
Can the iPhone simulator handle PVR textures?

I have a really weird problem with PVR textures on the iPhone simulator- the framerate falls through the floor on the iPhone simulator, but on the iPhone itself it works just fine. Has anyone had any experiences similar to this? I'm using SDK 3.1.2 ...

GLSL with openGL2 setup problem.

Hi.. I am trying to use GLSL with openGL 2.0. Can anyone give me a good tutorial to follow, so that I can setup GLSL properly. Regards Zeeshan ...

Power of two textures

Can you explain me, why hardware acceleration required for a long time textures be power of two? For PCs, since GeForce 6 we achieved npot textures with no-mips and simplified filtering. OpenGL ES 2.0 also supports npot textures without mipmaps and etc. What is the hardware restriction for this? Just simplified arithmetics? ...

OpenGL window cleared with no WM_PAINT message

I have an application with three MDI windows, all of them showing OpenGL content. On XP, everything works fine. But on Vista/Win7 the mdi child windows don't refresh properly. After startup, all windows show their content properly. But when I change the focus from one mdi window to the next, those two windows are cleared (i.e., they onl...

Boost.Python + OpenGL segmentation faults

I have a (almost) perfectly working C++ code written with Boost.Python. It wraps a shared pointer based structure hierarchy of 3 or 4 classes, nothing terribly complex (i.e. class A has a std::vector of class B instance pointers, etc.), top level package called, say, foo. Some time ago I decided to add visualization to the project using...

Mac dev - Help getting started with 2d games

I want to make some simple 2d games/clones (for Mac), but I have a few questions: Should I use Quartz 2d or OpenGL (I don't plan to try 3d anytime soon) There seems to be a lot of typedef'd things like CGFloat/GLfloat, which should I use? Should I use Objective-C for the game too (classes) or just C? (I assume I'll use Objective-C and ...

Convert Flash art to OpenGL-ready vector format?

Say I have some 2D artwork in Flash CS4 format .FLAs, and I'd like to put it into an iPhone game that uses OpenGL ES, keeping it in vector format. An OpenGL-ready format could just be a list of vertex positions and colors for a triangle strip. Is there a converter available that can do that easily? ...

Game programming book using OpenGL and DirectX

What is in your opinion the best game programming book using OpenGL and DirectX? ...

CVDisplayLink instead of NSTimer

I have started to implement cvDisplayLink to drive the render loop instead of nstimer, as detailed in this technical note Is it better to do the actual rendering within the displaylink callback itself, or should I instead call setNeedsDisplay on the view and let the main threa...

GLPaint with white background

I'm completely new to OpenGL, and I'm trying draw on a white background by reverse engineering GLPaint. I've gone through every combination of kSaturation, kLuminosity and glBlendFunc, AND just about every combination I can think of for brush texture (black on white, white on black, white on trans, alias/no alias, etc), but haven't stumb...

How do I fixate a light source in OpenGL while rotating an object?

I have a glutSolidTeapot (which has its surface normals generated automatically according to and a light source which is emitting diffuse light. The problem comes when I try to rotate the teapot: it seems like the light source is doing the rotation as well, not remaining in the same position I defined it (it essentially follo...

the quake 2 md2 file format (theory)

i am trying to load md2 files in opengl but i noticed that most example programs just use a precompiled list of normals. something like this..... //table of precalculated normals { -0.525731f, 0.000000f, 0.850651f }, { -0.442863f, 0.238856f, 0.864188f }, { -0.295242f, 0.000000f, 0.955423f }, { -0.309017f, 0.500000f, 0.80901...

openGL position and orientation from modelview matrix

Hello! My problem is the following: I have nested object in my opengl scene, and i only know their relative position and orientation. How do I get the absolute position and orientation of the inner object? I' thinking of calculating the modelview matrix of the inner object, and after that i have the current matrix, but how do i conver...

OpenGL 3D Selection Question

I am trying to create a 3D robot that should perform certain actions when certain body parts are clicked. I have successfully (sort of) implemented picking in that if you click on any x-plane part, it registers a hit, but not anywhere else. That is, it is not registering depth, and if you clicked on it's square head, you could only regis...

OpenGL AntiAliasing and Background Quad

I'm drawing a background behind my 3D scene which works as expected (code below). I'm also anti-aliasing the scene using the accumulation buffer (chapter 10 of the red book). ...loop several times (say, n) through code that jitters and draws the image (jittering is moving the image to a slightly different position), accumulating the da...

Cocoa application crashing on OpenGL call

I made a new project and pretty much copied this guide, but whenever I call any OpenGL function it the spot marked // Drawing code here it crashes. I have this there : glViewport(0, 0, [self bounds].size.width, [self bounds].size.height); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, [self bounds].size.width, [self bounds...

Blitting multisampled FBO with multiple color attachments in OpenGL

I have a frame buffer object in an OpenGL program with multiple colour attachments, and am trying to upgrade it to a multisampled FBO. As I understand it, a multisampled FBO is only able to use render buffers, specifically ones created using glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT. If I want something rendered to this FBO in a texture, I ne...

Starting OpenGL Programming "Ultimate" Resource

So I have a class for OpenGL programming next term. I would at least like to have my feet (maybe even my ankles!) wet in the OpenGL pool before the class starts. I am looking for a resource for OpenGL programming, preferably using Visual Studio if at all possible. I know C/C++ and C# pretty well as well as some experience in a handful ...

Managing OpenGL VBO's and color

I'm creating an app that uses VBO's for drawing. The app draws line segments of multiple colors. Therefore, I'm creating a vertex and index array for each color, and sorting the segments into the appropriate array by color. However, I'd like the user to be able to set the color of any line segment. Therefore, my potential number of c...

how can I retrieve the current position of the vertices after they have been transformed?

How can I retrieve the current position of the vertices after they have been transformed? I have the following code.... How can I get the position of the "modelVertices" after the transform has been applied? I am really after the screen coordinates so I can tell if a vert has been clicked by the mouse. glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); /...