
How to connect to Oracle 10g server from client machines

I have installed Oracle 10g in one of my office's computer. I want to keep this as database server. I am developing a .net project which will communicate with the database server from client machine and from the server machine. I success to communicate with oracle from server machine but not from client machine using the .net project. Th...

How concurrency mantained by Oracle for PL/SQL Procedure?

How oracle maintained concurrency of PL/SQL Program? i.e. If user A and B both execute same procedure (Contains DML operations) @ same time. ...

Can anybody tell me how to use TKPROF utility along with syntax and parameters

Can anybody tell me how to use TKPROF utility along with syntax and parameters ...

Oracle SQL query - unexpected query plan

I have a very simple query that's giving me unexpected results. Hints on where to troubleshoot it would be welcome. Simplified, the query is: SELECT Obs.obsDate, Obs.obsValue, FROM ml.Obs Obs JOIN ml.ObsHead ObsHead ON ObsHead.hdId = Obs.hdId WHERE obs.hdId IN (53, 54) This gives me a query cost of:...

string aggregation in Oracle 10g

How to aggregate string( concatenate) with Oracle 10g SQL? ...

Is there a way to throttle or limit resources used by a user in Oracle?

I have a multi-user web application and am encountering issues when a third party reporting application queries my Oracle 10g database. The reporting queries are slowing the system and impacting all other users. Is there a way to throttle this user's session so their queries don't impact the other users? ...

How can I show Crystal Report from VB.NET 2008 Project without showing the authentication box?

I have a Sub like this: Public Sub ReportViewer(ByVal ReportName As String, ByVal SQLText As String) Dim strReportPath As String = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() & "Report\" & ReportName & ".rpt" If Not IO.File.Exists(strReportPath) Then MsgBox("Unable to locate report file", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly + ...

Server option for java.exe

What is the difference between server and client Hotspot. Is there any reason to switch production environment to -server. Please share your practical experience. Is there any performance boost? Related to Oracle UCM 10g ...

SQL: Query 2 columns; if one is valid then ignore the other

Hello, I'm not sure how to approach this SQL statement so please advise, even if its just a pointer to something I can read up on I have a table, such as the following ID OVER60 OVER80 1 N N 2 Y N 3 Y Y The IDs are unique, what I need to do is to create a SELECT st...

Is there any less or more convenient iDoc Script editor for Oracle 10g UCM?

Is there any less or more convenient iDoc Script editor for Oracle 10g UCM? Please help. Open to any suggestions. Avoid suggesting notepad and so on. ...

Need help with sql update query.

I have table 'products' and I need to update 'price' field by 20% if product 'type' field is "imported". How do I read and update field at the same time in my UPDATE query? ...

How does contains() in PL-SQL work?

Have a lot of unnecessary results using contains() method in my query. Don't tell me to use like or something else. It is hardcoded and couldn't be changed. ...

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070008): Not enough storage is available to process this command.

I am trying to diagnose this exception : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070008): Not enough storage is available to process this command. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070008) at System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.AllocateUninitializedObject(RuntimeType objectType) at System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.Alloc...

Oracle sqlldr: column not allowed here

Can anyone spot the error in this attempted data load? The '\\N' is because this is an import of an OUTFILE dump from mysql, which puts \N for NULL fields. The decode is to catch cases where the field might be an empty string, or might have \N. Using Oracle 10g on Linux. load data infile objects.txt discardfile objects.dsc truncate in...

Maximum of averages

I'm supposed to get every departments average wage and only show the department with the highest average wage. I figured out this query, but it doesn't work. Anyone got some ideas? SELECT department, max(avg(wage)) FROM employees GROUP BY department; I get this error: ERROR at line 1: ORA-00937: not a single-group group function ...

How can we create menu in oracle report 10 g.

I want to create a menu in oracle report 10g. Tell me how i can do it. thanks ...

How to know the names of other users in oracle10g?

Hi guys I want to know how can we know the other users of Oracle 10g on the same system? Is there any query for that? Thank you!!! ...

Crystal Reports: Cannot insert some fields from Field Explorer to Report

I have an existing report (Crystal Reports 11) that is based on two Oracle views. I have made 'Verify database' already, it's done and up to date. My problem is that I can insert some fields to report but some other I cannot. For example: field Name (string(35)) is ok, but similar field Compamy (string(20)) I cannot insert to Report. ...

How Internally BTree and Bitmap Index stored in oracle?

I want to know what value is stored against BTree Index and Bitmap Index in oracle ...

Types of Index in oracle?

What are the type of indexes in oracle? How to identify the index need to create? ...