
Refresh the Parent form of "Call_form" after Child form is closed in Oracle 10g

What I need is: what trigger to use and where to put it. I will give you an example of what I am doing. I have a Contract form that is fully editable except the contract financial areas, which is read only. I want the user to press a button called, “change rates” and that will have a trigger “When-Button-Pressed” and call_form(Up...

Searching and replacing brackets in a string in Oracle 10G

I am currently developing a function that is meant to execute dynamically created SQL statements. This is done by concatenating the columns and fetching them via cursors. The problem is that when there is a function with a comma between its arguments, the concat concatenates the contents of the functions inclusive. Is it possible to ski...

How to map oracle timestamp to appropriate java type in hibernate?

I am new to hibernate and I am stumped. In my database I have tables that have a columns of TIMESTAMP(6). I am using Netbeans 6.5.1 and when I generate the hibernate.reveng.xml, hbm.xml files, and pojo files it sets the columns to be of type Serializable. This is not what I expected, nor what I want them to be. I found this post on the...

Oracle database links between 10g and 11g

Does anyone have experience with database links between 10g and 11g? Is this a supported setup/operation? Is it possible? Are there any problems? Caveats? ...

Date calculating (SQL, Oracle 10g)

How do I calculate number of years since product was made (rounded to 1 decimal point) for products that were made less than five years ago? Thank you. ...

Materiliaze view in oracle

How to create/refresh materialize view in oracle 10g. ...

Oracle: how to "group by" over a range?

If I have a table like this: pkey age ---- --- 1 8 2 5 3 12 4 12 5 22 I can "group by" to get a count of each age. select age,count(*) n from tbl group by age; age n --- - 5 1 8 1 12 2 22 1 What query can I use to group by age ranges? age n ----- - 1-10 2 11-20 2 20+ 1 ...

how to optimize this query?

hi! The query is: select employee_id , last_name , salary , round((salary+(salary*0.15)), 0) as "NewSalary" , (round((salary+(salary*0.15)), 0) - salary) as “IncreaseAmount” from employees; Can I optimize this round((salary+(salary*0.15)), 0) part in anyway, so that it doesn't appear twice? I tried givi...

version of database

Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Solaris: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production in above result what is the database version ...

Oracle 10g - Best way to escape single quotes

I have to generate some update statements based off a table in our database. I created the following script which is generating the update statements I need. But when I try to run those scripts I am getting errors pertaining to unescaped single quotes in the content and &B, &T characters which have special meaning in oracle. I took care ...

how to get date from week and day of the week in oracle

i am having week number and day of that week then how can i get date example week number=20 and day of that 20th week is friday then ? what is date? ...

.NET Oracle Provider: Why will my stored proc not work?

I am using the Oracle .NET Provider and am calling a stored procedure in a package. The message I get back is "Wrong number or types in call". I have ensured that the order in which the parameters are being added are in the correct order and I have gone over the OracleDbType's thoroughly though I suspect that is where my problem is. Here...

How do I gain Control of a row in Tabular Layout in Oracle

This might be simple but I am new to Oracle. I am using Oracle 10g and have a form that lists our information from a linked table in a tabular Layout. The last column of data is a "list Item" item type that has the Element list of Enabled (T) and Disabled (F). What I need is when a user changes this dropdown, to disabled, I want ONLY th...

switch between two cursors based on parameter passed into stored procedure

Hi, I have two cursors in my procedure that only differ on the table name that they join to. The cursor that is used is determined by a parameter passed into the procedure if (param = 'A') then DECLARE CURSOR myCursor IS SELECT x,y,z FROM table1 a, table2 b BEGIN FOR aRecord in myCursor LOOP p...

How Do You Insert Large Blobs Into Oracle 10G Using System.Data.OracleClient?

Trying to insert 315K Gif files into an Oracle 10g database. Everytime I get this error "ora-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested" whe I run the stored procedure. It appears that there is a 32K limit if I use a stored procedure. I read online that this does not apply if you are doing a direct insert, but I do not ...

Oracle global lock across process

I would like to synchronize access to a particular insert. Hence, if multiple applications execute this "one" insert, the inserts should happen one at a time. The reason behind synchronization is that there should only be ONE instance of this entity. If multiple applications try to insert the same entity,only one should succeed and other...

Remove Duplicates from LEFT OUTER JOIN

Hey folk my question is quite similar to I have a variation in that request though and the comment didn't allow too many characters hence posting as a new question. I hope this doesn't go against the posting rules/etiquette. Assuming i have a table SHOP and another tabl...

Oracle sample data problems

So, I have this java based data trasformation / masking tool, which I wanted to test out on Oracle 10g. The good part with Oracle 10g is that you get a load of sample schemas with half a million records in some. The schemas are : SH, OE, HR, IX and etc. So, I installed 10g, found out that the installation scripts are under ORACLE_HOME/de...

Getting a ResultSet/RefCursor over a database link

From the answers to it seems that it is not possible to call a stored procedure and get the ResultSet/RefCursor back if you are making the SP call across a remote DB link. We are also using Oracle 10g. We can successfully get single value results across the l...

Wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms.

I am receiving a "wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms" error when executing a query similar to the following: SELECT * FROM table_a WHERE contains(clob_field, '%a%') > 0; Does anyone know a workaround/solution to this problem? ...