
Ant database rebuild script, avoiding interactive prompting

Hi Guys. I'm writing an ant script to rebuild our database i.e. dropping everything and rebuilding from scratch. The problem our DBA adds a Y/N prompt before executing the rest of the script, and therefore we can't call this from an automated build process. Does anyone have any suggestions to circumvent the Y/N prompt? Obviously we c...

Oracle row change time stamp

Is there a system column - timestamp - in Oracle table to determine when was it changed last time? I would assume there must be one to let mat views pull changes only ... ...

difference between roles and users

What is the differences beween roles and users. ...

Can oracle 10g can be the used for multi dimensional data warehouse ?

I am new to the data warehousing and was just curious to know if oracle 10g or MySql can be used for multi dimensional data warehouse or we can only use something like Hyperion ? ...

Best way to update/insert into a table based on a remote table.

I have two very large enterprise tables in an Oracle 10g database. One table keeps the historical information of the other table. The problem is, I'm getting to the point where the records are just too many that my insert update is taking too long and my session is getting killed by the governor. Here's a pseudocode of my update process...

Getting weird issue with TO_NUMBER function in Oracle

I have been getting an intermittent issue when executing to_number function in the where clause on a varchar2 column if number of records exceed a certain number n. I used n as there is no exact number of records on which it happens. On one DB it happens after n was 1 million on another when it was 0.1. million. E.g. I have a table with...

SQL string manipulation to return multiple rows

I'm an experienced programmer, but relatively new to SQL. We're using Oracle 10 and 11. I have a system in place using SQL that combines actual rows with virtual rows (e.g. "SELECT 1 from DUAL") doing unions and intersects as needed, which all seems to work. My problem is that I need to combine this system which is expecting rows of d...

Alternative to sql NOT IN?

Hi, I am trying to make a materialized view in Oracle (I am a newbie, btw). For some reason, it doesn't like the presence of sub-query in it. I've been trying to use LEFT OUTER JOIN instead, but it's returning different data set now. Put simply, here's the code I'm trying to modify: SELECT * FROM table1 ros, table2 bal, table3 flx ...

When using Javascript, is there an Apex built in to get the value of a radio group?

Friends, My apex page has several different radio groups, each one can have the value of Yes or No. When the user presses a button I need to capture the values of these radio groups in the javascript processing for the page and then "do stuff" dependent on their values. Is there an Apex Javascript API that I could utilise to obta...

OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo() ORA-12705 Error

Hi guys! I'm stuck in a problem, i cannot workaround! I have a Oracle client 11, with registry key set to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1. I cannot edit this key, but my application must get data from Oracle in Italian culture format. So I want to edit culture info form my application only. I'm trying to using OracleGlobalization class in ...

Simple Oracle Stored Procedure getting Invalid object error

Hello, I am trying to write a simple Oracle Stored Procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE act.skeleton IS DECLARE v_rowCount NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_rowCount FROM ex.emp; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_rowCount); END; However, when I try & run the procedure by issuing execute act.skeleton in PL/SQL Developer command window...

utl_file.FCLOSE() is slow with large files

We are using utl_file in Oracle 10g to copy a blob from a table row to a file on the file system and when we call utl_file.fclose() it takes a long time. It's a 10mb file, not very big, and it takes just over a minute to complete. Anyone know why this would be so slow? Thanks EDIT Looks like this is related to our file system. When we...

Oracle - Parameterized Query has EXECUTIONS = PARSE_CALLS

We have a .NET application talking to Oracle 10g. Our DBA recently pulled a list of queries where executions is equal to parse_calls. We assumed that this would help us find all of the unparameterized queries in our code. Unexpectedly, the following query showed up near the top of this list, with 1,436,169 executions and 1,436,151 par...

can oracle inline views be used across java statements instead of creating temporary table

i have a java program executing 3 separate sqls with a same inline view - it takes about 20 minutes each time to build the inline view when the sqls are executed - is there a way to cache or reuse it ? - trying to avoid temporary table solution because it needs to be delegated to a plsql since the java program does not have rights to cr...

Using Spring's KeyHolder with programmatically-generated primary keys

Hello, I am using Spring's NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to perform an insert into a table. The table uses a NEXTVAL on a sequence to obtain the primary key. I then want this generated ID to be passed back to me. I am using Spring's KeyHolder implementation like this: KeyHolder key = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); jdbcTemplate.update(Constan...

Create an Oracle function that returns a table

I'm trying to create a function in package that returns a table. I hope to call the function once in the package, but be able to re-use its data mulitple times. While I know I create temp tables in Oracle, I was hoping to keep things DRY. So far, this is what I have: Header: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE TEST AS TYPE MEASURE_RECOR...

Oracle Schema designer

I don't know the real name of that application but what i want to do is so simple, i have an oracle database with more than 50 tables. I want to get their names also their field names, so i thought that it would be nice to use a designer or something like mssql has. Then i can get the field names and table names easily. How can i do that...

MySQL developer here -- Nesting with select * finicky in Oracle 10g?

I'm writing a simple diagnostic query then attempting to execute it in the Oracle 10g SQL Scratchpad. EDIT: It will not be used in code. I'm nesting a simple "Select *" and it's giving me errors. In the SQL Scratchpad for Oracle 10g Enterprise Manager Console, this statement runs fine. SELECT * FROM v$session sess, v$sql sql WHER...

node configuration in oracle clustring and loadbalancing

I am creating replication in oracle 10g which is being used in load balancing. I have done below steps for the same. 1. setup two server as windows server 2003 2. created two networks as public and private 3. so at last we have two public nodes, two private nodes and two virtual nodes. Now when i running oracle clusterware utility, it ...

How many bytes does Oracle use when storing a single character?

I tried to look here: And I understand that I have to provide string length for the column, I'm just not able to find out how many bytes oracle uses when storing a character. My limit is 500 characters, so if its 1 byte / character, I can create the colum...