
How can I monitor a log file and insert timestamps, using Perl?

I have an application which generates logs in append mode, but the logs are not timestamped. Is it possible to use tail -f with some option, or a perl script to monitor writes to this file and prefix them with a timestamp? Given that I am running Windows without Cygwin, could I avoid using bash or any other Unix shell? ...

Why is `exists` modifying my constant?

The exists function can unexpectedly autovivify entries in hashes. What surprises me is that this behavior carries over to constants as well: use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump 'dump'; use constant data => { 'foo' => { 'bar' => 'baz', }, ...

How can I install DBD::Pg if postgres is not installed?

I have a separate servers running with postgres and Nagios. I want to use "" with nagios to monitor the postgres replication status. This check script requires DBD::Pg module to connect to database. Installation of DBD::Pg asking for the path of pg_config file. #perl Makefile.PL Configuring DBD::Pg 2.17.1 Path ...

How can I make table cell span multiple lines in MultiMarkdown?

I'm using Text::MultiMarkdown to print from Perl to HTML. I would like to create a table where some of the cells contain a few strings, each in a separate line within the cell (see "four five six" in the picture below). Can I do that? ...

How can I build multiple attributes with a single builder in Moose?

Using Moose, is it possible to create a builder that builds multiple attributes at once? I have a project in which the object has several 'sets' of fields - if any member of the set is requested, I want to go ahead and populate them all. My assumption is that if I need the name, I'll also need the birthdate, and since they're in the sa...

Is it possible to automatically coerce parameters passed to delegated methods (from the Array trait) using Moose/MooseX::Declare for Perl?

I'm creating a class which will contain a list of IP addresses, as Net::IP objects. I've wrapped the Net::IP object as a subtype (IPAddress), and defined a coercion from a string to IPAddress. Then I've added an attribute to the class called ip_list with the type ArrayRef[IPAddress], and delegated to the push method of the Array trait....

IO error: seeking to local header : while reading from a remote server using Archive::Zip,PERL

Hello all, Want to read the contents from a .csv file which is in a remote zip file without downloading & extracting the zip file to local machine. I need this because the file zip file size is too large and downloading it whenever needed takes longer time. I am trying this in perl. My code is : my $ftp = Net::FTP::AutoReconnect->ne...

Why does appending a common suffix reverse the collation order in the en_US locale?

The following code #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $s1 = '[email protected]'; my $s2 = '[email protected]'; my $s3 = 'aaa2000'; my $s4 = 'aaa_2000'; no locale; print "\nNO Locale:\n\n"; if ($s1 gt $s2) {print "$s1 is > $s2\n";} if ($s1 lt $s2) {print "$s1 is < $s2\n";} if ($s1 eq $s2) {print "$s1 is = $s2\n";} if ($...

how to match only once in regex perl

$line = " TEST: asdas :asd asdasad s"; if ($line =~ /(.*):(.*)/ { print "$1 = $2 " } I was expecting TEST =asdas :asd asdasad s but its not working ? what is issue ...

What am I doing wrong in my Perl script written to parse a CSV file?

I have two scripts in which I'm experimenting with CSV_XS. In the first, I hard-coded everything: source directory, filename, and the csv delimiter I wanted to look for. The script works great. In the second, however, I try to dynamically discover as much as possible. That script seems to run, but it outputs nothing. I'm having trouble...

How can I shift off a passed array reference directly to an array?

I have a function (let's call it foo(array_reference, ...)) that expects an array reference among other parameters. I want to have foo shift the array reference off the list of parameters passed to it directly to an array, without having to shift it off as an array reference and then separately convert that to an array. What I want shou...

How many ways are there to describe the Fibonacci sequence in Perl 6?

I've been looking at the various ways of constructing lazy lists in Perl 6 and I would like to collect all of the concise ways of describing the Fibonacci sequence. I will start this off with the three from masak's journal: my @fibs := (0, 1, -> $a, $b { $a + $b } ... *); my @fibs := (0, 1, { $^a + $^b } ... *); my @fibs := (0, 1, ...

When accessing individual characters in a string in Perl, is substr or splitting to an array faster?

I'm writing a Perl script in which I need to loop over each character of a string. There's a lot of strings, and each is 100 characters long (they're short DNA sequences, in case you're wondering). So, is it faster to use substr to extract each character one at a time, or is it faster to split the string into an array and then iterate o...

How to detect if any sound plays on a windows xp machine

Is it possible to detect if any sound plays on a windows xp machine? Help in any language would be useful. I basically need to write a program that runs all the time and outputs some text to a file whenever a sound plays. I don't need any specific information about the sound, just whether a sound is playing. I don't care whether the ...

How do I pass a variable into a URL in a Perl script?

How do I pass a variable into a URL in a Perl script? I am trying to pass the variables in an array to url. For some reason it is not working. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. The code roughly looks like this: @coins = qw(Quarter Dime Nickel); foreach (@coins) { my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST =>'https://url/$'); } ...

Should I use formmail or PHP mail?

I recently started working on a web project which was already in progress; the guy who built the foundation for it had the signup page sending the form fields to a formmail Perl script, so that he could get an email when a user signs up. I'm not familiar with Perl, and my inclination is to just use the PHP mail() function and drop the ...

how to give text output to perl tk text box from terminal ?

Sorry for the vague question . I have a perl gui built in tk in linux . And I have built a text box in it . I wan to show the ouput of the perl script into the text box , including the errors or warnings that show up on the terminal when the perl script is run . How to do it ? ...

What is the correct way to break a line of Perl code into two?

$ cat use strict; use warnings; print "1\n"; print "hello, world\n"; print "2\n"; print "hello, world\n"; print "3\n"; print "hello, \ world\n"; $ perl 1 hello, world 2 hello, world 3 hello, world $ To make my code easily readable, I want to restrict the number of columns to 80 characters. How can I break a line of...

calling an expect script from perl script

hi.. here is my perl script( #!/usr/bin/perl $logfile = "./a.log"; open(LOGFILE_Handle, ">$logfile") or die "Error : Can not open $logfile !!! \n\n "; print LOGFILE_Handle " 1 "; system "./a.exp "; here is my expect script(a.exp) #!/opt/sfw/bin/expect -f log_user 1; set logfile "./a.log"; set LOGFILE_Handle [open "$log...

Why does "Year 2010" =~ /([0-4]*)/ results in empty string in $1 ?

If I run "Year 2010" =~ /([0-4]*)/; print $1; I get empty string. But "Year 2010" =~ /([0-4]+)/; print $1; outputs "2010". Why? ...