
java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature

I am using the JPA(hibernate) for the ORM and c3po for connection pooling. While I am able to do all the CRUD operations it gives me the below error while accessing the the data: Here are the tools: Hibernate 3.2.1, Oracle 10g, ojdbc14, connection pool: c3p0-0.9. And the stack trace: java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature ...

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'.

hi i am oracle DB. i am uploading keywords into the DB. but i am getting the error java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLE...

compatibility of oracle 10 g (10.1.3) with window vista and windows 7

Can i use oracle 10 g (10.1.3) on windows vista and windows 7 ...

Oracle Extended Stored Procedure with C++

I am currently adding Oracle 10.2.0. as a viable database to a product. The product originally allows connection to SQL Server and I have found some extended stored procedures. Is it possible to produce similar extended stored procedures for Oracle with C++? If so, how do I accomplish this? Example code would be much appreciated. ...

Oracle T4CPreparedStatement memory leaks?

A little background on the application that I am gonna talk about in the next few lines: XYZ is a data masking workbench eclipse RCP application: You give it a source table column, and a target table column, it would apply a trasformation (encryption/shuffling/etc) and copy the row data from source table to target table. Now, when I ma...

Errors with large data sources

I'm doing some benchmarking on large data sources and binding/exporting data for reporting. I started with using a data set, filling it with 100000 rows and then attempting to open a crystal report with the retrieved data. I noticed that the data set filled just fine (took about 779 milliseconds) however, when attempting to export the ...

How can I create a WebService with Oracle AS?

Can I create a WebService using Oracle AS? I found this method: but that will not let me output any answer from the service. Any ideas? ...

Identifying and Resolving Oracle ITL Deadlock

I have an Oracle DB package that is routinely causing what I believe is an ITL (Interested Transaction List) deadlock. The relevant portion of a trace file is below. Deadlock graph: ---------Blocker(s)-------- ---------Waiter(s)--------- Resource Name process session holds waits process session holds w...

using log4net through stored procedures in oracle

hi, My objective is to log in oracle 10g using log4net through stored procedure. I have made configuration in log4net configuration xml file to use appender and use stored procedure for Logging in db. I want to log exceptions in db with parameters like error code, error message, etc. Please guide me how to pass this Exception ob...

ORACLE: Parameter reference in WHERE doesn't work

Hello, I have created a simple static function in oracle 10g to get the reference of an object based on his pk. STATIC FUNCTION getRef(nome IN VARCHAR2) RETURN REF folder_typ IS fl_r REF folder_typ := null; BEGIN SELECT REF(fl) INTO fl_r FROM folder_tab fl WHERE fl.nome = nome; RETURN fl_r; END getRef; Thi...

(Oracle) How get total number of results when using a pagination query?

I am using Oracle 10g and the following paradigm to get a page of 15 results as a time (so that when the user is looking at page 2 of a search result, they see records 16-30). select * from ( select rownum rnum, a.* from (my_query) a where rownum <= 30 ) where rnum > 15; Right now I'm having to run a separate SQL statement...

SQL Query Syntax : Using table alias in a count is invalid? Why?

Could someone please explain to me why the following query is invalid? I'm running this query against an Oracle 10g database. select count(test.*) from my_table test; I get the following error: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification however, the following two queries are valid. select count(test...

Iterating over files in PLSQL

Using a PLSQL script, is it possible to iterate over binary files in a folder and insert them as a BLOB in Oracle 10g? Any examples would be appreciated. ...

Regarding ORA 21000

Hi, I am struggling with an ORA 21000 which says ORA-21000: error number argument to raise_application_error of 3739 is out of range. This error is coming intermittently. I am not sure why this is occurring. This worked absolutely fine earlier, but after migrating to Linux from Solaris, this error has suddenly come up. Googling it d...

Invoking a function call in a string in an Oracle Procedure

Hello, I writing an application using Oracle 10g. I am currently facing this problem. I take in "filename" as parameter of type varchar2. A sample value that filename may contain is: 'TEST || to_char(sysdate, 'DDD')'. In the procedure, I want to get the value of this file name as in TEST147. When i write: select filename into ffilena...

How to synchronize two DataBase Schemas Oracle 10G?

Hi Masters, Good Day, I am new and very naive to Oracle DB. I am using Oracle 10G. Let me explain to you. I have one source database named ( DB1) and Target Database named (DB2). I have 2 schema's named dbs1 and dbs2 in the source database (DB1). I have exported both the database schemas in Source Database (DB1) and imported it suc...

Oracle DBMS_PROFILER only shows Anonymous in the results tables

I am new to DBMS_PROFILER. All the examples I have seen use a simple top-level procedure to demonstrate the use of the profiler, and from there get all the line numbers etc. I deploy all code in packages, and I am having great difficulty getting my profile session to populate the plsql_profiler_units with useful data. Most of my runs loo...

Problem with Character Set

Hi, I am in a problem because of the character set. My client sent me a Oracle database 10g. And when i am going to run the scripts on that database it is giving me error that character set mismatch. I am not an Oracle expert. Can anyone please let me know What should i do? Thanks, Mahesh. ...

How do I get output into Java from a SELECT stored procedure in Oracle?

I'm using Java to connect to an Oracle 10 Database. I want to create a stored procedure (don't ask why) that takes no arguments and returns a lot of rows. Specifically, in Java I want to be able to get this data with something like: ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("call getChildless"); where getChildless is the query: SELECT objecti...

how to find top three highest salary in emp table in oracle(sql)

how to find top three highest salary in emp table in oracle(sql) ...