I have a method
And I am detaching a new thread
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(myMethod) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
How can I pass a MyObject* through @selector(myMethod)?
link-mbp:~ benb$ p4 Perforce client
error: Connect to server failed;
check $P4PORT. TCP connect to 1666
failed. connect: 1666: Connection
refused link-mbp:~ benb$
though when I check p4 set it shows all the right data for those environment variables.
I'm getting confused by pointers in objective-c.
Basically I have a bunch of static data in my code.
static int dataSet0[2][2] = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}};
static int dataSet1[2][2] = {{4, 5}, {6, 7}};
And I want to have an array to index it all.
dataSets[0]; //Would give me dataSet0...
What should the type of dataSets be, and how would I...
in my code:
#import "MyViewController.h"
#import "AVFoundation/AVAudioPlayer.h"
- (IBAction)playSound{
AVAudioPlayer *myExampleSound;
NSString *myExamplePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"myaudiofile" ofType:@"caf"];
myExampleSound =[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:myExampl...
I have a UINavigationController consisting of a tableview I want to load some data into.
I have a dictionary plist containing Dictionaries for each Train Line which in turn have dictionaries for each station with the relevant information along with one string lineName. I need to collect the station Names keys and add them to an array to...
hi im new i have a UITextView field on a view and when i orientate the iphone to the right side the keyboard doestn move it stays horizontal. how do i make it move along?
-(IBAction)playSound{ AVAudioPlayer *myExampleSound;
NSString *myExamplePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"myaudiofile" ofType:@"caf"];
myExampleSound =[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:myExamplePath] error:NULL];
myExampleSound.delegate = self;
[myExampleSound play];
I want to play...
ive set the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation to return to YES for orientation then i noticed as the iphone rotates the background rotates as well which is a UIImageView. how do i have the background fixed so it doesnt rotate?
Hi guys,
I am trying to create a custom twitter application.But, I am not getting how to create.
Any one help me to solve this.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I'm consistently seeing the same message sent in as a crash report from users of an app. It's clear that an object is being over-released but I'm unable to replicate it and I'm looking for tips on tracing the source of it.
The relevant section from the crash report shows this:
Application Specific Information:
objc_msgSend() selec...
Hi guys, I’m trying to register a custom application in twitter can any one give some suggestions how to register a custom application in twitter? As I am new to twitter I didn’t found any controls to create to register for creating a custom application. Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thank you,
does a method such as "eval" in Javascript exist in Objective-C (iPhone SDK) ?
I use PhoneGap and I want to create a window which is specific for each of my project and I can't use the html file... so I want from JS call a method and give in argument OC code to ben interpreted ...
Any idea?
Thank you for your help
I assume that on a 32-bit device like the iPhone, assigning a short float is an atomic, thread-safe operation. I want to make sure it is. I have a C function that I want to call from an Objective-C thread, and I don't want to acquire a lock before calling it:
void setFloatValue(float value) {
globalFloat = value;
Hi !
I have an UITextField and I just would like that every tap on a character, the first character is deleted. So just have one character in my textField every time.
Moreover I would to to display every tap in the console log.
Have you got an idea?
AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
NSError *err = nil;
[audioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:&err];
NSLog(@"audioSession: %@ %d %@", [err domain], [err code], [[err userInfo] description]);
[audioSession setActive:YES error:&err];
err = nil;
I want to add my UIImage directly into the file instead of converting into UIImagePNGRepresentation or UIImageJPGRepresentation(as it takes time) like:-
UIImage *im = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:ref];
[array addObject:im];
NSData *data = [array objectAtIndex:i];
[data writeToFile:path atomically:YES];
But it is showing error.
So the...
Hi there!
Maybe a FAQ at this website.
I have a TableViewController that holds a form. In that form I have two fields (each in it's own cell): one to select who paid (single selection), and another to select people expense is paid for (multiple selection).
Both fields open a new TableViewController included in an UINavigationControlle...
How can I set label's border which is dynamically generated (Not from Interface Builder)?
To understand my problem let's follow this steps.
Open - XCode -> New Project -> View based application.
Open View Controller.xib file.
Drag an image-view into viewController's view.
Place that image view on center of viewController's view.
Apply size of 125x125 to image-view.
Take any image with dimension of 320 width & 460 height.
I'm using a Objective-C Scripting Bridge to communicate with InDesign CS3/CS4. Unfortunately I'm stuck on Save command which appears to be existing only as a part of the standard suite and not defined again in InDesign. Because of that it looks like I can Save, Save as but not Save Copy a document. Does anyone have any idea how to...