
How do Oracle Forms compare to Microsoft Access as a "front-end"?

I recently started a project where I was set to build an ADP based application in Access 2003. The font end GUI was going to be in Access while all the data resided in MS SQL Server. I say "was", because the powers that be have decided that Oracle Forms might be a better choice than Access and SQL Server. The place where I am doing this ...

How to optimize an update SQL that runs on a Oracle table with 700M rows

UPDATE [TABLE] SET [FIELD]=0 WHERE [FIELD] IS NULL [TABLE] is an Oracle database table with more than 700 million rows. I cancelled the SQL execution after it had been running for 6 hours. Is there any SQL hint that could improve performance? Or any other solution to speed that up? EDIT: This query will be run once and then never aga...

how to update multiple tables in oracle DB?

hi, i am using two tables in my oracle 10g. the first table having the keyword,count,id(primary key) and my second table having id, timestamp.. but i am doing any chages in the first table(keyword,count) it will reflect on the my second table timestamp.. i am using id as reference for both the tables... table1: CREATE TABLE Searchabl...

how I can get log from database in oracle?

Hi Last day my head judge me because he face with some problem that he didnot has it before! but I didnt do any thing with database and also our company CM database is so critical ! In this case can he proof what I do with database??? Oracle have any log! some functaion updating in last 2days that I didnt update it and he also... please...

Can I create Foreign Keys across Databases?

We have 2 database DB1 & DB2 Can I create a table in DB1 and it has relation with one of the tables in DB2? In other hand can I have a Foreign Key in my table from other database? I connect to these DB with different USER. any idea? right now I receive error ORA-00942:Table or view does not exist ...

if insert error in oracle trigger creation?

CREATE TRIGGER Background_Process_Report_trit AFTER INSERT ON Background_Process_Report FOR EACH ROW IF INSERT(PROCESS_NAME) BEGIN SET EXECUTION_TIMESTAMP := NEW.TIMESTAMP; END; / process_name -- column in my Background_Process_Report table.but i want to update the each time the process_name is created(by java application), trig...

Unable to return large result set ORA-22814

Hello All I am encountering an issue when I am trying to load a large result set using a range query in Oracle 10g. When I try a smaller range (1 to 100), it works but when I try a larger range(1 and 1000), I get the following error "ORA-22814: attribute or element value is larger than specified in type" error. I have a basic UDT (Po...

what's ur idea about this two way for creat a folder in oracle

According to my last question about how to create folder here I find some codes that s.b before write it! looking : (sorry for limitation i cant put codes here) they try to Create a bat file,by oracle outfile text_IO,file_type then they write these statement! body_of_file = 'Net use x: \\address' body_of_file += 'md' || filename body_of...

Cannot stop Oracle Queue - Could not find program unit being called: "SYS.DBMS_ASSERT"

Cannot stop and drop oracle Queue. Following code BEGIN DBMS_AQADM.STOP_QUEUE ( queue_name => 'TEST_QUEUE'); DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE( queue_name => 'TEST_QUEUE'); END; / produces following errors: ERROR at line 1: ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped stored procedure ...

Usage of oracle function sys connect by path

We have a problem that it seens not supported in oracle 10g what could be the cause? ...

Comparing two Oracle schema, other users

Hello! I have been tasked with comparing two oracle schema with a large number of tables to find the structural differences in the schema. Up until know I have used the DB Diff tool in Oracle SQL Developer, and it has worked very well. The issue is that now I need to compare tables in a user that I cannot log into , but I can see it thro...

SQL - Rank() on a table

create table v (mydate,value) as select to_date('20/03/2010 00','dd/mm/yyyy HH24'),98 from dual union all select to_date('20/03/2010 01','dd/mm/yyyy HH24'),124 from dual union all select to_date('20/03/2010 02','dd/mm/yyyy HH24'),140 from dual union all select to_date('20/03/2010 03','dd/mm/yyyy HH24'),138 from dual union all select to_d...

Export large amount of data from Oracle 10G to SQL Server 2005

Dear all, I need to export 100 million data rows (avg row length ~ 100 bytes) from Oracle 10G database table into SQL server (over WAN/VLAN with 6MBits/sec capacity) on a regular basis. So far, these are the options that I have tried and a quick summary. Has anyone tried this before? Are there other better options? Which option would be...

Redundancy in doing sum()

table1 -> id, time_stamp, value This table consists of 10 id's. Each id would be having a value for each hour in a day. So for 1 day, there would be 240 records in this table. table2 -> id Table2 consists of a dynamically changing subset of id's present in table1. At a particular instance, the intention is to get sum(value) from tab...

PL-SQL - Two statements with begin and end, run fine seperately but not together?

Hi all, Just wondering if anyone can help with this, I have two PLSQL statements for altering tables (adding extra fields) and they are as follows: -- Make GC_NAB field for Next Action By Dropdown begin if 'VARCHAR2' = 'NUMBER' and length('VARCHAR2')>0 and length('')>0 then execute immediate 'alter table "SERVICEMAIL6"."ETD_GUESTCAR...

Oracle: TABLE ACCESS FULL with Primary key?

There is a table: CREATE TABLE temp ( IDR decimal(9) NOT NULL, IDS decimal(9) NOT NULL, DT date NOT NULL, VAL decimal(10) NOT NULL, AFFID decimal(9), CONSTRAINT PKtemp PRIMARY KEY (IDR,IDS,DT) ) ; Let's see the plan for select star query: SQL>explain plan for select * from temp; Explained. SQL> select plan_ta...

oracle update procedure problem

hi, i want to update the following procedure in the oracle table..but it is throwing error CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_keywords (aKEYWORD IN VARCHAR2, aCOUNT IN NUMBER) AS BEGIN update searchable_keywords set KEYWORD =:new.aKEYWORD or COUNT =:new.aCOUNT where KEUWORD_ID = : old.KEYWORD_ID; END; this is my procedu...

Properly populating tables in an Object Relational database

I've got a homework assignment that requires that I use Oracle 10g Express to implement an Object Relational database to track phone billing data. I have a superclass of Communications with subclasses of Call, Text, and Data. I'm hitting a snag with properly populating these tables so that I can find the appropriate data in the various...

What datatype in oracle would map to a Java int?

What type in Oracle (10 Express Edition) would be the "same" as a Java int? ...

Using Oracle Sequence in SQL Loader?

Hi, I am using SEQUENCE keyword in SQL Loader control file to generate primary keys. But for a special scenario I would like to use Oracle sequence in the control file. The Oracle documentation for SQL Loader doesn't mentioned anything about it. does SQL Loader support it? ...