
Filehandle for Output from System Command in Perl

Is there a filehandle/handle for the output of a system command I execute in Perl? ...

How to unit test functions calling localtime() in Perl?

I have a method calling localtime that I wrote a unit test for. I seed the call to localtime in my test so that I know the expected answers. So far, so good. I happen to run the unit test on a machine in a different timezone and, predictably, the tests fail, because they're some # of hours off. I suppose I could dynamically determine...

Process Group Id in UNIX

Hi, I am trying to do some process control in a script (bash). For this reason I output the process group id of the current process to a file. ps ax -o '%p %r'|perl -ne 'if ($_ =~ /\s*$$\s*(\d+)/) { print "$1"; exit; }' > $pgidfile nohup $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp somejar.jar & > /dev/null 2>&1 I have also tried: ps ...

"Crawl" a page / site for keywords

Last year I dabbed in a bit of perl programming. The first thing I wrote was a simple script that took a web page and found out how many times a word or name was on that page. I refer to this as "crawling" is that correct?. I was wondering If this is a native process for other languages like PHP and ROR. Essentially I want to build my ow...

Is there any Java Library to operate on unix config files like http.conf

There are very good Perl libraries (e.g. Apache::Admin::Config) to operate on traditional unix config files like httpd.conf. Anyone know if there is good Java libraries to do the similar task? I know there is a c library called Augeas with Java binding. Has anyone used that before? Thanks! ...

just can't get perl working as expected ( conditionals and variable declaring )

EDIT: I will try a better explication this time, this is the exact code from my script (sorry for all them coments, they are a result of your sugestions, and apear in the video below). #use warnings; #use Data::Dumper; open(my $tmp_file, ">>", "/tmp/some_bad.log") or die "Can not open log file: $!\n"; #if( $id_client != "") @allowed_lo...

in perl how to find substring that doesn't match a pattern

hi I need to find the complement of this: $_ = 'aaaaabaaabaaabacaaaa'; while( /([a][a][a][a])/gc){ next if pos()%4 != 0; my $b_pos = (pos()/4)-1; print " aaaa at :$b_pos\n"; } That is, a suite of 4 caracters that is not 'aaaa'. The following doesn't work $_ = 'aaaaabaaabaaabacaaaa'; while( /([^a][^a][^a][^a])/gc){ ...

How to merge cells using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel using Merge_range function ?

I have used Spreadsheet::WriteExcel for creating spreadsheet report. I tried to merge some cells using merge_range() function. $worksheet->merge_range(3,5,9,4,$title, $format); [OR] $worksheet->merge_range('E3:I4',$title, $format); $worksheet->write('F6',"LANGUAGE",$format); it shows the error message like the foll...

Using Perl on Solaris, how do I import a C (.so) library?

Is there any function to import a C library (.so) file in the Solaris operating system? In Windows I can use Win32::API, how about Solaris? Thank you. ...

Perl libwhisker library

Could someone provide links for tutorial about libwhisker library? ...

Perl, using variable from within While loop outside of the loop?

This seems really simple but it is giving me a hard time figuring it out as I'm new to perl.. I've been looking through a lot of documentation now about loops and I am still stumped by this... I have a sub that contains a where loop and I want to use a variable value from within the loop outside of the loop (after the loop has run), howe...

How to compare the data in 2 files in Perl?

For example : File 1: Apple Orange grapes File 2: Orange grapes Apple I am trying to check whether both files have the same data in different order. How to do it without using any external module? ...

How should I determine next daylight saving time (DST) transition for a timezone in Perl?

I'm working on a world clock web application, and I'd like to add a function to note how and when each location will next undergo a DST change. I'm using the DateTime and DateTime::Timezone CPAN modules, which seem to provide every conceivable function apart from this one! DateTime::Timezone is an implementation of the tz/Olson database...

CGI IDE on Windows

Is there a way to use NetBeans or Eclipse for an old Perl CGI application in a Windows environment? I currently have NetBeans for PHP. NOTE: I am a .NET dev and have done PHP back in the day. I know very little about CGI, I just need to modify an existing legacy app. ...

How is public keyword used in perl?

Hi, I have seen code like this package xyz; # putting the module inside its own pair of braces { public _foo => my %_foo; public _bar => my %_bar; # some subroutines.. } 1; My question is what exactly is the meaning of the declaration public _foo => my %_foo; I mean how is the public keyword used, and why are we using ...

Generating formatted XML from a DOM using Perl

I wrote the following Perl script (below) in order to create simple XML file. The generated output is valid, but I have specific formatting requirements for the generated XML source code. How can I change my script to add the whitespace I desire? #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use XML::LibXML; my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new; ...

Why doesnt SIGINT get caught here?

Whats going on here? I thought SIGINT would be sent to the foreground process group. (I think, maybe, that system() is running a shell which is creating a new process group for the child process? Can anyone confirm this?) % perl local $SIG{INT} = sub { print "caught signal\n"; }; system('sleep', '10'); Then hit ctrl+d then ctrl+c im...

perl + printing to file

The following script print some characters. how to print the characters to file ( for example /var/tmp/file ) Yael #!/usr/bin/perl @myNames = ('one', 'two', 'three' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' , 'D' , 'E'); foreach (@myNames) { print "$_\n"; } ...

ExtUtils::MakeMaker PERL_MM_OPT split on whitespace work-around

ExtUtils::MakeMaker splits PERL_MM_OPT on whitespace, which means that something like the following will not work. export PERL_MM_OPT='LIBS="-L/usr/sfw/lib -lssl -lcrypto" INC=/usr/sfw/include' Is there a known workaround for this, or will I have to avoid using PERL_MM_OPT in this scenario? -- update -- mobrule came up with the exce...

Perl, executing linux shell commands that are multi-line, require authentication?

I've been looking around but can't figure this out.. I figured out how to do a perl execution of a shell script, such as: #!/usr/bin/perl $cmd = "nautilus"; system $cmd; However, I want to do a shell script execution from perl that would do something like this on the command line: su $password nautilus So it would become root, then...