calls a method on another object. I want to know if it is possible, within the called method, to determine what the calling object was?
For example:
@implementation callingClass
- (void)performTest
calledObject = [[[calledClass alloc] init] autorelease];
Hello, I'm designing an application that reads data to the iPod touch/iPhone that is sent to it via multicast sockets with UDP and I need to store it as a file in a document directory. Does that exist on on the iPhone or iPod Touch? I know there is NSFileHandle and NSFileManager, which is what I plan on using, to take care of reading and...
I have a very simple Mac Cocoa app that just has a Web View that loads an HTML file with some CSS and JavaScript. I have hooked up the app delegate to this method:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
NSString* filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"index" ofType: @"html"];
NSURL *ur...
I think I'm going blind, because I can't figure out where the syntax error is in this code:
if( cell == nil ) {
titledCell = [ [ [ TitledCell alloc ] initWithFrame:CGRectZero
reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier ] autorelease
switch( cellNumber ) {
case 1:
NSString *viewDataKey = @"Name";
When I try to...
i got 3 syntax errors:
"syntax error before "}" token"
my code was
IBOutlet UITextView *fruitDescription
"syntax error before "{" token"
my code was
- (void)viewDidUnload {
"syntax error before "{" token"
my code was
- (void)dealloc {
Any ideas?
How do I manually touch a UIView means programattically.
I want to touch a view inside a UIScrollView touch manually.
Any idea how to do this?
Or how do I manually call UIScrollView's scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating?
I've been asking a question or two over the past few days of working on an application that keeps a custom toolbar aligned to the top of the iPhone keyboard. I'm using the method described by Josh in this question; basically, I have the view controller listen for the UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and add the toolbar as necessary.
The v...
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface UIView : UIResponder {
IBOutlet UILabel *endLabel;
IBOutlet UIButton *goButton;
IBOutlet UITextField *textBox1;
IBOutlet UITextField *textBox2;
@property(nonatomic, retain) UILabel *endLabel;
@property(nonatomic, retain) UIButton *goB...
I am new to Objective-C and I am looking for an eval statement like I have used in Matlab.
If you are not familiar with this, you can build a character string and then eval that string, which treats it like it is a line of code.
Here is a example where you would want to change the background color of one of a series of 4 buttons base...
Is there a more efficient way to add objects to an NSMutable Dictionary than simple iteration?
// Create the dictionary
NSMutableDictionary *myMutableDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// Add the entries
[myMutableDictionary setObject:@"Stack Overflow" forKey:@""];
Implemented my own drawRect method and I'm trying to redraw the shape from a Controller class and I can't figure out how to correctly implement setNeedsDisplay to redraw the UIView. Please help!!
I know the code is ugly, but here is the custom method:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect{
// Drawing code
NSArray *kyle = [self pointsForPolygo...
When I run my iPhone app with Instruments Leaks and parse a bunch of NSDates using NSDateFormatter my memory goes up about 1mb and stays even though these NSDates should be dealloc'd after the parsing (I just discard them if they aren't new).
I thought the malloc (in my heaviest stack trace below) could become part of the NSDate but I a...