
WPF On Start detect if process is started and bring application to front

Hello, I have a pretty simple problem. When program has been started and user tries to start another instance. That new instance needs to bring old instance to front and quit. The solution seams pretty simple, I could take the code from and be done with it. Fortunately/Unfortunatel...

IIS 6.0 application pool stop issue

Hello everyone, In my IIS log, I found warning level event ID 1013, which says the stop time exceeds expected stop time for worker process of a specific web application. My question is, how could I know or track from what reason IIS worker process stops? Does this warning level event ID means worker process application pool is stopped ...

spawning process from python

im spawning a script that runs for a long time from a web app like this: os.spawnle(os.P_NOWAIT, "../bin/", "", "xx",os.environ) the script is spawned successfully and it runs, but till it gets over i am not able to free the port that is used by the web app, or in other words i am not able to restart th...

C# Start process minimized/hidden on Pocket PC Windows CE

Hello! I am working on a application for a Pocket PC that runs on Windows CE. I need to start another process, however I need it to start Hidden or Minimized. Doing that on full Windows framework is no problem, I just set Process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; or Process.StartInfo.WindowStyle ...

Pros and Cons of Product Line Software Development

Has anybody here implemented a software product line approach, as defined by the SEI? How do you manage changes? How do you test? What problems have you had to deal with? For years we've basically been trying to follow a product line approach, but I am constantly fighting Program Managers who don't want to pay for testing changes not st...

Spawn and detach PHP process without sharing any db-resources so that the child can exit?

I want an "eternal" process that goes through a MySQL table and spawns child processes. Pseudo code: while(true) $rows = SELECT * FROM workers foreach($rows as $row){ DELETE $row->id spawn_child($row->id) } sleep(5) } function spawn_child($id){ $pid = pcntl_fork() if($pid <0){ //err ...

Change the Process priority of a device driver.

Hi, I have a specific device driver which is used to do Motion Control over the parallel port on my machine. I'm told that the issues I'm having are caused by other windows processes taking away it's CPU time. So i want to change the priority fo the thread for this device driver (Mach3.sys) to realtime. But I can't find it in the Pro...

Winforms control that indicates if single process is running

I'm working on a winforms app with an embedded vpn. I would like to have a control indicate vpn connection status by indicating whether or not the vpn process is running. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...

Fault Diagnostic Process

Has anyone created or seen a good fault diagnostic procedure for a web based solutions that an Operations team could use to do diagnostic and support with? The solution is based on a C# system running on IIS and making use of things like workflow and WCF services. It's a Service Based solution and also makes use of external and Internal...

Launch Internet Explorer 7 in a new process without toolbars

Hi All, I need to run a web application in IE so it at least looks similar to a stand-alone application. I also need to be able to run multiple instances of this web application at the same time in separate sessions. To achieve this look I'd like to always launch Internet Explorer 7 in a new process without toolbars/statusbar from a s...

How to create a Process that outlives its parent

I'm trying to launch an external updater application for a platform that I've developed. The reason I'd like to launch this updater is because my configuration utility which handles updates and license configuration for the platform has shared dependencies with other assemblies in the folder where the update will be deployed. So, while...

How do i launch a process with low priority? C#

I want to execute a cmd line tool to process data. It does not need to be blocking. I want it to be low priority. So i wrote the below Process app = new Process(); app.StartInfo.FileName = @"bin\convert.exe"; app.StartInfo.Arguments = TheArgs; app.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal; app.Start(); However i get a Syst...

Detecting/controlling a process

I have a java application where I want to check to see if an application is running. If it is not running, I want to start it. If it is running, I want to kill it and then restart it. Can someone tell me how to do this? I can start/stop the program easily enough, with the ProcessBuilder. But I cannot detect a process that is already...

C# - How can I rename a process window that I started?

Is there any way I can rename the window titlebar of an application that I've launched? I.e. if I launched Notepad.exe, I could rename its title bar from "Untitled - Notepad" to "New Notepad Name". ...

Using Perl, how do I check if a process with given name is running or not?

Using Perl, how do I check if a particular Windows process is running or not? Basically, I want to start a process using 'exec', but I should do this only if it is not already running. So how to know if a process with particular name is running or not? Is there any Perl module which provides this feature? ...

How can I terminate a running Maven build in NetBeans?

If I run a Maven build in NetBeans which starts a long-running Java process (for example a HTTP listener or a JMX agent), terminating the process seems to have no effect. So I have to restart NetBeans and terminate the processes manually. I am using NetBeans 6.5 and 6.7 RC 1 on Windows XP and Vista. ...

Throwing out your first draft of work - is there a compatible methodology?

Are there any programming methodologies that take into account the concept that the first round of written code is likely to be not what you want to use? The most common thing I hear at the end of a project from a developer is 'If I could do that again, I'd do it so differently.' This is almost an exact mirror of the process a writer goe...

Kill Process after certain time + C#

Hi all: how do i kill a process after say 2 or three minutes look at the following code: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { //declare new process and name it p1 Process p1 = Process.Start("iexplore", ""); //get starting time of proce...

ASP.NET running an EXE File

Hi, I´m trying to run an old .NET application from an ASP.NET website. After reading the web and Stackoverflow (for similar problem) I come to the following code. The Problem is that I get always an error code (I am using administrator account just to testing purposes). If I run the exe manually it works ok. private void Execute(string ...

POSIX Process Groups

Hi, I'm currently implementing process groups into my operating system project's POSIX subsystem. However, I've become a little confused at the POSIX specification (setsid) (along by Wikipedia's page on Process groups). Our terminal layer sends SIGINT to the foreground process (group, whose id should equal the group leader's PID). In t...