
Is there a list of pragmas supported in Xcode?

Is there a list of pragmas supported in Xcode? I only know of #pragma mark. Where would I look to learn about any others? ...

Why C/C++'s #pragma_once isn't an ISO standard?

I am currently working on a big project and maintaining all those include guards makes me crazy! Writing it by hand is frustrating waste of time. Although many editors can generate include guards this doesn't help much: Editor generates guard symbol based on a filename. The problem occurs when you have headers with the same filename in...

Problem using reinterpret_cast<> in c++

I am trying to cast a datastream into a struct since the datastream consists of fixed-width messages and each message has fulle defined fixed width fields as well. I was planning on creating a struct and then using reinterpret_cast to cast pointer to the datastream to the struct to get the fields. I made some test code and get weird resu...

Prevent MSVC from creating debug symbols by source code pragma?

While compiling a large c++ program with msvc .net 2003 and with debug information, I ran into C1067, the fatal compiler error for to big or to large debug symbols. As it is in boost, and I don't want to fiddle around with the source code, the easiest thing would be, if there is a pragma or something that could switch off the generation ...

HTML <meta> tag and squid

Does the HTML tag: <META http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"> <META http-equiv="expires" content="0"> <META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> also instruct squid to not cache that particular page? Or is it only telling the user's browser to not cache it locally in his/her machine? ...

What does the HTTP header Pragma: Public mean?

What does the HTTP header Pragma: Public mean? ...

Qt's pragma directives

Hi, Could anyone point me out to an article, where pragma directives, available in Qt enviroment would be discussed? Thank you. ...

Setting compiler and linker directories via pragma in Visual C++

Is it possible in Visual C++ to set additional include directories and additional libary directories in the source code itself, through pragma definitions (similarly to #pragma comment(lib, "xxx.lib") to link specific libs)? ...

Use of Pragmas in Ada

Can anyone supply me with simple working examples which illustrate the use of pragmas in Ada 2005 ? I understand that pragmas are used to priorities processes, just that I have not come across working examples ! Much appreciated ! ...

#pragma init and #pragma fini using gcc compiler on linux

I would like to build some code which calls some code on loadup of the shared library. I thought i would do it like this: #pragma init(my_init) static void my_init () { //do-something } int add (int a,int b) { return a+b; } So when i build that code with gcc -fPIC -g -c -Wall tt.c It returns gcc -fPIC -g -c -Wall tt...

Why I get errors when I try to out a compiler defined macro using a pragma message?

I would like to know why the Visual C++ compiler gets me an warning/error if I use the following code: #pragma message( "You have " _MSC_FULL_VER ) Here is what I get: error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object' file generated warning C4081: expected ':'; found ')' The problem reproduces for _MSC_FULL_VER or _MSV_VER but no...

Issues in Ada Concurrency

Hi I need some help and also some insight. This is a program in Ada-2005 which has 3 tasks. The output is 'z'. If the 3 tasks do not happen in the order of their placement in the program then output can vary from z = 2, z = 1 to z = 0 ( That is easy to see in the program, mutual exclusion is attempted to make sure output is z = 2). WIT...

C# Pragma to suppress break on thrown error

First off I run my applications with exceptions thrown on any error (handled or not). Second I am using a TypeConverter to convert from a user input string to the actual object. Third TypeConverter offers no TryConvert method so I'm stuck using exceptions for validation, using this rather ugly bit of code here: try { this._newVal...

Disable #pragma message("")

Hi, I needed to include in my project but there is a line, in glut.h which is #pragma message("Note: including lib: glut32.lib\n") It is really annoying and I want to get rid of it when compiling. I could just remove the line in my glut.h but I want my fix to be independent of the glut.h. I have tried setting #pragma warnings to sho...

How do I use sqlite3 PRAGMA user_version in Objective-c?

I am trying to check the user_version of the sqlite DB. I have an admin tool to bump the version, but I don't understand the syntax of the pragma statement. I am expecting to test the value in an if-statement. Can someone provide a code sample? When I embed the pragma statement in my objective-c code, the compiler throws an error. ...

Can anyone please tell me the use of pragma statements

Can anyone please tell me the use of pragma in C and Ada, with some examples if possible. ...

Detect if a table contains a column in Android/sqlite

So I have an app on the market, and with an update I want to add some columns to the database. No problems so far. But I want to detect if the database in use is missing these columns, and add them if this is the case. I need this to be done dynamically and not just after the update to the new version, because the application is supposed...

gcc memory alignment pragma

hello. Does gcc have memory alignment pragma, akin #pragma vector aligned in Intel compiler? I would like to tell compiler to optimize particular loop using aligned loads/store instructions. to avoid possible confusion, this is not about struct packing. e.g: #if defined (__INTEL_COMPILER) #pragma vector aligned #endif for (in...

# pragma directive and its uses in c

Hello , can anyone tell my what does the #pragma can do in the c language . what are its uses and why the above program is not giving the output 'inside v1'& 'inside v2' in the following program ... # include<stdio.h> void v1(); void v2(); # pragma startup v1 # pragma exit v2 int main() { printf("inside main\n"); return 0; } void v1(...

What code have you written with #pragma you found useful?

I've never understood the need of #pragma once when #ifndef #define #endif always works. I've seen the usage of #pragma comment to link with other files, but setting up the compiler settings was easier with an IDE. What are some other usages of #pragma that is useful, but not widely known? Edit: I'm not just after a list of #pragma d...