
how to render multiple textures with GLSL

hello, i am about to port all my rendering from "old" opengl to glsl. now i have a mesh with different textures, so in "old" gl i just used bindTexture to change the texture. i guess, i still need to do this, but something is missing, since my everything seems to be rendered with the first texture only. uniform sampler2D tex; void mai...

orientation in openGl

Hi Could someone explain to me what are the up front and right vectors of an object and how are they used ? ...

Why rubygame and gosu are slower than pure opengl ?

I'm looking for a good graphic framework to make a nice 2D game in Ruby. I made 3 very simple test to see which graphic Ruby framework is faster between Gosu and Rubygame. The test creates 1000 instances of a "Square" class that move and draw a red square by the simplest way using the framework's method. The 3rd test is the same thing bu...

glew32.lib linker error

Hi I am writing a basic toon shader in OpenGL. I am using MSVC 2008. I have included the GLEW libraries. I have also set the additional dependencies in linker. But I am getting the following error: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'glew32.lib' Can someone please help me? ...

Only first frame renders with OpenGL in Cocoa

I've been banging my head against a wall for a few days with this. I've read every document I could find and more on the subject of OpenGL and Cocoa. I'm just not understanding where my attempts break and the other ones don't. My code is listed below, it is fairly short as all I'm trying to do is render a rotating triangle. I am not new...

PVRTexture load & display

i want to display pvrtc images in my project which is build using opengl.I know about the tool to convert the png to pvrtc & also i have referd to the PVRTextureloader ex but no help,can u give me a simple ex of loading pvrtc image & displaying it also which files are req such as PVRTexture, to use it. ...

Shader limitations

I've been tuning my game's renderer for my laptop, which has a Radeon HD 3850. This chip has a decent amount of processing power, but rather limited memory bandwidth, so I've been trying to move more shader work into fewer passes. Previously, I was using a simple multipass model: Bind and clear FP16 blend buffer (with depth buf...

glew32.dll run time error

Hi I successfully compiled my OpenGL program in MSVC 2008, But I am getting a Run time error as follows "This application has failed to start because glew32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." Any suggestions to fix the problem? Thanks ...

OpenGL texture won't map - white square?

Alright, so I'm using cairo to turn an SVG into image data for openGL textures. That part works. But now the texture I'm using won't map to the quad I'm making. It's just showing up as a blank square. Is there something up with the order I'm calling things in or is there some secret function I forgot to use? const int SCREEN_WIDTH =...

What might cause OpenGL to behave differently under the "Start Debugging" versus "Start without debugging" options?

I have written a 3D-Stereo OpenGL program in C++. I keep track of the position objects in my display should have using timeGetTime after a timeBeginPeriod(1). When I run the program with "Start Debugging" my objects move smoothly across the display (as they should). When I run the program with "Start without debugging" the objects occ...

Read file and display vertex values in openGL

Hi, I have searched everywhere on the web and found many similar things but never quite like this and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am trying to read the following file: 4 4 // tot number of vertexes & tot number of triangles 0.693361 0.693361 0.693361 // vertex coordinates 0.693361 -0.693361 -0.693361 -0.693361 -0.69...

What type of Pixel Interpolation is used by OpenGL?

Hello, I would like to know what type of Pixel Interpolation is used by OpenGL. Does it use one of the Standard Pixel Interpolation techniques like Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear or Bicubic? ...

Finding an Install of OpenGL for 64 Bit Windows

I am trying to get started on opengl programming from the site. It wants me to install GLUT and the OpenGL SDK. I was able to download GLUT successfully but the link he has on this page does not work on my 64 bit Windows 7 i...

Blending problems (OpenGL)

Hi! A have a question, maybe someone can help me. I am trying to make a mirror effect using OpenGL. I draw a transparent plane, a "reflected" scene cut by stencil, and an original one. But I have a completely non-transparent "wall" instead of the mirror. I know it happens because of the first mirror plane rendering (to get a stencil buf...

Quick Question on QT and OpenGl

I've made a project with QT and OpenGl. In QT paintGl() was repeatedly call I beleive, so I was able to change values outside of that function and call update() so that it would paint a new image. I also believe that it called initializeGl() as soon as you start up the program. Now my question is: I want that same functionality in a d...

Shadows via shadowmaps and other textures - how to combine? OpenGL

Good day. I draw a scene with shadows using shadow maps method (when we're rendering scene from light point of view to retrieve depth buffer, making shadow texture and projecting it on the scene, rendered from a camera point of view) As I use shadowmap texture, all other textured objects, of course, lose their texturing. But I really DO ...

gluUnProject function in openGL

Hi, The following piece of code gives me an error and I'm not able nor to round it ,neither to understand it . enter code here GLdouble objX,objY,objZ; GLdouble modelview1[4][4], projection1[4][4]; GLint viewport1[4]; glGetDoublev( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, *modelview1 ); glGetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, *projection1 ); glGetIntegerv(...

Problem with a volumetric fog in OpenGL

Good day. I am trying to make a volumetric fog in OpenGL using glFogCoordfEXT. Why does a fog affect to all object of my scene, even if they're not in fog's volume? And these objects become evenly gray as a fog itself. Here is a pic Code: void CFog::init() { glEnable(GL_FOG); glFogi(GL_...

QT Webkit & OpenGL Rendering Context

Would it be possible to create a window with a webpage using a webkit component using QT4, then embed an OpenGL context into the middle in the same way a java applet or a flash applet may appear normally? ...

OpenGL 3.2 C# bindings

Hi all. I was developing a my idea on sourceforge. The project links the Tao Framework, but after having read the source code, I tried to generate my OpenGL bindings, with deprecate functions removed. In only two weeks, I've got an initial result (missing some compilable code, again). What I want to ask, is you opinion about: Name su...