
OpenGL - Can I adjust the alpha value of an object without lighting

Hello all, I am rendering a 3D object WITHOUT lighting. However, I would like to change the opacity of this object. Is it possible? Or, will I have any rendering issue? Thank you ...

OpenGL - Display List

Hello all, If I need to change the opacity of an object that is rendered through display list. Should I put the set opacity function inside glNewList and glEndList? Thank you ...

Reason for application using OpenGL accumulation buffer not looking correct

Hi, I have an OpenGL example I wrote years ago demonstrating the lense effect using the accumulation buffer. I compile it under linux, works fine. I cross compile it to windows (gentoo crossdev, i686-mingw32). I start it with wine and on a separate laptop running windows. It looks wrong, it looks like the image did not get accumulated ...

Speeding up an IO bound OpenGL application

Hi guys, I've been working on a point cloud player lately that should be ideally able to visualize terrain data points from a lidar capture and display them sequentially at around 30fps. I, however, seem to have come to a wall resulting from PCI-e IO. What I need to do for every frame is load a large point cloud stored in memory, then...

OpenGL Set Transparent Color for textures...

My question-> How do i make color 255,200,255 transparent in OpenGL? (by transparent i mean removing the pixels color 255,200,255 or whatever works...) my texture loading functions are from this tutorial-> note that i don't have to use Alpha Channels, i have a set of pre-made i...

Cross platform hardware accelerated 2d C++ app?

I know a decent amount of C++, and now I wanted to explore making a game. I was wondering what the best approach would be in terms of writing a hardware accelerated game that's still cross-platform (Windows/OSX/Linux). It's going to be a 2d game, but intensive enough that a CPU renderer probably wouldn't cut it. I know there's OpenGL, b...

OpenGL-OpenTK rotation problems

Hi there! I'm a real noob who just started learning 3d programming and i have a really hard time learning about rotation in 3D space. My problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to rotate an object using it's local coordinates. I have a basic class for 3d objects and, for starters, i want to implement functions that will rotate th...

Total/texture accessible memory by DirectX/Cuda/OpenGL

Hi, Can someone please explain the difference in texture memory as used in the context of Cuda as opposed to texture memory used in the context of DirectX. Suppose a graphics card has 512 MB of advertised memory, how is it divided into constant memory/texture memory and global memory. E.g. I have a tesla card that has totalConstMem as ...

Textarea for Cario:OpenGL

Is there an off the shelf textarea class that uses Cario (targetting OpenGL) as the renderer? By textarea I mean a multiline textfield with wordwrap and width and height constraints. The code that needs to use this class is written in C++. ...

How to get really smooth moving objects using openGL

Dear reader, I'm working on an application where I draw a circular progress indicator which slowly gets "filled", here you can see a couple of images. I'm using intermediate mode and I'm only drawing this circular shape by drawing the vertices at each frame update (see code below). When the circle fills up the border line between the wh...

OpenGL - How Transparency works ?

Do i need Alpha channels for transparency to work in OpenGL? can i use glBlendFunc or anything else to make somehow the Black or White color transparent/not visible? if yes, how to do it? ...

how to compile glblendequation in visual studio 2010?

how to compile glBlendEquation() in visual studio 2010? it say: error C3861: 'glBlendEquation': identifier not found ...

Hide Rubik's Cube Internal Wirings

In the context of a Java/OpenGL application I am drawing a black wired only (without filling) big cube composed of 27 smaller cubes. To do that I wrote the following code: for (int x = 1; x <= 3; x++) { for (int y = 1; y <= 3; y++) { for (int z = 1; z <= 3; z++) { wireCube(x - 2, 2 - y, 2 - z); } } }...

OpenGL: Loading a texture changes the current color

I noticed that when I'm loading a texture, it might change the current drawing color, depending on the texture's color. For example after executing glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, info.biWidth, info.biHeight, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,bitmap); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParame...

Program causes OSX (Snow Leopard 10.6.4) window server to spontaneously crash.

I have a program that uses OpenGL combined with Cocoa and Python using PyObjC. I've recently expanded on my menu making code to show menu selections for maps including map information. When using the new code, the window server will spontaneously crash at some random point (Not random but it appears that way). The new code uses nothing ...

OpenGL and GLUT uncomprehension

i'm completely don't understanding opengl+glut works.... PLEASE explain why he does that? =( I have simple code void display() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glPushMatrix(); ChessboardSurrogate.Draw(6,8,50, 0,0); // draw chessboard(6x8) in (0,0,0) edge per cell 50 glPopM...

Fastest Way to Draw a Static Image in Java

I'm in the process of writing a custom heatmap generator. I'm wondering what the fastest way is to draw boxes (up to around 1 million) in Java. Most questions I've found have concentrated on dynamic images (like in games), and I'm wondering if there's a better way to go for static images. I've tried using swing (via a GridLayout and addi...

Setting near plane in OpenGL.

Hi, i have implemented first person camera in OpenGL, but when i get closer to an object it starts to disappear, so i want to set near plane close to zero so i could get closer to the objects. So if anybody can tell me what is the best way to do that. Thank you. ...

Receiving GLU_TESS_ERROR_5 from GLU Tesselator

Here is my issue. I'm tesselating complex, self intersection, multicontour polygons with hundreds of verticies. The GLU Tesselator crashes with null pointer 0x0000000 issue. It never ever crashes when I do not make self intersecting polygons. If it does not intersect, it will never crash no matter what the circumstances. I check for NULL...

Convert Lunar Lander to use Opengl

I modeled my game after the Lunar Lander demo that Google provides, and it uses Canvas and onDraw() methods, but I want to get better performance by using Opengl. How much work is it to convert it to Opengl? Can I just replace the ondraw methods with opengl's texture methods or something? Or do I have to completely recreate the game? C...