
Unable to hide a running process in terminal

I yesterday upgraded by MacPorts' apps which took apparently about 4 hours. It was irritating to see the installation process going on in one tab in terminal. Problem: to hide a running process in terminalsuch that it does not take space in my working area I found today that there a new command coproc in Bash 4: coprocess is execut...

How to prioritize bugs?

In my current company there isn't clear understanding between the test and development teams as to how severe a bug should be? There are arguments which go back and forth to reduce or to increase the severity. We are not as of now aware of any documents which lays the rules. The tester raises the bug and assigns priority based on his int...

Renaming A Running Process' File Image On Windows

I have a Windows service application on Vista SP1 and I've found that users are renaming its executable file (while it's running) and then rebooting, thus causing it to fail to start on next bootup because the service manager can no longer find the exe file since it's been renamed. I seem to recall that with older versions of Windows yo...

Simulate Mouse move/click/keyPress in an application that is not active

Hello guys, I know how to simulate mouse and keyboard events, but they act as if the user did them, so they will affect the window that is active. What I need is to simulate one of those inputs, but in a Window that is not active. I'm not saying that it is minimized, imagine for example, you have msPaint, and notepad. Notepad is in fr...

How to add a timeout value when using Java's Runtime.exec()?

I have a method I am using to execute a command on the local host. I'd like to add a timeout parameter to the method so that if the command being called doesn't finish in a reasonable amount of time the method will return with an error code. Here's what it looks like so far, without the ability to timeout: public static int executeCom...

How to make a hard to kill process in Mac/Linux?

I realize this sounds like something a malware program would do, so I understand if some of you are skeptical of my intentions. I would never do this for a program intended for other people's use, but I also realize other people might look at the answers and do it themselves. My productivity goes way down when I am on the Internet, so I...

About the pid of the process

I've a somewhat silly question, if i have a series of processes that are created ... these are not necessarily some sort of inheritance, the pid of the processes have to be numbers continuous or random pids ? ...

What is the preferred process for sellling a personal project/product?

I have begun work on a personal project that may end up having some real-world applicability. I am beginning to entertain the idea of selling licenses. I am sure some others here have done this before, and I was wondering what successfully processes you've used to do so. There are many questions on SO regarding licensing, legal implicat...

How can I send the F4 key to a process in C#?

I am starting a process from a Windows application. When I press a button I want to simulate the pressing of key F4 in that process. How can I do that? [Later edit] I don't want to simulate the pressing of the F4 key in my form, but in the process I started. ...

How can I delete a Win32 desktop with running programs, and terminate those programs?

I have this code: #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HDESK hOriginalThread; HDESK hOriginalInput; hOriginalThread = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()); hOriginalInput = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, DESKTOP_SWI...

Change settings of a running process

Hi, I noticed that when a process starts for the first time, it statically reads some system parameter info only once and keeps it until terminated which means, that if there is some modification to the system parameters already read by the process, they wouldn'y reflect until the process is restarted. e.g. Launch Notepad and type ';...

Simulate a set of airplanes in Erlang

Hello. I have a problem in one of my practical works to the university. This work is on Erlang and I have to build an Airplane Traffic and Collision Avoidance System. My problem is: how can a simulate an airplane trajectory, taking into account the velocity? I thought of using a process... Does anyone have some idea? Best reguards. ...

How to get CPU Utilization metrics in Windows Xp ?

Hi All, I need to get CPU utilization metrics of all the process. Operating system = Windows Xp programming language = Java requirements = need to take samples every few seconds indefinitely, not just for one snapshot in time. ...

.NET Events for Process executable start

Is there any way to register for an event that fires when an executable of a particular filename starts? I know it's easy enough to get an event when a process exits, by getting the process handle and registering for the exited event. But how can you be notified when a process, that isn't already running, starts...without polling all t...

How to run a basic asynchronous job within sinatra ?

I'd like to run a basic asynchronous job exec('curl -0 '+url) from a sinatra app, I've tried to do that with fork and detach but it seems bogus. (I'm on windows) ...

Saving XML stream in C# says that it's being used by another process

I have this open-source library that I'm having some trouble fixing a problem... This library allows to easily create an XML file to store application settings. But I'm having an issue saving the changes. I have another application where I'm using this library and every time that application window is done resizing, I call the Save() me...

C# Remove process from task manager

Hey all, im just wondering, how would i remove a program from the process list in task manager. I am already using this.ShowInTaskbar = false; But want it to be hidden from task managers process list aswell. I dont rly care if it shows in process explorer though as im just making a joke program :D ...

What are some conditions that may cause fork() or system() calls to fail on Linux?

And how can one find out whether any of them are occuring, and leading to an error returned by fork() or system()? In other words, if fork() or system() returns with an error, what are some things in Linux that I can check to diagnose why that particular error is happening? For example: Just plain out of memory (results in errno ENOM...

How to find or calculate a Linux process's page table size and other kernel accounting?

How can I find out how big a Linux process's page table is, along with any other variable-size process accounting? ...

Can I start a script so it's independent of its parent process on Linux?

Is there a way to start a script from another process, so that if the process dies/ends, the script still continues? Will setuid do this? If I were to set the owner to root, and then start the script? For example, if I have some PHP code starting a script, but httpd dies or gets killed, I think that it takes my script with it. Is the...