
JEE5 Development Environment

I've got a client who already has some applications in production and therefore has already made some decisions about what their production environment will be for this next project: Sun iPlanet 6.1 SP7 (w/ apache) JDK 1.6 Oracle Weblogic 10 MP3 Oracle 10g 1024-bit SSL They also have some corporate standards for web apps: Tomcat St...

How do I create a manual link on a tree in Oracle APEX when Session State Protection is turned on?

Friends, I'm facing another challenge in APEX and I hope you can help. I have created a tree using the method described in John & Scott's superb book, "Pro Application Express" whereby the page link is stored in a table. Below is an example: go to a page passing some parameters f?p=&APP_ID.:3:&SESSION.::::P3_IDENTIFIER,P3_FAMILY_NA...

Sql: Optimizing BETWEEN clause

Hello guys, I wrote a statement that takes almost an hour to run so I am asking help so I can get to do this faster. So here we go: I am making an inner join of two tables : I have many time intervals represented by intervals and i want to get measure datas from measures only within those intervals. intervals: has two columns, one i...

Crystal Reports XI with Oracle Function wm_concat()

Within Crystal Reports XI I'm trying to have a SQL Expression Field with Oracle 10g function wm_concat(column_name). It appears that Crystal Reports XI is not handling this function properly. If I execute the function wm_concat() within the database, it works fine, however, when trying to use it in Crystal Reports it displays a blank p...

oracle support of pro *c++

Recently I installed oracle 10g and previously I was working with 9i.I noticed many changes and most intriguing was the pro *c++ was not there.I googled the reason but was not able to find satisfactory results.Why has oracle discontinued its support?Anyone know the exact reasons. ...

Convert mysql SQL to oracle SQL

Hi, Is there a Free tool to convert MySql-5.0 SQL to Oracle-10g SQL? thanx in advance,,, ...

ADO.NET Entity data model with oracle

Is it possible to create ADO.NET Entity data model with oracle in VS 2008? If not what should i use? ...

Most of the scenarios in Relational Database Management System Primary Key used will be of Integer Type why ?

Its been habitual in most of the scenarios while developing a database design we set primary key as integer type for a unique identifier in the Table , Why not string ,float type for primary keys does this affect the accessibility of values or in plain words retrieval speed of values from the table will be slower ? Are there any specif...

Oracle Function: Replicate wm_concat

I currently am working on a project within Crystal Reports that refuses to use the undocumented function WM_CONCAT, which is allowable within Oracle 10g. Here is the WM_CONCAT header information WM_CONCAT(p1 IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 To use WM_CONCAT I pass it the following: WM_CONCAT(column1); This function seems to accept a co...

Interval of one month back not working on the 31st?

Essentially, I have a query that is responsible for fetching all records (with specific filters) within the last month. I'm using Oracle's interval keyword and all was working great until today (December 31st, 2009). The code I'm using is select (sysdate - interval '1' month) from dual and the error I get it ORA-01839: date not valid...

NHibernate Oracle mapping problem

Before stating the problem, please look at the code Database(Oracle) SQL: create table test_tab( id number, Name varchar2(50) ); Corresponding Class in C#: public class TestTable { private long id; public virtual long Id { get { return id; } set { ...

Creating index just for a query in Oracle 10g

Hi, I have around 3.5 million records in a particular table in Oracle 10g and I want to query for all records with one particular column having NULL value. My question is, is it worth to create an index on that column just for the purpose of that one query? Will the time saved by using the index compensate the time taken to create it? ...

Is it possible to create an Oracle 11g database using an Oracle 10g ASM instance?

Is it possible to create an Oracle 11g database using an Oracle 10g ASM instance? ...

Update materialized view when urderlying tables change

I have a materialized view defined this way: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW M_FOO REFRESH COMPLETE ON COMMIT AS SELECT FOO_ID, BAR FROM FOO WHERE BAR IS NOT NULL GROUP BY FOO_ID, BAR / COMMENT ON MATERIALIZED VIEW M_FOO IS 'Foo-Bar pairs'; I wrote as a sort of cache: the source table is huge but the number of different pair...

oracle date range

Hi, using a Oracle 10g db I have a table something like this: create table x( ID NUMBER(10) primary key, wedding DATE NOT NULL ); how can I select * from x where wedding is in june 2008??? I know it is probably an easy one but I couldn't find any satisfying answer so far. Help is very much appreciated. ...

How to connect WebLogic jdbc data source to Oracle Database over SSL (and authenticate using certificate)?

WL=WebLogic 10.3 database=Oracle Version - Production I have the database and WL up. I can create a new WL JDBC data source that successfully authenticates to the database, but how to do this using SSL? I've followed the following documentations: How-To Configure and Use Oracle JDBC Driver SSL with Oracle WebLogic Server S...

Oracle 10g - slow metadata queries

We recently upgraded to 10g and I've noticed that metadata queries seem to take an extraordinarily long time (at a guess 2-5 times slower than on 9i). Has anyone else noticed this? Any suggestions on ways to rectify this problem (settings/patches/incantations)? Thanks. ...

Install Oracle on my vista desktop

I want to learn oracle and that is why I want to install Oracle on my vista machine. Could you please let me know where can I download the installer from? Could you guys let me know about any books that I can start working with Oracle? Thank you. ...

php quits connecting to Oracle

We've got an ongoing issue where php 5.2.6 will quit connecting to Oracle We can go weeks without any issues and then (usually Saturday mornings) php will no longer be able to connect. The database is up and running and we can connect to it manually with varous DB tools but php won't ever connect again until we reboot the web...

Why does ActivePerl 64-bit crash when I call sqlplus from backticks?

We came upon an error with a Perl script that processes data into an Oracle database. A few details: Server: Windows Server 2003 R2 64-bit Oracle: Perl: ActivePerl 5.10 64-bit, build 1005 So the perl script connects to an Oracle database, and runs SQL to load data from another database. It runs the SQL through a sqlplus co...