I am trying to understand how to create my own directory tree and access it from my application.
I am doing some kind of learning program and want to create a directory structure like this:
and so on
I would like to capture a string being pasted into a control and apply some custom formatting to the string before being pasted.
How is this possible?
What’s considered ‘best practice’ when saving Address Book contacts in Core Data?
I’m writing an iPhone App, based on Core Data, where I need to save and recall Address Book contacts as part of the data model.
In the UI I plan to present a screen where the user can pick a contact from the current Address Book, create a new contact to s...
Hi All,
i have an app that uses the iphone camera and puts an overlay over the camera. However it all works fine and i have managed to rotate the UIView to landscape but their is a 20px gap at the top of the view although i have set the positioning to (0,0,480,320).
starContainerView = [[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 48...
I've been developing a Mac OS X framework and I want to use OCUnit in my XCode 3.2.1 project. I've followed several tutorials on how to configure a OCUnit test bundle. The problem is that when I create a test case that uses a function that is defined in one of the framework's sources, I get a building error telling me that the symbol is ...
According to Instruments analysis, I have a memory leak here - and - I'm unsure as to how to properly release the scoresArray object that I have created.
This code does work properly, apart from the leakage. I release the highScoresArray object later in the code - but attempts to release the scoresArray kill the app. I thought that whe...
I have a three view tab bar app the second view of which I want to contain a navigation controller. in the navcontroller the first/root view will be a custom uiview containing a uitableview that when you touch a cell will push another custom uiview in to disclose details about the touched cell.
I have found the documentation on doing t...
Always when I try to set an integer as Object in a NSDictionary the program crashes without a message (nothing in the console). What is wrong in this code? :
NSString *string = @"foo";
int number = 1;
NSDictionary *params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
string, @"bla1", number, @"bla2",nil...
Given this key/value pair:
FirstName = "Steve"
I'd like to set the property of an ABPerson in the iPhone Address Book, like so:
ABRecordSetValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty, @"Steve", nil);
The problem is, I won't always know what key is submitted. (It will be equivalent to a property constant without the "kABPerson" before it,...
Im using the Facebook Data Api and I want to create a Association.
For this I have to use Data.defineAssociation and I want to know, how to set the parameters into a NSDictionary. Im using the Facebook iPhone Sdk:
NSDictionary *params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
// parameters ???
, nil];
[[FBRequest requestWithD...
I am working on an iPhone app that uses a sqlite database. The app downloads data off of the Internet in a background thread with the UI in the main thread. The background download thread can preform INSERT, UPDATE, and SELECT on the database. The UI layer can also interact with the database by doing UPDATEs and SELECTs. If I...
I want to provide access an sqlite database in Objective C. I don't want the caller to bother about the DB itself and so I intend to do something like this in my DataStore.m:
#import "DataStore.h"
#import <sqlite3.h>
static sqlite3 *database = nil;
@implementation DataStore
+ (void) initialize {
if(self != [DataStore class])
I have a distance as a float and I'm looking for a way to format it nicely for human readers. Ideally, I'd like it to change from m to km as it gets bigger, and to round the number nicely. Converting to miles would be a bonus. I'm sure many people have had a need for one of these and I'm hoping that there's some code floating around some...
I am trying to render font glyphs at a specific point with some precision, and am having quite a bit of trouble with it.
To begin with, the Text Position Y value never changes, so I cannot get the glyph's height at all. For example, in the following code, the assertion always fires:
CGContextSelectFont(g, "Arial", 32.0f, kCGEncoding...
I want to play the video on iphone locally by storing the video in the app.
how can i do?
I found this code to display a modal view:
- (void)add:(id)sender {
// Create the root view controller for the navigation controller
// The new view controller configures a Cancel and Done button for the
// navigation bar.
RecipeAddViewController *addController = [[RecipeAddViewController alloc]
Basically I want to try and develop a basic iPhone app. I have 2 - 3 years experience in Java, and am currently studying C now - have done pointers memory management, etc. but very briefly.
Is Objective C going to deviate too much from the C that I have learnt so far, so it will be like learning a brand new language? Or should I be able...
Would anybody have a link to a tutorial to add a playback progress bar to AVAudioPlayer?
I've searched extensively on this site and on google to no avail
Hello Everybody,
i want to add a data indicator line similar to the following image in core-plot.
Any idea how i can achieve this using core-plot. I have just started to understand core-plot, so any tip will be very useful.
Edit :
For better understanding i have created a screencast to show what i mean :
I am using TabBar with more than 5 icons, co I get the MoreViewController as well and can edit icons in the TabBar. But I did not find the option how to forbid editing of one of the icons - similar to More. How can i fixate one icon?
In the docu there is description of beginCustomizingItems, which if containing the item, will make it no...