
can objective-c pointers be re-used?

Here is what I try to do: In a simple view-based project, I added a variable in appDelegate NSObject* gObj; @property(noatomic,retain) NSObject* gObj; @synthesize gObj; then in the testviewController.m viewDidLoad() I added such test code: testAppDelegate* delegate=[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; NSObject* p1=[NSObj...

How to update an NSUserDefault

I have the following code which should update a value in NSUserDefaults: - (id) createBoardWithTitle:(NSString *)pTitle withScores:(NSArray *)pScores andNames:(NSArray *)pNames andDisplayStrings:(NSArray *)pStrings orderBy:(NSString *)pOrder ofType:(NSString *)pType { if((self == [super init])) { boardEntries = [NSMutable...

How to determine the number of parameters/keywords of a selector

I know it can be done by decoding the selector name returned from sel_getName. But is there any other more convenient preloaded info in runtime that I can get? ...

single html page - html charts -

I need html - java script / jquery charts using single file. What do I need is as follows? Above links are just for creating bar charts I need to create line chart as well as pie charts & other charts. I don't have knowledge regarding java scripts jQuery. Inshort - I need the reports within single file. ( that is - no extra .css file ...

Automatically Loading At App Start

[Cocoa/Objective-C] I adapted a timer routine (for current time) from this site (and it works great - thanks). It's currently attached to a button. My question is: How do I make it start when my app starts up (and not use a button) (in other languages, I'd simply put the action listener or timer in the Form)...? Thank for any help on...

On the iPhone, what would be the locale identifier for forcing US english representations of numbers?

In particular I want to guarantee that the formatting of a number uses , (commmas) for separating digits regardless of the current locale of the device. NSNumberFormatter *numFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; [numFormatter setLocal:@"??????"] ...

Parsing SVG path in objective-c

Hi, i need to parse some paths of an SVG file, they are simple lines. When retrieving the data i end up with this string: m 0,666.6479 254.28571,0 According to SVG specifications m denotes a new current point then the following 2 numbers are the position and the laters are relative positions to the first one. So that would create ...

Objective-C: CoreData Getting related Entity in one-to-many

Hi guys, IN a bit of a pickle. I am implementing a CoreData solution and I have two entities, Site and Post. Now Site has many Posts as Post belongs to one Site, as reflected in the model diagram. In my entity code I have : Site.h @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * name; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * url; @property (...

NS_INLINE and Xcode debugger

Single stepping through code that uses any of the NS_INLINE functions from NSGeometry.h causes the debugger to lose sync with the current instruction pointer, making debugging the routines very difficult. I've tried #undef NS_INLINE at the top of my implementation file,#define NS_INLINE in the precompiled header, looking for pragmas, co...

difference between carbon and cocoa ?

What is the difference between carbon and cocoa ? For what type of applications we should use carbon and for what type of applications we should use cocoa ? Which is the best of both for developing applications in Mac OS ? ...

Detecting the type of iPhone interrupt

I can detect that the iPhone went to sleep and came back from sleep, by using the applicationWillResignActive and applicationDidBecomeActive. But how do I find out what kind of interrupt it was. I am making an audio player application, and need to keep the audio playing when the iPhone goes to sleep (which I know how to do). But I need t...

What's the best why to do a local high scores board in my app?

Hello, I'm trying to make a local high scores board for my app, but with no success till now. I searched anywhere for a local high score board code but didn't found any. What is the best why to write such a thing? If you can please post example code. Thanks. ...

Getting the current locale 24/12 hour style in Cocoa Touch

I'm trying to figure out whether or not the current locale uses a 12 hour or a 24 hour clock. I've been checking out NSDateFormater to no avail. Any leads? Thanks! ...

Create a Map with "Struct" in NSDictionary in Objective-c?

Hi, I want to Create a NSMutableDictionary with an Integer Mapping to an strucuter(struct). Example: int nVar = 1; typedef struct { NSString *pstrName; }sSampleStruct; sSampleStruct *sObject = {@"test"}; NSMutableDictioary *pSampleMap = [[NSMutableDictioary allo] init]; [pSampleMap setObject:sObject forKey:[[nsnumber alloc] initwith...

Is there an easy way to convert an Objective-C 2.0 file to Objective-C 1?

Is there an easy way to convert an Objective-C 2.0 file to Objective-C 1? I am writing a Cocoa app, and I decided to support Tiger, which doesn't support Obj. C 2.0. I know I should have thought of it before I wrote a whole bunch of code, but is there an easy way to convert it back? Thanks! ...

Locking Your Own NSPreferencePane?

Is it possible to implement a locking effect in a NSPreferencePane that we create? Similar to the lock found in other system preferences panes (such as Energy Saver, etc) I know that I could create a keychain item and then just have the enabled boolean of the controls bound to something that depends on the user authenticating successful...

macos : list windows and detect new windows

Hello, I would like to have a list of windows which is quite simple but I need as well to : be notified when a new window appears be notified when an existing window dissapears detect when positon / size of windows change Do you have any ideas for this? Thanks in advance ...

Why does the compiler say I haven't declared my variable?

Hello all, I am getting an error in Xcode that says "whatEverVariable is undeclared" This is happening inside the .m file and also outside of the class itself. I have declared the variable inside the curly braces of the .h file and am using @property and @synthesize to access the variable. However I am getting that above error in the ...

Would the code described in http://tinyurl.com/yd2ar3q work for itunes' purchased AAC format?

I'm making an iphone app that needs to adjust audio speed, and in the question here , it decompresses audio, so I'm concerned with it working for Itunes' Encoded/Purchased AAC Audio format. Will it work? ...

Non-Mainstream Languages, Bad for your resume?

Hi folks, I got my BS in Computer Science about seven years ago. I spent two years in neuroscience research and the next three providing what amounts to tech support. But I love computer programming - and I have since written, as a freelancer, non-trivial commercial code in Haskell, Smalltalk, and Objective-C. I used these languages be...