
What is Working Set ?

I'm confused with the concept of Working Set ,while reading the Memory Management code of the Windows Research Kernel. ...

How to properly wait for foreground/background processes in my own shell in C?

In this previous question I posted most of my own shell code. My next step is to implement foreground and background process execution and properly wait for them to terminate so they don't stay as "zombies". Before adding the possibility to run them in the background, all processes were running in the foreground. And for that, I simply ...

Check when a Program is Done Running using a .BAT

How would I go about checking to see if a specific program is done running? I'm attempting to make a script that runs a series of .exe's (specifically and setup program and a number of patches) in order automatically. So far I've been able to get them to run at the same time, but that's obviously not what I need. How can I get them t...

How do you handle technology updates in long running projects?

Let's assume you're in the middle of a long running project (long running = several years) and, as expected, there will be several things coming up with brand new releases. There might be a new .Net Framework with brand new features (e.g. Linq, Entity Framework, WPF, WF...), a new Visual Studio or of your favorite Control Library,...

Any way to keep an external command window open during a Process.Start(..)?

Hi folks, i've got the following code which runs a bat file. the bat file then runs some .exe .. which does some stuff. The stuff takes aroun 5-10 seconds. ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo { Arguments = "\"" + newTargetFile + "\"" + " " + "\"" + originalFile.FullName + "\"", FileName...

C# - modify process token to add deny flag to ACE for Administrator group membership

Greetings - I would like to remove privileges from my process, and elevated permissions conferred through membership in the local Administrators group. Just like DropMyRights.exe, but I want to modify the token of the current process. ProcessPrivileges (on CodePlex) makes removing the privileges easy. Adding the deny flag for the Admi...

C#: How would I execute this command line directly to java.exe ?

I am writing a program that needs to run a java.jar server. I need to run the process directly so I can rewrite the output to a textbox and all-in-all have complete control of it. I tried just doing it through CMD.exe, but that wouldnt work because CMD.exe would just call a new process java.exe and I wouldn't have control of it. I need t...

C#: Why is my Process that is running Java.exe working perfectly, but the window isn't returning ANY output?

I created a Process that is targeted to the Java.exe file. The process should run a Java.jar server file, and continue to run giving output feedback until the server crashed or I forcefully close it down. Everything works fine.. the server is running.. and when I set UseShellExecute to True I can see the black CMD window returning all th...

Getting a reference in .net code to an already running process

Is it possible in managed code to get a reference to an already running process (COM+ component) and call methods on it? Instead of instantiating a new object, is there a way to point to an already running instance of a COM object so that the .net code has a reference to the running process just as if it had instantiated it - to call me...

User Stories To Code

Suppose I have a bunch of User Stories ( as a result of the planing Session I went through with my team ). I don't have any code in the application yet and going to start with my 'A' or highest Priority Stories/Epics Say for example "As A User I should be able to Search for more users so that I can add more friends on the website" ...

How to send interrupt key sequence to a Java Process?

I've got a handle to a Java Process instance and its associated streams. It's a console program. I'd like to simulate a break sequence. On Windows this is Ctrl-C. Is this possible without natives? The reason for doing this: the console program is a command-line console itself, controlling a virtual machine for another language. The user...

How to check whether an executable JAR has finished in another JVM

Hi, guys, I encounter a confusing issue! I want to invoke a executable JAR to compute PI from my main java applicaion using runtime.exec(), which create a new JVM for running the executable JAR. My issue is that when the PI computation is done, the JVM is still alive. my main java application has no idea whether PI computation is finishe...

How can I make a program that's impossible to be killed in Windows?

We are making a Jabber client for our internal use in our company and somehow we need to catch the moment when the user tries to kill the program to actually restart it or just make impossible for the user to kill the client. Is this possible? Our Jabber client will be written in C#. How would I go about accomplishing this? ...

Is it possible to attach a .NET System.Diagnostics.Process object to a running process?

Suppose I wish to examine a currently executing process via the properties of the System.Diagnostics.Process class. Is it possible to load an instance of this class with that process (i.e., somehow attach a Process object to the process), or does one have to have started it with the Start method? ...

Create a new independent process from another C process

Two C executables A and B exist. A and B communicate to each other through a socket. B can be started independently or through A. If B is started first and A is started next, then A and B start properly without issues. Even if A is restarted, then there are no issues. If B is started through A, then A and B starts properly. But here ...

How to run a external Program and get the return-code in a Firefox-Addon

Hy, I'm trying to launch a external process from a mozilla firefox addon (so only js-code allowed). This is easly possible using NSIProcess, but I need the return-code of the executed program. As the NSIProcess doesnt offer a possibility to get the return-code, I'm searching for a alternative possibility. Im trying to avoid to write my ...

How do I determine which program is using a file in VB 2005?

Is there a way to get the program that is locking a file, in vb 2005? For instance, when I try to open a file that is already opened by another program, can I get the name of the process/program that has locked this file? ...

Linux API to list running processes?

I need a C/C++ API that allows me to list the running processes on a Linux system, and list the files each process has open. I do not want to end up reading the /proc/ file system directly. Can anyone think of a way to do this? ...

How do I trim a file extension from a String in Java?

What's the most efficient way to trim the suffix in Java, like this: title part1.txt title part2.html => title part1 title part2 ...

Getting the list of running applications ordered by last use

I'd like to get the list of running applications in the same order they appear when doing ⌘ + ⇥ I.e. if I use TextEdit, then Preview, then iCal, the order is iCal Preview TextEdit Using [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchedApplications] does not work as applications are sorted by launch date/process id. Enumerating with GetNextPr...