I have created a UITableViewcontroller and a UINavigationController in a TableController.m
with UITableviewCell set to say @"CellOne" @"CellTwo". Now i also created two other files
where if i click on CellOne i should be able to get the view placed on ImageView1.m, same applied to the ImageView2.m.Ho...
How do I check if my value is a integer or not?
I want something like this:
if ( i/split != int ) {...}
Hi Guys,
Can Any one suggest me which is the better approach to work with NSInputStream.
And I need a sample code to implement it in an sample application.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Monish Kumar.
Hello ! Everyone.
Just do following steps & you will understand what problem I am facing right now.
Create a new project from template.
File / New Project - Navigation based application.
Create any 32 x 32 image (.png) from any image editor & name it as icon.png
Drag that file to your applications resources.
Compile & run your project...
I am trying to get a plugin working for Interface Builder.
Interface Builder version 3.2.
XCode 3.2.1
Mac OS X 10.6.2
I follow the Quick Start directions on the Apple Developer Site:
How can I format a users text field input as they type and insert a "-" or " " on every 5th character.
4500000000000000 becomes 4500 0000 0000 0000
I have objects with location data stored in Core Data, I would like to be able to fetch and display just the nearest point to the current location. I'm aware there are formulas which will calculate the distance from current lat/long to a stored lat/long, but I'm curious about the best way to perform this for a set of 1000+ points stored...
NSString * theString=@"e88d";
NSData * data;
// something I should implement
NSLog(@"%@", theString);
NSLog(@"%@",[data description]);
I want the results of the two printings are the same.
AES encryption and decryption:
(1).The server:
if the plaintext is :@"abcd";
the AES encrypted data(NSData data type) is :"d882830c dc892...
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if I could select objects based on a predicate with an array... for example
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"id=%@", arrayOfID];
Will it work? If no, how can I do it?
I have created a program with UITableViewController and a UINavigationController and placed the names for the UITableViewCell as say
Now i have other two classes
Class 1
Class 2
to be called in the each cell when they are selected.
Like when i press CellOne cell then it should give a detail view, where...
I have this code in one of my classes:
- (void) processArray
NSMutableArray* array = [self getArray];
. . .
[array release];
array = nil;
- (NSMutableArray*) getArray
//NO 1:
NSMutableArray* array = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
//NO 2:
NSMutableArray* array = [NSMutableArray array];
. . .
how can i create a executable file to iphone? i have written my code in objective c using xcode i want to create a application that must run on any iphone..
i want to go by a legal way with no jail breaking.
please any body help..
does anybody know, how i could create automatically a UML class diagram from an already existent iphone project. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
how i can deploy an application to iphone but not run the application. is it possible ?
Hi Guys I Got a prb in AvAudioRecorder that the sound was not recording and it was no playing
and my code is
in .m:
#import "AudioRecorderViewController.h"
@implementation AudioRecorderViewController
// The designated initializer. Override if you create the controller programmatically and want to perform customization that is no...
Hi All,
I want to change the variable value which is a member of a structure of another class.
But the value is not getting changed.
Here is the code.
typedef struct {
int a;
double b;
} SomeType;
//Class which has the structure as member..
@interface Test2 : NSObject {
// Define some class which uses Some...
Hello, guys.
I have a UITableView that in 'normal' mode, show a UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator meaning if the user taps the row, another list is showed, like HIG says:
"Disclosure indicator. When this
element is present, users know they
can tap anywhere in the row to see the
next level in the hierarchy or the
I'm wondering if it is possible to send a message (programatically) to a document-based application to create a new document with some special content inside it. I'm creating two applications and the first has to call the second one sending it some data.
I've tried with the Apple Events but it doesn't seem to work.
Thanks in adv...
Is there a way to remove the blinking cursor from an UITextfield while it is in editing mode?
I tried searching through the UITextfield class for an appropriate method but can't find one.
Alternatively I could use an UILabel but this would not make the keypad to come up.
Hey Guys ,
I wanted to make a basic custom keypad for the iPhone ,
I did manage to terminate the default iPhone keypad.
I have made simple Q W E R T Y and Spacebar keys ..
I want to input text as QWERTY with the buttons and then if I click and put the blinker(yes the UITextView is editable) before Q and try to append it the next string...