So I'm saving small images to core data which take a really short amount of time to save, like .2 seconds but I'm doing it while the user is flipping through a scroll view so in order to improve responsiveness I'm moving the saving to a thread. This works great, everything gets saved and the app is responsive. However, there is one thi...
Hello community
I don't have any idea how to post a JSON RPC request using Obj-C. Can anyone help me?
So far I have:
responseData = [[NSMutableData data] retain];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://*************/services/json-rpc"]];
NSString *jsonString = @"{\"jsonrpc\": ...
Hi, I've a small issue here. I am using an if statement with UIAlertView and I have two situations, both result in UIAlertViews. However, in one situation, I want to dismiss just the UIAlertView, the other, I want the UIAlertView to be dismissed and view to return to root view.
This code describes is:
if([serverOutput isEqualToString:@...
Is there a way to create two dimensional NSArray without nesting arrays in the primitive format aFloatArray[][].
Thank you.
Hi, I've an issue with this piece of code:
NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@""];
NSXMLParser *xmlParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url];
//Initialize the delegate.
XMLParser *parser = [[XMLParser alloc] initXMLParser];
//Set delegate
[xmlParser setDelegate:p...
I'm designing an iPad/iPhone app using core data. The main focus of the app is sorting and viewing up to 20,000 PDFs They are ~200KB each. Typically its best to not store BLOBS in a DB, but for desktop systems I've typically seen it said that if the blobs are < 1 MB then its fine to use the DB. Any considerations I should take into count...
Hello, my app appears to be breaking in main.m on a line with contents:
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
What does that line do, and why could it cause a breakpoint to fail?
Is this a memory issue?
I have a CoreData application which uses NSFetchedResultsController. NSFetchedResultsController is useful in that it allows me to access the fetched objects more easily etc. but I find that I have problems with the following:
I get a crash when I display a single row for each section (irrespective of the number of actual rows present) a...
I'm having an extremely annoying problem with Core Data in the iPhone SDK. I would say in general Core Data for the most part appears easy to use and nice to implement.
I have a sqlite database that is being used as a read only reference to pull data elements out for an iPhone app. It would seem there are really mysterious issues relati...
I have attempted to find a way to create a zip archive (or GZip archive) in Objective-C, but my knowledge of the language is still lacking.
I see a way to compress an existing data structure in this question, but it does not seem to answer the question of how to make an archive.
To be explicitly clear: by archive I mean the equivalent...
ViewA load some data from Coredata, then push to the next viewB. In viewB, there are some function, that will change the content of viewA (meaning viewB change the content of core data). However, when I pop the view back to viewA, my content stay the same as before. How can I fix this?
I was following a tut and found a line of code like @"%@ button pressed.". I'm pretty sure the relevant part is the %@, but is the first @ an escape sequence or what?
Anyways, searching symbols doesn't go well in any search engine so I thought I'd ask. I think the %@ is like {0} in C#?
Everything works fine when the view that holds my table is the main (first) view.
However, when it's not the first view and I switch into that view, my table does not load data and I get an empty table.
Using NSLog I can tell that the program is not invoking numberOfRowsInSection and cellForRowAtIndexPath.
I have <UITableViewData...
I've created a singleton class that loads a plist. I keep getting this error when I try to set a value:
'[ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key test.'
I have one key in the plist file. The key is named "test" and has no value associated with it. I set the value like this:
I am deriving from TableViewCell. When i query the table view about an index path it returns a UITableViewCell. How do i find if this object is one of my custom type "CustomCell"?
How to change cell background image on click on cell in iphone????I have tried following but it is not working....
if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,50) reuseIdentifier:myid] autorelease];
cell.selectedBackgroundView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"my...
Building a search with some custom objects and three scopes: All, Active, and Former. Got it working with the below code:
- (void)filterContentForSearchText:(NSString*)searchText scope:(NSString *)scope {
[[self filteredArtists] removeAllObjects];
for (HPArtist *artist in [self artistList]) {
if ([scope isEqualToString:@"...
What is it im supposed to set in the plist so that it shows that it does not work on the ipad on itunes?
its somthing to do with this but I dont see anything that seems appropriate?
Im still kind of...
I have used navigation controller and 3 screens A,B,C. I have used navigation controller delegate method in A ,where i have reload table data. Now when i m going same in B.But this time Class A delegate and table reload not working,same time Class B delegate and table reload is working. So here how can I reload table in B when th...
I would like to use NSOperations in my application to resolve threading problems. I have read some tutorials and now I know what I have to do, but I have a problem. There is a must to have the same NSOperationQueue in each class. What if I use a new NSOperationQueue in each class. There will be concurrency problems?