
Detect matlab processes from within matlab

Is there any way of detecting how many matlab processes are running on a computer from within a matlab program? I would like to have exactly n matlab processes running. If I have too few I want to create them and if I have to many I want to kill some. You can of course do this manually, but I'd prefer to have it automatic if it is possi...

How to export a TFS projects portal to use as a new project template

Is it possible to create a TFS project based upon a modifed template and then modify the project portals website layout to include the logo, layout, and content that we would like to use and then export the TFS Projects portal to be incorporated with the default project template? ...

Monitoring certain system calls done by a process

I would like to be able to monitor certain system calls made by a process, primarily file I/O calls. On Linux I can probably get away using strace with suitable parameters, but how can I do this on Windows? I'm primarily interested in running a process and figuring out which files it has read and written. EDIT: I want to do this progra...

How to shorten an inittab process entry, a.k.a., where to put environment variables that will be seen by init?

I am setting up a Debian Etch server to host ruby and php applications with nginx. I have successfully configured inittab to start the php-cgi process on boot with the respawn action. After serving 1000 requests, the php-cgi worker processes die and are respawned by init. The inittab record looks like this: 50:23:respawn:/usr/local/b...

Handling ungraceful shutdowns when using fork and sockets

I have a server that listens for socket connections and perform different kind of actions, depending on the request. One of them is long lived database queries, for which the server forks. The server keeps a log of all the active children and whenever asked to shutdown, it will kill all it's children before exiting. A couple of times I ...

Why doesn't my application show when started by my service

[DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); const int SW_SHOW =5; string Tartgetfile = @"C:\BringLog.exe"; p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; p.StartInfo.FileName = Tartgetfile; try { if (p.Start() == true) { ShowWindow(p.Handle, SW...

How to know child process status and resource usage on windows?

I want to write a program, which will launch a child process. The child process may be windows mode or console mode program. I want to monitor the child process status and resource usage. e.g. I want to know the child process is still running or terminated. If it terminated, I want to know the reason (is terminated normally or because o...

Recommended tools for test engineering

Does anyone have any recommendations for software to assist with the management of test cases - those created and maintained by quality engineers, not a part of the developers work? ...

How to attach the new Process instance to the existing process?

Hello, I have some process running. And I know its processId. I need to create a new Diagnostics.Process instance to attach to that known process. How to do that? Languages - VB.Net or C# ...

Introducing Test Driven Development in PHP

My workplace consists of a lot of cowboy coders. Many of them are junior. Which coincidentally contributes to a lot of code quality issues. I'm looking for suggestions on how to best wane my team into using TDD (we can start with Unit tests, and move into regression tests, and later more automated testing). Ultimately, I want us to l...

Sharing memory between processes [matlab]

Is there any way to share memory between matlab processes on the same computer? I am running several matlab processes on a multi-core computer (running windowsif it matters). They all use the same gigantic input data. It would be nice to only have a single copy of it in memory. Edit: Unfortunately each process needs access to the who...

How to check if a process is running using Delphi?

Similar to this question, but in Delphi: I have an updater program, I want it to check the program its about to update is not currently running, preferably it would check all users, not just current user. ...

reading multiple times from same stream in c#

hi i want to read the output of my program multiple times. Some thing like if i pass X i get the output and i display it, then again if i pass Y i get the output and i display it. without restarting the process. to try it i have made a c program #include<stdio.h> int main() { int i; int j; while(scanf("%d", &i)) { for(j = 0;...

how to change the name of a Java application process?

when executing a Java application the process name given to it is usually java.exe or javaw.exe. But how can I make it be called by the name of my application? ...

Python Multiprocessing atexit Error "Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs"

I am trying to run a simple multiple processes application in Python. The main thread spawns 1 to N processes and waits until they all done processing. The processes each run an infinite loop, so they can potentially run forever without some user interruption, so I put in some code to handle a KeyboardInterrupt: #!/usr/bin/env python im...

Low-overhead I/O monitoring on Windows

I would like a low-overhead method of monitoring the I/O of a Windows process. I got several useful answers to The most promising was about using Windows Performance Toolkit to get a kernel event trace. All necessary information can indeed be pu...

Showing a hidden process on Windows?

I got a bit of a problem. Related to my earlier questions about Slipstreamed SP3 vs. patched SP3, we've come to the conclusion that there is an Internet Explorer process being started, instructed to load a simple .html file from the local disk, which contains javascript, which opens up the rest of a larger chat/meeting system. Internet ...

How to determine if an process is the currently active / foreground application.

Hi, I'd like to be able to query some function and give it a processID or processName - It then should return true or false on wether that process is in the foreground or not. So i.e. the query for Firefox would return true (because right now I'm in FireFox, typing this) and everything else should return false. Is that even possible...

Dev & Business Teams - How have you successfully bridged the gap?

I'd hope some healthy discussion will come out of this more so than a specific solution so I'll Community Wiki it as it is a fairly subjective topic. Appreciate if it can be left open as a helpful resource. Recently I've taken over as Dev Manager with a small Technical Team. The Business/Marketting/Design Teams out number the technical...

How to get a form from MainWindowHandle?

I have a program that only allows one instance of itself to run. I use this code bool createdNew = true; using(Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "MobilePOSServer", out createdNew)) { if(createdNew) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new ...