
Passing multiple parameters to a method in PHP

Hello guys, I'm working on a simple class right now to get my head around OOP and i need some help with a function that i'm creating. The function receives various parameters, being some of those optional. For example: public function Test($req, $alsoreq, $notreq = null, $notreq2 = null, $notreq3 = null) { // blah blah } My ...

How to pass query string parameters to the PHP binary?

I am developing a webserver that invokes the PHP binary (via CGI) to process a script. Here's the problem: The PHP script isn't picking up the command line parameters. For example, if the client requests path/to/file.php?test=value, the $_GET array is empty. I have tried passing the parameters in an environment variable (QUERY_STRING)...

Can I access the StartupEventArgs from anywhere other than the App_Startup event handler?

Are the command line parameters accessible from anywhere in the application other than the App_Startup event handler? Can I get to them through something like App.Current? ...

ASP.NET C# scope issue

OK, so I'm tyring to work with some simple stuff in ASP.NET and C# to get the hang of the super super basics, and I'm having trouble finding out how I can get this scope issue to work. At least, I think it's a scope issue! :) So, here is my Default.aspx presentation markup: <%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="project1.Tree" %> <!DOCTYPE ...

Access: How to pass parameters to report when WHERE clause is embedded in complex SQL

I know the question of how to pass parameters has been asked a while back with the this Previous Stack Overflow question However my situation involves SQL that is a bit more complex and cannot make use of the "where clause" filter available when opening a report. My SQL statement is an aggregate that produces a single row with one field...

castle windsor: how to register a list progrematically (instead with a configuration file)

I would like to register an object with a list parameter, but without using a configuration file. this is the configuration file that I currently use: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <castle> <components> <component id="EmailParser" service="ESImportCommon.Email.IEmailParser, ESImportCommon" type="ESImportCommon....

Filter view data based on user input

This is my first MVC app and I'm not sure how to use a parameter to filter the returned data. I'm using MVC2 and Visual Studio 2008. How do I filter view results based on user input? I want the user to be able to enter an ID number in a textbox and then click a button to get results filtered by the ID they entered. here is my Control...

use a class in another DLL in C#

I have a project in which i created a class called "validator". i also created a DLL that has a function that i want to pass the validator class as a parameter. but the DLL doesn't know the class in my project cause it is a different DLL. i also can't add a reference in the dll to the project because the project has already a reference...

How to use python for a webservice

Hi, I am really new to python, just played around with the scrapy framework that is used to crawl websites and extract data. My question is, how to I pass parameters to a python script that is hosted somewhere online. E.g. I make following request Now I want to pass some parameters similar to php like *.php?i...

JSF datatable, request parameters and actions

Hi guys, I'm currently struggling with request parameters in JSF 2 and Icefaces 2 (shouldn't make a difference to only JSF 2) and would like to ask you about the recommended way to handle / process parameters. The problem I encounter occurs when using an ice:dataTable. Every time I hit the submit button (or fire a row selection event by...

PHP iterate days of month given month and year

Hello! How can I print (echo) the days of an unknown month if month and year are parameters? Thank you. ...

ADO.NET: How to have N parameters?

i need to mark a batch of rows in the database as "processed". In the olden days, when things were easier, i would create some SQL that said: UPDATE Readings SET IsProcessed = 1 WHERE ReadingDateTime IN ( "2010-10-07 22:02:13.327", "2010-10-07 22:02:14.213", "2010-10-07 22:02:15.595", ... "2010-10-07 23:03:36.981")...

How do I use JSONRequest.POST to get parameters from a url?

how to get POST parameters at a URL, using JSONRequest. The original site will be For example, I want to get the paramter of"user" which is "tom". I am actually keying in the user manually in aServlet which is a servlet. The problem is I dont know how to use JSONRequest to retrieve th...

php encoded post param values

Was experimenting with some basic http post stuff with php and ran into this problem. 1.php: <head> <script src="/scripts/jquery.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> function hw(){ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/2.php', data: 'param=a+b+c', success: fu...

SSRS URL Paramter Value does not match with report parameter Values

Hi, We have rdl report and passing a multiple paramter values through URL. When the passed values exists in report parameter values then report displayes properly. But when we pass the values through URL which doesn't exists in report parameter value then it throws an error saying parameter value is missing. The reports db and the a...

casting multiple integer values in sql

Hello - I would like to cast multiple variables which are coming from .net solution to integer. Something like this: I am using IN keyword for selecting more then one keyword, because I don't know how many variables are selected by the customer and I am putting them in nvarchar variable. Example: StatusID selected: 30,40,50 '30,40,5...

Get URL param/segments conditionally (JS/jQuery)

I'm using an external jQuery url parsing library to grab url segments for GET. The URL's i'm working with include one of two formats: or Depending on the url im getting fed back, I want to use the url parsing library to construct a ...

HowTo use javascript with parameters in Altova StyleVision

I'm trying to include a javascript with two paramters in Altova SytleVision, but in every example I find the javascripts do not use any parameters. I'm lost on how to define/use parameters in this tool with javascript. ...

Length of arguments of Python function?

Possible Duplicate: How to find out the arity of a method in Python For example I have declared a function: def sum(a,b,c): return a + b + c I want to get length of arguments of "sum" function. somethig like this: some_function(sum) to returned 3 How can it be done in Python? Update: I asked this question because I wa...

Efficiency. Function return values versus output parameters

Hi, Function return values versus "output" parameter, which one is faster? I think I best explain using what I am currently working on. // specify identifier and return pointer. SceneNode* createSceneNode(const String& desired_identifier); // f1 // auto-gen identifier and return as string. String createSceneNode(SceneNode*& out_ptr_...