Finding image name loaded into UIImage instance
How can I find out what the image name (usually file name?) loaded into a UIImage instance is? In this case, they were all initWithContentsOfFile:. ...
How can I find out what the image name (usually file name?) loaded into a UIImage instance is? In this case, they were all initWithContentsOfFile:. ...
I have a tree of data that I would like to present to the user in a top-down manner, the way you see parse trees presented. Conceptually, the data have a lot in common with what an NSOutlineView would present: hierarchical structure, tree nodes can be be expanded and reordered, etc. I'm trying to figure out how I might be able to manip...
I'd like to rotate an instance of the class RMMarker on the map of my iPhone app, to the current bearing the person is heading. The RMMarker uses a UIImage , and it's a little blue arrow. If RMMarkers used a UIImageView, rotating wouldbe a piece of cake, because I would use CGAffineTransformMakeRotation. But RMMarker's use UIIMages, so ...
Is there an method to get the contents of a folder in a particular order? I'd like an array of file attribute dictionaries (or just file names) ordered by date modified. Right now, I'm doing it this way: get an array with the file names get the attributes of each file store the file's path and modified date in a dictionary with the d...
I am writing a program that displays to a console-like UITextView different events generated by my AudioSession and AudioQueues. For instance, when I detect that my audio route has changed, I just want a quickie message displayed on the screen on my iPhone that this happened. Unfortunately, I believe I am getting into some race conditi...
i want to create something like this. open map application(means maps) then when maps closed reopen my application.also tell me if it is possible will it be possible in iphone OS 2.0. i know about weak linking of frameworks as apple did in mail composer sample. ...
Hi, i have coded following in appDelegeate .m file .but i cant run presentModalViewController method.if i run [self.window addSubview:mview] ,it does not show the result..?any help to go from one controller to another controller?here mtController is Navigationcontroller. - (void)flip { MViewController *mview = [[MViewController all...
if i run following gives error,current controller is table controller.... SetController *aSecondView = [[SetController alloc] initWithNibName:@"Sets" bundle:nil]; SchedAppDelegate *mainDelegate = (SchedAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; [mainDelegate setSettingsViewController:aSecondView]; [UIView...
Hey all I have a simple xml doc.. it is well formed and passes correctly when using: xmlData = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:xmlURL ]; Over WiFi or 3G. However I receive a NSXMLParserPrematureDocumentEndError when using G1. I'm thinking the slower connection somehow cuts off the xml document after some time but can't ...
I have an application that changes the desktop background for users based on files they specify. It worked quite well in 10.4 and 10.5, but Apple seems to have changed some system notifications which means the code I had written no longer works. I was wondering if anyone has seen any examples, or have worked out how to change the image...
I have an NSMutableArray of objects in Objective C. I'm filling this up based on the contents of a data file, which contains the class each element should be and a list of parameters. All of the possible classes inherit from a common parent class. Is there any way of instantiating each element of the array without hard-coding each of th...
Hi everybody I have this simple scenario: main.m (which is my main class) myClass.m (which is an additional class) In my plans it should happen something like this (in MAIN.m) myClass *foo = [[myClass alloc] init]; NSArray *array = [foo returnAnArray]; What myClass does is opening a new NSURLConnection, retrieving some data and ...
Hi My application crashes when the autorelease pool is released. The reason seems to be that the object with autorelease message is sent a release message sometime before the pool is released, hence the application crashes for object which is already released. Hence I want to find which objects have a pending autorelease message, so t...
How do I replace the black popup bubble with a custom view when clicking an annotation? ...
i have a uilabel and a uislider on a view. i want to set label's time using slider.range of slider is 00:00:00 to 03:00:00. means 3 hours.and intervel on slider is 0.5 minutes.also how to show.i want the timer runs even if application is closed. ...
i have a view in which i want to play a video if user recorded or show photo taken from camera in a custom size screen.any help appreciated. ...
i want to display a map using two location in which one updates continously.and also i want to show custom pin icon in map view ...
I have managed to avoid C and C++ up until now (except for a few HelloWorlds), and have instead worked in higher-level languages. I've worked and lived in VB6, then Java, then C#, then ActionScript, and now Ruby. I've recently become curious about programming for the IPod Touch/IPhone. Though I've seen some possibilities for avoiding Ob...
In one of the code examples from Apple, they give an example of searching: for (Person *person in personsOfInterest) { NSComparisonResult nameResult = [ compare:searchText options:(NSCaseInsensitiveSearch|NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch) range:NSMakeRange(0, [searchText length])]; if (nameResult == NSO...
Hi to all, I've tried to read on apple documentation but I can't find anywhere how to capture key event (space or other) into an NSDocument application. With initialFirstRepsodner if I've understand well it's not possible to do. Any idea? thanks to all! Andrea ...