Using MapKit as a base, I'm planning on adding a map to a project with 'local search' capabilities. I think 'local search' describes the feature I want to design into the map. Here is my vision. The map is displayed on the bottom half of a view. The user's current location is highlighted by default. When the user pushes the 'search' but...
Hi there..
I have developed my first iphone app, but have some problems with the auto rotation. After a rotation the screen is cut off, and I have to switch to another tab and then back to get it right..
I guess, if I can reload the the view after the rotation, it will probably work fine.. Any tips on how to do that (or alternative so...
When I compile the code below I get the following warning: Incompatible type sending "ITunesFinder *" expected "id"? I am only just starting out and to be truthful am a little confused by this example. I would be interested to know if there is a way to write this example without using the delegate class?
I am also a little confused by ...
As a picture says more than a thousand words:
Any help on how to add descriptive labels to a settings pane would be highly appreciated!
I should point out that I want to do this to be in the iPhone-App settings that are in the Settings menu of the iPhone (outside the App).
Example label:
iPhone -> Settings -> Safari -> Fraud Warning...
Is there a best practice way to store username and password on the iPhone? I am looking for something that is obviously secure but will also keep the info between app updates.
I need to construct an arbitrary NSMethodSignature with "signatureWithObjCTypes:" in Cocoa without having an object that I can ask for a signature with "methodSignatureForSelector:".
For this, I need the method encoding, which e.g. is
(BOOL) isEqual: (id) object
I tried @encode(...) to obtain a type encoding, but th...
iPhone Telephone App -> Recents -> All/Missed Animation
How can I implement that cell adding/removing animation in my own UITableView? I tried the following:
[tableController.aTable beginUpdates];
[tableController.aTable deleteSections:self.sectionIndexes withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
[tableController.aTable deleteRowsA...
I have:
NSDate *d = [[NSDate alloc] init];
unsigned unitFlags = NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit;
NSDateComponents *dc = [calendar components:unitFlags fromDate:d];
// doing something with, dc.month, dc.year
[dc release];
[d release];
I've tried removing the "doing something.. part", just did a get a...
I have create my own NSOpenGLView class, right now the data that i want to displayed with an inverted co-ordinate system.
The origin starts at the bottom-left corner. I would like to change it so that the co-ordinate starts at the top-left corner.
How should I inverted the view/setup a new co-ordinate system.
Now I'm sure a lot of you have seen this error message when trying to submit an application in the apple store. And so have I , however I have done everything right just as described on the developers portal.
Got all the profiles and certificates correct( triple checked) and when I try to build under distribution even here it will not g...
Hey everyone, i am having trouble finding a memory leak. all off my retain counts = 0 when i dealloc them but still I am flagging up a leak from the following bit of code:
- (GKSession *) peerPickerController:(GKPeerPickerController *)picker sessionForConnectionType:(GKPeerPickerConnectionType)type {
inSession = [[GKSession alloc] initW...
I am wondering whether it's possible to use an NSArray/NSMuatbleArray with C types as elements, namely CGLayerRef?
If adding CGLayerRef objects to the NSMutableArray the code compiles but a warning is thrown:
warning: passing argument 1 of
'objectForKey:' makes pointer from
integer without a cast
Thus my question: How can...
I have a very basic question regarding properties in Objective-C.
I can only access object's properties via dot notation (Obj.MyProp) if I @synthesize myProp. Is that correct?
Would it be true to say that if I use my own setter method, I will no longer be able to refer to property in dot notation?
Basically I am looking for C# type of...
I am sure I have read this somewhere, Can anyone tell me what the < > represent in the following interface?
@interface GameFinder : NSObject <NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate>
is NSObject adopting <NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate> ?
One thing that is confusing me ...
in the example I have.The interface shows NSNetServiceBrowserDel...
I have multiple superposed controls which can handle a mouse click under certain conditions. What I want to be able to do is:
The top control receives the
mouseDown: event.
The top control decides if it handles the mouseDown: event.
If it does, do something and prevent other controls from receiving the mouseDown: event.
If it does not,...
I'm customizing a UIPickerView's rows, so I'm implementing the viewForRow method in it's delegate as follows:
- (UIView *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView viewForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component reusingView:(UIView *)view {
if (view) {
return view;
} else {
NSString *s = [datePickerValues...
while typing in Xcode, (objective - c for iPhone dev)
Suppose I write
[[here mySprite is an object of sprite class ( cocos2d - for game development ). ]]
After writing this, if I press ## esc ## key.
It will show me all the methods.
Lets take an example,
If I am using [mySprite position]; method,
How can I came to kno...
I have a factory-type class that creates its products based on the traits of another object. This means that I need a reference to the input object somewhere. I am planning to either:
A) Define the input object as a property and set it in a custom init method. So the factory's owner calls "initWithObject:", then calls "createProduct"...
I'm using Aran Mulhollan' RemoteIOPlayer, using audioqueues in the SDK iphone.
I can without problems:
- adding two signals to mix sounds
- increasing sound volume by multiplying the UInt32 I get from the wav files
BUT every other operation gives me warped and distorted sound, and in particular I can't divide the signal. I can't...
If you store NSNumber* as a key to NSMutableDictionary, does it do the lookup later based on the key's address or stored value? It seems that if I store NSNumber in two dictionaries with the value from one serving as the key to the other, sometimes, the key isn't found in the 2nd dictionary even though I'm certain it's in there.
What I'...