
How do I handle Column Headers in a Delimited Oracle Report

I am back in the Oracle 10g world and I need some help. I have created a dynamic Oracle report calling from an Oracle Form that will output a tab delimited file, but I am having problems with the orientation of the column headers. SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(RO_Report_ID, REPORT_DESFORMAT, 'DELIMITED') I have no problem with the functi...

Is it possible to write a query which returns a date for every day between two specified days?

Basically, the question says it all. I need a PL\SQL query that returns a list of dates between two dates such that for 01-JAN-2010 to 20-JAN-2010 I would get 20 rows returned: the_date -------- 01-JAN-2010 02-JAN-2010 03-JAN-2010 04-JAN-2010 ... 20-JAN-2010 ...

32-bit oracle 10g client to 64-bit oracle 10g server

Due to a 3rd party application's requirement, I may be forced to use 32-bit client of Oracle 10gR2 on the application server to connect to a 64-bit DB server oracle 10gR2 ( - 64bit;another box). The OS is SUSE Linux ver 10. Platform is x86. There are no problems connecting to 64-bit DB server via 32-bit client. I have tested th...

What is the command for Index optimization and update statistics for Oracle 10g and 11g?

I am Loading large no of rows into a table from a csv data file . For every 10000 records I want to update the indexs on the table for optimization (update statistics ). Any body tell me what is the command i can use? Also what is SQL Server "UPDATE STATISTICS" equivalent in Update statistics means index optimization or gatehri...

Advance Queue sample in Oracle

I am looking for an end to end example in Advanced Queueing in Oralce 10G. I am in the process of understanding Adv Queuing i would like to try it out. ...

Function to extract data in insert into satement for a table.

Hi...I m using this Function to extract the data but unable to extract LONG datatype. Can anyone help me? create or replace Function ExtractData(v_table_name varchar2) return varchar2 As b_found boolean:=false; v_tempa varchar2(8000); v_tempb varchar2(8000); v_tempc varchar2(255); begin for tab_rec in (select table_n...

Any suggestions on how to extract 6 million records from an oracle10g ?

I just want to give you a little background Need to write a PL-SQL which will extract 6 million record joining different tables and create a file of that. Need more suggestions, specifically on how to fetch these many records. As fetching these million of records on a single go can be a highly resource intensive. So question is how to ...

Need to transform the rows into columns for the similar ID's in oracle

Hi, I need to transform the rows into columns for the similar ID's in oracle e.g. The following is the result I will get if i query my database Col1 Col2 Col3 ---- ---- ---- 1 ABC Yes 1 XYZ NO 2 ABC NO I need to transform this into Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 ...

how to generate primary key values while inserting data into table through pl/sql stored procedure

I need to insert data into particular table through pl/sql stored procedure. My requirements are: while inserting it should generate PRIMARY KEY values for a particular column; it should return that PRIMARY KEY value to an output variable; and for another column it should validate my string such that it should contain only characters, ...

Any Suggestions to what pl-sql to use to extract huge volume of records (Six million) from Oracle 10G database taking a join from multiple tables ?

Possible Duplicate: Any suggestions on how to extract 6 million records from an oracle10g ? Any Sample pl-sql code on the same will be highly appreciated. ...

Oracle -Character Encoding

I am facing a peculiar problem where i need to update a particular value in database to say 'Hellò'. When i run normal update statement the values are updated fine. But when i put it i a .sql script file and then run the update statement the last character gets replaced by a junk value. Can some one enlighten me on this and how oracl...

Cursor loops; How to perform something at start/end of loop 1 time only?

I've got the following in one of my Oracle procedures, I'm using it to generate XML -- v_client_addons is set to '' to avoid null error OPEN C_CLIENT_ADDONS; LOOP FETCH C_CLIENT_ADDONS INTO CLIENT_ADDONS; EXIT WHEN C_CLIENT_ADDONS%NOTFOUND; BEGIN v_client_addons := v_client_addons || CLIENT_ADDONS.XML_DATA; E...

Oracle 10g - Determine the average of concurrent connections

Hello all, Is it possible to determine the average of concurrent connections on a 10g large database installation? Any ideas?? ...

sql group by with left join

fail statement:Error: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression select , , org_surveylog.division_code as divisionCode,org_surveylog.department_code as departmentCode , max(org_surveylog.actiondate) from org_surveylog left join org_division on (org_surveylog.division_code= org_division.division_code a...

how to create unique keyword in the oracle db?

hi, i am using autocomplete with oracle Db,how to create unique keyword for the table. KEYWORD VARCHAR2(100) COUNT NUMBER(18) how can i make as unique can plz tell the query ...

Oracle DUMP procedure returns question marks for Chinese characters

I am using Oracle 10g and am performing the following query: SELECT DUMP('炫耀他的', 1017) FROM DUAL; This outputs: Typ=96 Len=4 CharacterSet=AL32UTF8: ?,?,?,? Why have the Chinese characters been replaced with question marks? How do I get it to return the correct characters? ...

Oracle Unique Indexes

I was creating a new table today in 10g when I noticed an interesting behavior. Here is an example of what I did: CREATE TABLE test_table ( field_1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ); Oracle will by default, create a non-null unique index for the primary key. I double checked this. After a quick check, I find a unique index name SYS_C0065645. ...

Oracle index is defined identically to constraint

I am having an issue with Oracle SQL Developer where it keeps telling me my index "Index PK_TBLCASENOTE is defined identically to constraint PK_TBLCASENOTES" whenever I go to the Indexes section of my table TBLCASENOTE. I found this Oracle form post but no one seems to have a solution. This is the DDL for making the table. CREATE TABL...

how do i create a table without data type in oracle

Is it possible to create a table having column but column without datatype.means is their any way to do it indirectly.if yes then plz give me one example ...

Muti-Schema Privileges for a Table Trigger in an Oracle Database

I'm trying to write a table trigger which queries another table that is outside the schema where the trigger will reside. Is this possible? It seems like I have no problem querying tables in my schema but I get: Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist when trying trying to query tables outside my schema. EDIT My apologies f...