
Asterisk usage in Objective-C: related questions

I had a couple questions related to this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2035994/asterisk-usage-in-objective-c NSArray array; in a local scope would be an object "allocated" on the stack. NSArray *array; indicates an object backed by a hunk of memory, typically allocated from the heap. How do you know when something is allocat...

__OBJC__ in objective C

What does __OBJC__ mean in Objective C? #import <Availability.h> #ifdef __OBJC__ #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #endif ...

Why won't my x-axis show with core-plot on the iPhone?

EDIT: I think my question is better phrased as: How can I have a Y-axis that doesn't start at zero? It seems like the x-axis always gets placed at the y=0, but I would like the x-axis to be at some positive number on the y-axis. Here's a graph with more reular data... I just wish the x-axis was placed at the minimum y-value for the plot...

Playing movie in Potraitmode in iphone using MPMoviePlayerController Class

Hi All, Is it possible to play the movie in potrait mode using MPMoviePlayerController Class ? Any suggestions or any alternative methods for achieving this ?? Thanks ...

Can't paste (Command+V) into an NSTextField

For some reason, an NSTextField isn't allowing me to paste anything into it using Command+V, though I can paste into it if I right-click and click 'Paste'. Why is this happening and how do I fix it? ...

iPhone Table View Data Edit Pane

I have an application I'm working on, and I need the user to be able to add new "Shows", "Movements" and "Dots." These are all represented by classes. At the root of the application, all the shows are shown, the user can click on the show, see the movement in that show, then tap on a movement and see the dots in the movement. It works be...

animate my custom number pad

I create my own number pad view successfully and I want to simulate the default number pad appear animated effect, but it can't work fine, it can't animate as default number pad, how do I modify? I have a UITextField call "fNumber" and a custom number pad view call myNumberPadView and created by interface builder, when the "fNumber" is ...

NSPopUpButton as a NSTextAttachment in a cell in a NSTableView

I have a NSPopUpButton subclass that i use as a NSTextAttachmentCell. This cell is inside an NSAttributedString that is the data of a cell in a NSTableView. Now I d like to get the mouse events on the cell in the table trough to the NSTextAttachmentCell. Currently the events do not get trough to the attachment cell, unless the cell in th...

Prevent disabled UIButton from propagating touch events

My application has two overlapping UIButtons. The top button may be disabled at times. However, in this case any touch events it receives seem to be passed down to the underlying view, which in my case is the other button. What I need is the top button intercepting all touches and preventing them from reaching the bottom button, even in...

Doing comparison on NSDates in different timezones?

Hi I have an array of NSDates which I build from strings using [NSDate dateFromString] In the xml I parsed to get the string there was also a timezone string. As far as I can see in the manual NSDate does not in it self deal with timezones. Do I need to always store this timezone value somewhere and pair it with the belonging NSDate eac...

Dynamically change the textview.keyboardType using segment control

-(void)segmentAction { if(segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 0) { textview.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad; } else { textview.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDefault; } } ...

How to get class name of object in objective c?

Hi, How do I test whether an object is an instance of a particular class in objective c? Let's say I want to see if object a is an instance of class b, or class c, how do I go about doing it? Thanks! ...

Export 2 min QuickTime movie clip in Cocoa

I want to know how to export a 2 minute QuickTime movie in Cocoa. ...

Implement Back action into UITabBarController

Hi, I have a controllerView (MenuControllerView) with a button inside, when I click on the button a new ViewController will appear with a TabBarController created programmatically like this: UIView* topView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,480)]; tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; viewController1 ...

I want to put textview on navigation bar for setting title at runtime through the simulator in objective-c

i want to put the textview on navigation bar to set the title by user through the simulator at the run time. ...

How to get each pixel coordinates of any shape in iPhone

I am using UIView subclass to draw an alphabet using QuartzCore Framework.Using this code only hollow characters are drawn(By Making the stroke color- blue color).Here I need each pixel position (coordinates) of the character that is added on current view.Please give me an idea how I will get each pixel point coordinates(Only the blue po...

how to split a string on the iPhone?

I have got below value(dynamic) from the server: drwxr-xr-x 9 0 0 4096 Jan 10 05:30 California Now i want to get valu like this. drwxr-xr-x 9 0 0 4096 Jan 10 05:30 California Please help me for this question ...

Cocoa: NSDecimalNumber with mantissa and exponent of 0

Mathematically any number with an exponent of 0 is supposed to equal 1 (my remedial math research assures me). But this code produces 5: [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithMantissa:5 exponent:0 isNegative:NO] Is this something standard in computer programming -- that can be relied upon not being "corrected" in future Cocoa versions? ...

Why my Objective-C object doesn't want to be instantiated ?

I've got a problem (in Objective-C/iPhone dev) since more than one week, so I'd be really grateful if someone can help me out. When I instantiate an object from a class that I've written, it returns me nil, but when I launch the debug mode I actually see in the init method that the attributes of self are correctly initialized and it see...

backporting NSWindowDelegates windowDidEndLiveResize behaviour in OSX 10.5?

While 10.6 introduced the neat - windowDidEndLiveResize: et al for NSWindowDelegate, i need similar behaviour in 10.5 to avoid constantly invoking heavier functions via - windowDidResize:. Currently i can only think of a timer-based solution (i.e. checking in short intervals for when the last resize occured), which seems ugly. Is there ...