
Composite events in locally scoped regions with Prism (CAL)

I'm starting to train Prism (CAL) with a small application and faced some problems. I'm creating multiple instances of my MainView, which itself contains some regions, and display them in the Shell. I'm using locally scoped regions to easily handle view injections within my MainView. Currently I'm searching for a way of communication b...

WPF-Prism CanExecute method not being called

I am coding a simple login UserControl with two TextBoxes (Username and Password) and a Login button. I want the Login button to be enabled only when the username and password fields are filled in. I am using Prism and MVVM. The LoginViewModel contains a property called LoginCommand that is bound to the Login button. I have a CanLoginExe...

Does anyone know of any VS2010/2008 Project Templates for PRISM

Hi - this I guess is similar to the MVVM templates - but does anyone know if VS2010 Project Templates exist for PRISM? ...

Caliburn and prism samples

Are there any sample applications avaliable that make use of both caliburn and prism? I know there are blogs that talk about it but I would like to wade into some code and see how it all fits together. ...

Choosing Between Prism and Caliburn

I have been using Prism 2.0 for a personal project for a few months now. I have recently heard of Caliburn and am wondering if there are compelling reasons for me to consider that instead. I like Prism's dynamic module loading capability. I intend to build modules for my application and would like to be able to deploy them in a modular ...

How do I load a module catalog from a database in Prism?

I'm using Prism in my WPF application and up to now, I've been loading the modules via var moduleCatalog = new ConfigurationModuleCatalog();. I'd like to get the module catalog from a database. The Prism documentation indicates that this is possible, but it doesn't go into any details. Has anyone done this and can provide some guidance?...

Best Practice for Shell Layout and Switching Views - Prism, SL4, On Demand Load Modules

I am learning Prism, and I have a question on the best approach for the main Shell. Assuming the Shell has 2 regions: Toolbar, Main. The toolbar has 3 main buttons that each represent a different On Demand Load Module. Each of these modules currently register themselves as fitting in the Main Region. When I click one of the buttons I ...

Force PRISM to use another instance of UnityContainer

Hello! I have UnityContainer in my app yet. Now I want to add use of PRISM to my app and I want PRISM to use my Container instead of its inner one defined in bootstrapper. Or I would also satisfied if I could create some kind of link between these two containers in order when I call MyContainer.Resolve() it could redirect this call to P...

WPF XAML Namespace import

I've found that in order to use PRISM's classes in XAML you need to import namespace in that way: xmlns:cal="" this way is new to me, so I wanted to know, how hyperlink could be alias of usual notation of namespace import? so the intellisence knows in which assembly it should search this component? Th...

wpf prism (CAL) - Closing Window in Popup Region when the ViewModel knows nothing of the View

Hi We have a Region in the Window tag of our shell, adding things to this region pops out another Window. <Window x:Class="GTS.GRS.N3.Shell.Shell1" --removed namespace references for clarity cal:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static Constants:RegionNames.WindowRegion}"> We're adding ViewModels to the Region Manager and then the ...

WPF with MVVM and Prismv2 - Event Bubbling?

What is the best way to get an event from a child or grandchild module up to the parent Shell? For instance, if I have a view in a module that is actually 2 levels away from the Shell, and I have a Window behavior. Is the eventaggregator really the best way to do this? it seems like overkill. I just want my MainShell to watch for a cha...

WPF PRISM reloading module does not update view

I have a situation where I load a WPF PRISM module into the program when the user clicks a button. The program looks at a ComboBox SelectedItem property on the already loaded module to pick data for the datacontext of the new module. Then it loads data from a database into the datacontext of the new module. This sets the properties of...

MVVM Prism Nested Regions Can't Find Child Regions

I have a Menu (Telerik RadMenu) that has nested regions defined in the Shell. In my modules I will register the modules menu or toolbar items with these regions. Everything works fine for the root regions, but when I try and add something to a child region, such as the File region on the Menu, I get the error "The exception message was: ...

Passing parameters into ViewModels (Prism)

Hi I can't figure out how to pass parameters to my viewmodels from other views or viewmodels. For instance, I have a View called Customers. There is a grid inside, and if you double-click the grid, a new view is supposed to come up and allow you to edit that customer's data. But how will the View(Model) responsible for editing data kno...

WPF/SL EventAggregator implementation with durable subscribers behavior?

Hi. Currently I'm building an application using latest Prism for Silverlight 4. I've a module and in that module I've two views with view models. Also I've a module view with two regions for each view. In module initialization I'm registering my views and view models in Unity container and also register views with corresponding regions. ...

How do I present Prism module views?

Heya, I'm writing a prism application, I've just created my 1st module, fired it all up and amazingly - it works. The application is going to grow soon(TM), and I'll be facing the need to host those modules in separate GUI elements. What type of GUI elements would you recommend to host the modules? Is it possible to data-bind a module...

Prism Commands - binding error when binding to list element ?

I've got a ItemsControl (to be replaced by listbox) which has it's ItemsSource bound to an ObservableCollection<User> which is located in the view model. The View Model contains some DelegateCommand<T> delegates for handling commands (for instance UpdateUserCommand and RemoveUserCommand). All works fine if the buttons linked to those co...

InvalidProgramException when calling Execute on DelegateCommand sub-class

Hi, I have a sub-class of DelegateCommand which fails with an InvalidProgramException, "The Command Language Runtime detected an invalid program." when I call Execute. My sub-class looks like this: public class SaveOrderCommand : DelegateCommand<IOrder> { [Dependency] public IOrderService OrderService { get; set; } p...

Possible to use multiple ServiceReference.ClientConfig files?

I'm building a modular Silverlight application, using Prism. In the Shell project, I'm loading 2x modules, each hailing from a separate assembly. For convenience let's call them ModuleA and ModuleB ModuleA makes calls to WebServiceA. A ServiceReference.ClientConfig file is present in ModuleA's assembly. In order for this to work, in t...

Using Prism with Ninject

Is anyone out there using the Prism framework with Ninject instead of Unity? I need some functionality Unity isn't supporting yet, and I've decided to switch the IoC container to Ninject. I'm struggling a bit with the replace though.. What I need to use from Prism is the EventAggregator and the RegionManager. I have seen this sample th...