
Update Column of NCLOB Issue

Hi, I am using Oracle10g. One of my tables contain column of type NCLOB. I want to change the column's data by query or by the use of the SQL Developer. But i don't know, it is not allowing me to update the value. 1)Can anyone please help me why this is happening? 2)Or should i use some other datatypes in place of the NCLOB. (i want nv...

None in this world worked with Nhibernate and oracle stored procedure before?

Hi all, I am continuously posting the same kind of question but no one answering. This is the happening for the first time. Please help me if any one can. Problem: I have mapped my database table with NHibernate to C# class. But i need to call a stored procedure with some parameters. But NHibernate calls the stored procedure with it...

Updating an individual procedure in an Oracle package

Using Oracle 10g. I'm writing a script to apply the delta changes made on our development system to our stage system. Is there a way to modify or insert an individual procedure within a package without including the entire package contents in my script? I think the answer is no, but I wanted to be sure because it's going to be pretty ...

How to restore Oracle 10G database from backup

I have an Oracle 10G database. I ran following script to take the backup of the database. alter tablespace EMP2010 begin backup; host copy G:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\ORCL\EMP2010.DBF G:\orabackup\database\ alter tablespace EMP2010 end backup; alter tablespace PAYROLL2010 begin backup; host copy G:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\OR...

Amalgamate 2 select statements into 1

I currently have two fairly long select statements, identical apart from the fact that the first is looking to see if the row exists via count(*) and the second selecting the row into the rowtype variable based on an if statement. This is because the data is required for further manipulation I know it is possible, but I am having a com...

Oracle Partition by list

I have a table who's column have alphanumeric on its value, how could i partition this using oracle? Our current approach is CREATE TABLE code_table ( firstchar varchar2(1), secondchar varchar2(1), thridchar varchar2(1), code varchar2(40)) Partition by list (firstchar) ( partition c0 values ...

How to invoke email alert to a particular email id on oracle 10g database connection failure?

I want to sent an email notification when oracle 10g connectivity fails ...

Using Utl_mail package to send email on Oracle 10g grid.

Can somebody please advice using special character in message body is allowed or not? I am using a word "month's" in the nessage body but it is getting replaced by "month?s" in the email. Please HELP!!!! ...

oracle datatype

Is there any data type greater than CLOB in oracle ...

Using %rowtype with a join and duplicate columns

Given (ignore the lack of primary keys, foreign keys, etc - this isn't about table design and is just an example): Order: ---------- ID NUMBER; VENDOR NUMBER; PART NUMBER; Parts: ------------ ID NUMBER; VENDOR NUMBER; DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR); cursor c1 is select * from order o left join parts p on o.part =; c_row c1%rowt...

How to load into oracle when timestamp > 12345678900

I have a rather huge file (50mb) where the first field is a unix timestamp. However, I don't want to load the whole file, I need only half of it where timestamp > some_parameterized_timestamp. It would seem sqlldr only allows = and <> conditions in the when clause. It takes too long to load the file and then delete records that are not ...

how can i rename my init.ora file in oracle?

how can i rename my init.ora file in oracle? ...

Continuous problems setting up oracle.

I am currently embroiled in a battle of wills regarding the installation and setup of oracle 10.2.0. I am following this guide. Having received errors at every step of the way I've finally got to the very end of the guide only to receive this error message after running catproc.sql: PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Package bo...

How can I specify Batch commit in Oracle Merge Statement?

I am doing a bulk insert/update for millions of records using the MERGE statement in oracle. Well, the other options could be to use FORALL making use of BULKCOLLECT and then commit but this operation will be again a slowdown the performance since I need to keep loop. Committing after completion of entire merge operation will be a perfor...

reading one oracle database writing to another remote oracle database

c# code: i have 2 oracle databases one is remotely, i am selecting values from my tables in my local oracle database: the query returns 8 columns: i want to write the data in a remote oracle table having different column names and attributes:i want to also make sure that only new row values are inserted:the table structure of my remote d...

How to use ASP.NET to connect to a remote Oracle database?

I have Oracle (10g Express Edition) installed on one pc. Visual Studio 2008 SP1 is installed on another pc. I want to run an ASP.NET web app that uses the remote database. The two PCs are connected by a LAN (wired) connection. How can I connect to the database? What will the connection string be? The operating system on both PCs is Win...

Report.txt file in oracle

what are the statistics contained by a report.txt file in oracle? ...

ORA-01861 Literal does not match Format string error..

In the sql query's where clause I have a condition where where abc.item=NVL(P_ITEM,abc.item) This is giving the ORA-01861 error..... if the above condition is made to abc.item=NVL(P_ITEM,NULL) then the error does not raise... can I please know why the 1st condition is throwing an error... And How do I correct this... Thanks...

Oracle database space

The sum of sm$ts_free.bytes and sm$ts_used.bytes is not equal to sm$ts_alloc.bytes. What can be the reason behind it? ...

Incredibly slow Materialized View creation when using string aggregation, any performance suggestions?

Hi, I've got a load of materialized views, some of them take just a few seconds to create and refresh, whereas others can take me up to 40 minutes to compile, if SQLDeveloper doesn't crash before that. I need to aggregate some strings in my query, and I have the following function create or replace function stragg ( input varchar2 )...