
What exactly does the word Patch mean when refering to 'submitting a patch'?

What exactly does the word patch mean when refering to 'submitting a patch'? I've seen this used a lot, especially in the open source world. What what does it mean and what exactly is involved in submitting a patch? ...

Open source projects with great Java/C# code - any suggestions?

Does anyone have any suggestions of large open source projects with high quality code that would be good to study. ...

Java: AWT on Solaris

How is AWT implemented for Solaris? ie: What native libraries, if any, is it dependent on. ...

What open source .Net utility projects or code libraries do you use?

I use log4net in just about every code project. I was wondering what other generally useful code projects are available? ...

How best to get support and feedback for a new open source project?

I wish to start a new open source project. What internet resources are there for gathering support and feedback on the project? ...

Open Source Virgin - What steps to take?

I'm thinking about releasing some of my PHP work as open source using one of the popular open-source licenses out there. I'd like to build a community around it and let contributors other than myself help grow the codebase. For someone who has never released anything as open source before, what are some important things to consider when...

Open source random number generation algorithm in C++?

I need to generate random numbers in the range 1 - 10000 continuously with out duplication. Any recommendations? Description: we are building a new version for our application, which maintains records in Sqlite DB. in the last version of our application, we did not had unique key for each record. But now with new upgraded version, we n...

OpenSource: Collaborative Design

After delving into the world of opensource I have found implementation is emphasised over design. Version control allows for a project to branch off in many directions, which projects may do; this suggests lack of consensus or direction amongst the participants. What software or websites are useful for collaborative design? ...

What is the best free Java based bug tracker?

For internal development team I'm looking for a bug tracker. Important requirements are: Free (must have) WAR/EAR-deployable (must have; support team prefers to have all apps deployed same way) Nice UI (nice to have) UPDATE Since I wrote this, Atlassian has introduced a $10 (ten, not ten thousand!) version of JIRA for 10 developers...

Good Java Process Control Library

Java process control is notoriously bad - primarily due to inadequate support by the Java VM/JDK classes (e.g. java.lang.Process). I am wondering, are there any good open source libraries out there that are reliable. The requirements would be: OSS Start/Stop processes Manage STDIN and STDOUT cross platform (at least Linux, Windows, S...

Is there an easy way to find small open source projects?

It was suggested to me by the SO community to get into an open source project to get myself out there. Id like to find one that is preferably a small project (file size/project size). I figure getting into something that is small will help me get into something that wont take long to understand and start contributing. I tried the big op...

How to update contacts in Zimbra by scripting ?

I have a Zimbra installation and I need to programmaticaly update contacts in it. It seems that its REST interface is only working to add new contacts, but I need to update existing ones. Is there a way, tool or something, open-source, to do that ? ...

Tracker tool in Sourceforge

I am implementing a project on sourceforge. I want to know if any of you have used the tracker tool in sourceforge project hosting site. How does it compare to trac/bugzilla? In case I want/have to use trac, do I have to host it myself? Or can I use some other online hosting? ...

Any open sourced websites?

I have heard of desktop applications whose code has been open-sourced, but are there any websites whose code has been open-sourced? I don't think I have heard of any. If there are aren't any, are there any reasons why? This will have the advantage of not having to wait for the web development team to include a new feature. Also, this wo...

Open Source Software using jQuery

I'm looking for some open source software projects that I can reference to get more depth in my knowledge of programming jQuery. Can you please recommend projects that make heavy use of the jQuery library. ...

Making money with Open Source as a developer?

I'm currently a student (Applied Information Technology) and we do most of our programming in C# and Java. I was wondering how can I as a developer, make money with open source. I know there is the story of give support, or provide services, but I'm not a sysadmin and I don't like sysadmin work. Actually I would love to get my hands on s...

Anyone know of a good algorithm for rendering an HTML table to an image?

There is a standard two-pass algorithm mentioned in RFC 1942: however I haven't seen any good real-world implementations. Anyone know of any? I haven't been able to find anything useful in the Mozilla or WebKit code bases, but I am not entirely sure where to look. I guess this might actually be a deep...

Which open-source comet/ reverse-ajax libraries will you recommend to be used with Tomcat 5.5? Why?

I have seen continuations in Jetty 6.0 that addresses scaling for comet/reverse-ajax applications. Are there any other libraries/frameworks to be used with Tomcat 5.5? ...

Are there any Open-source iPhone applications around?

I'm looking for open source iPhone applications. There are many sample applications around, but not many "complete" applications. Any ideas? ...

Finding an Open Source Project to work on

Hi, I am looking for some direction on finding a good open source project to work on. I am experienced in Java and PHP and am currently learning C, however, I don't know if I am comfortable enough in it yet to contribute anything. I tried looking at mediawiki but there wasn't really anything to do as it is such a big project with so man...