
Getting a list of loaded modules from PRISM in WPF

I have a WPF application built on top of PRISM. When the user tries to close the application I need to check the dirty status of any loaded views. I was hoping to enumerate a list of the loaded modules and ask them in turn whether it's OK to exit and save any changes, but I'm having trouble finding a list of references to the loaded mo...

PRISM and Caliburn combined

I am already using Prism, especially the following areas: EventAggregator, RegionManager, Commanding, Dependency Injection (through Unity obviously) Have you used Prism in combination with Caliburn? Which benefits did it offer you? How does Caliburn integrate with Silverlight's Navigation framework? And would you recommend using both f...

Prism/CAL and WIn7 Taskbar Grouped Thumbnails/Preview

So I'm using Prism v2 (CAL) in an app with four separate modules, loaded as tab controls. Works great so far. Quesiton(s): How do I have one grouped taskbar icon in Win7 for each tab, and how do I get 4 taskbar preview windows to display (one showing each tab control's contents, like in IE8)? If it helps, this is how I'm loading my tab ...

Unity (in PRISM) does (not) weird resolving...??!!

Hi everybody! I 'm using PRISM and in the Bootstrapper class i did override the ConfigureContainer() method. There is nothing fancy in it just these lines: protected override void ConfigureContainer() { Container.RegisterType<IDataContext, SQLDataContext>(new InjectionConstructor(@"Server=localhost\SQLExpress;User Id=...

SCSF custom Dependency Injection

I'd like to enhance/mimic the dependency injection done by the object builder to include some custom properties the standard way is in mySmartPart.cs [CreateNew] MyPresenter ABC { .... } [ServiceDependency] myService XYZ { ... } in include [MyCustomReferenceAttribute] CustomerObject MyCustomer { .... } ...

Attach commands to TreeView in wpf using prism

Hi how do i use a delegatecommand in a treeview to get the expanded event Should i be using the delegatecommnd or is there another way. thanks ...

What's the best way to avoid memory leaks in WPF PRISM/MVVM application

I have a WPF application based on PRISM that utilizes the MVVM pattern. I have noticed that occasionally my view models, views and everything connected to them will hang around long after their intended lifespan. One leak involved subscribing to CollectionChanged on a collection belonging to an injected service, another involved not ca...

Silverlight Xaml: Referencing Code-behind class

Assuming the following view model definition: public class MyObject { public string Name { get; set; } } public interface IMyViewModel { ICommand MyCommand { get; } IList<MyObject> MyList { get; } } And a UserControl with the following code behind: public class MyView : UserControl { public IMyViewModel Model { get; } } If my...

How can I use a Panel as a Region in Prism?

The prism documentation states that there are three region adapters available: ContentControlRegionAdapter. This adapter adapts controls of type System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl and derived classes. SelectorRegionAdapter. This adapter adapts controls derived from the class System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector, such ...

How to sync complex domain objects structure between server and client

Are there any best practices for syncing hierarchical domain objects between client with modular structure (WPF,PRISM,MVVM) and server(WCF service and NHibernate for persistence in DB)? Already have DTO objects for transport and separate module for server requests with callback management infrastructure. Thanks in advance=) Alexey ...

Display another View after clicking on a button

Hi all, I'm starting with prism after seeing the videos on codeplex, and I'm trying to make a very easy thing. Display a view with a button Click on the button Display another view after the click Should I use an event aggregator ? How to publish an event without parameters ? How to subscribe to this event and display the another ...

PRISM View Injection inside ItemsControl

UPDATED (12/17/2009): Now reflects latest progress I've made. This is the first application that myself and a co-worker are developing using Prism and MVVM in Silverlight 3.0. I am working on a shell/framework for the project that will have a list of "plugins" that can be added to a "workspace". The plugins are registered with a WorkS...

SL3 dataform validation indicators don't show in tab pages

I have a Prism/SL3 application with a tab control and each page of the tab control is a "Region" that has its own view and viewModel. when I want to validate the main page, I call dataForm.ValidateItem(), then I go to all the child views and do the same. the problem is, only the pages which user has clicked on them (on the tab page), get...

Composite WPF Problem -- View and Presenter Constructors Don't Run

Hello All, Please consider the VS 2008 .NET 3.5 SP 1 solution at this location: This application uses Microsoft's Composite WPF (aka Prism) architecture. It is a very simple app that demonstrates a problem I'm having. I have one module with one view. That view gets mapped to the one and only regi...

Problems with Prism hosted in a WinForm ElementHost

I am having problems with hosting a WPF prism app in an ElementHost control and am desparate for help. The PRISM app runs fine in silverlight and in a standalone WPF. The main Shell seems to setup fine in the elementHost on a WinForm however other views only load with the “RegisterViewWithRegion” and not the “Add,Activate” procedure. I...

Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Presentation.dll not signed

Hi there: More sanity checking than an actual question, so this dll is not signed? Does anyone know if there is any semi-recent version of this that is signed? I just find this very strange and i mpretty sure there must be some sort of error on my side Cheers ...

Where to put configuration information in Silverlight?

Hi, I am using prism and have a number of modules. In several of them I am making webservice and wcf calls. I want to be able to configure the information about these services in one place. Should I do this in a resources.resx file? I remember a settings.setting file but that was in a web application. JD ...

Do you know of any major gotchas with using PRISM

Hi, I am looking at implementing PRISM into my next silverlight & WPF application. I have read quite a bit about it and have implemented several sub patterns already in projects BUT I wanted to check with the community if there are any major gotcha's that other developers have come across when using the PRISM pattern that I should keep...

Dynamic control display with Silverlight, PRISM, and MVVM

In a framework for an app that I'm creating, I can have multiple "plug-in" 's added to a "workspace", where they can be rearranged and re-sized as necessary. I want each plug-in to be able to register WorkspaceParameters (global parameters shared by all plug-ins) with a WorkspaceManager (exposed through IWorkspaceManager interface) class...

Changing Views Within a Prism Module?

So I have a PRISM v2 (M-V-VM) application up and running. It's 4 modules that load into a tab control. Great. Now my question is - where to go from here? Most tutorials seem to stop at this point. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but it almost seems like I'd need each module to be its own PRISM application, but that can't be right. Please ...