
How do i round up the value up to 2 decimals in PHP

iam doing division of these two columns $row['col1']/$row['col2'] iam getting value as 0.0042553191489362 How do i round up the value so that i can get as 0.42% ...

using a varible to referance another in a class in PHP

so here's a cut down version of my code: class lookAClass { public $pageTitle; public function add() { $tmp = 'just some filler text <[pageTitle]> and some more text'; echo preg_replace_callback('<\<\[(.*)\]\>>', array( } private function parseAdd($matches) { return $this->$matches[1]; } } $main = new lookAClass(); $m...

What is the difference between split() and explode()?

The PHP manual for split() says This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged...Use explode() instead. But I can't find a difference between split() and explode(). join() hasn't been deprecated, so what gives? ...

php javascript form validation for upload file <input>

want to get a validation script to validate the file upload box onsubmit. check the extension of the file and validate accordingly to the extension of file loaded ...

Urgent problem with loading remote xml file

hello .. i'm trying to load remote xml file using php .. this is the function : $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load($this->xml_file); $file = $doc->getElementsByTagName('file'); $totalFiles = $file->length; echo $totalFiles; and the remote xml file link is : http://localhost/script/index.php?act=xml which this ...

pdo mysql select statement working on one table while it is not working on other

I am having a strange problem. I am using PDO prepared statement. I have two tables with the name of TABLE1 AND TABLE2. TABLE1 is copied from another db with its data. TABLE2 is created using phpmyAdmin, Both Tables are in the same Database. I am running a Select statement using PDO prepare and its working fine on TABLE1 (which is...

Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable UTF-8

Here is how I am getting an identity from a database: $adapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable(Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter')); $adapter->setTableName('clients'); $adapter->setIdentityColumn('email'); $adapter->setCredentialColumn('password_hash'); // etc $client = $adapter->getResultRowObject(null, array('password_hash')); Zend_Sessi...

How to load image once

Hi , am rendering around 3000 records , So row like Customer Profile edit Customername , Action 1 john editimage | Delete image 2 john editimage | Delete image 3 john editimage | Delete image 4 john editimage | Delete image 5 john editimage | Delete image ... ...

Kohana 3 module structure question

Hello, everybody! I have a new question about Kohana 3, or rather about a module structure. I develop a small module called Textblock. It's about an ordinary page or a small insertion to the site layout (e.g. a greeting or a slogan, company name). It contains both controllers and models. Models inherit Sprig_MPTT. And one feature I'd lik...

Transferring data from one server to another in php

I want to transfer 10 user details from my server database to another server.The other server can call a php page (in my sever) which can supply the needed 10 user details.This should happen in such a way that a user using the site must not understand that the data is coming from another server. Can anyone help me ou ...

Zend Global Variable in an Extension Persisting Across Multiple Requests

Hi all, As the title explains, I want to maintain an information across requests from multiple clients. Let me put in a simple example to explain what I want. This example is just for illustration of my question and not the purpose of the post. Example: I want to count the total number of requests that a server has had so far fr...

Zend_Navigation add class to active link

How can I add a class to the active navigation link? If a link points to URI /index/index and the request URI is also /index/index, I would like the link to have class, for example: <li class="active"> <a href="/index/index">Index</a> </li> This is how I am initializing navigation in the bootstrap: protected function _initNavigat...

In PHP settings, should memory_limit > upload_max_filesize?

I'm trying to allow users to upload large files (64MB) and am planning to change: upload_max_filesize to 64MB However, should I also change memory_limit to 64MB or larger? Is memory_limit connected to max_filesize? ...

PHP: How can we disable exception messages on production website and keep them in dev?

Hi, How can be disable exception messages on the production website and keep them in dev? Example: try{ //some code } catch(Exception $e){ echo $e.getMessage(); } Edit: How it done on Zend Framework? (.ini file but what about exception code that should be write?) Edit 2: If my example can't work how zend framework disabl...

PHP: Does empty() validate all of these cases: null, empty string, variable not set?

Hi, Does empty() function validate all of this cases: 1.var=null 2.var=empty string ""/" " 3.var=not set Example for validate use (Should I add some more code for validation or empty() enough?): if(!empty($userName)){ //some code } else{ echo "not valid user name" } Edit: should isset() used before empty() or empty() ...

Wrap group of XML nodes

Im working with PHP5, and I need to transform XML in the following form: <list> <item label="(1)">some text</item> <item label="(2)"> <anotherNode>some text</anotherNode <item label="a">some text</item> <item label="b">some text</item> </item> </list> Into something like this: <lis...

PHP Exec Not running, but command works ok!

I have the following script to take an uploaded PDF in PHP and call ImageMagik/Ghostscript to convert to images of specified size. $tmp = exec("convert \"{$strPDF}\" -resize 500X500 \"{$strOut}\"", $results); However, this doesnt seem to work. No errors in the log file and no errors on screen. If I do the following, $tmp = exec("con...

zend jquery tinymce ajax save one step old value

I have form with Tinymce. I am saving text writen in tinyMce using ajax call. when I press the save button it does not save the latest value which i entered in tinymce. i.e. when i load the page, default value in the field is "aaaa". I update it to "bbb" and press the save button. but it saved the value "aaaa". Now I change the value ...

Get text within div.

<div class="plugin-block"> <h3><a href=""&gt;Sailthru&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h3&gt; **Intergrate Sailthru API functionality into your WordPress blog.** <ul class="plugin-meta"> <li><span class="info-marker">Version</span> 1.0</li> <li><span class="info-marker">Updated</span> 20...

PHP PDO fetch error. rowcount = 1 but fetchall returns false;

i ave been having trouble with a simple select sql query. using php PDO. for some reason the rowcount returns 1 but fetch and fetchall both return false; to me that means the execute failed or the query returned no results which would have a rowcount of 0. my sql syntax as far as i can tell is fine. here is the sql query SELECT * FROM...