
How to check which process is using write protected mode on file?

I have file which is opend with write protection for some process. Is there a simple way to check which process set write protection on that file in Windows Xp ? Any tool ? ...

Processes sharing cores on Ubuntu system

My coworkers and I share an 8-core server running Ubuntu for our batch processes. I tend to run 4 processes at a time, each of which consumes 100% CPU per core when nothing else is running. When a coworker runs his processes (typically about 4 at a time), his also get 100% per. However, when both of us run ours (he always goes first),...

Toggle Process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden at runtime

I want to toggle a process's visibility at runtime, I have a Windows Form app that starts via a process another console app hidden by default but I'd like to allow the admin user to toggle this state via a checkbox and show the console app if they choose. I have this but it's not working: private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object se...

What are your build and release steps? When to increment build numbers?

I am having trouble defining and automating my build process despite simple requirements: Every build should have a unique build number. Every tagged release should be reproducible What I have: A C++, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x, Subversion development environment. A build machine ( actually a virtual machine ) A version.h file ...

In VS2010, is there a way to know which application pool a given w3wp.exe is serving, to then decide to attach the debugger to?

So I'm debugging some websites (one from trunk, one from branch) running locally, in separate apppools. I have trunk and branch solutions open in two VS instances. I'd like to debug trunk in one, and branch in the other. I'd like to know if there's a way to know which application pool each w3wp.exe is serving, to know which one is whi...

How can I tell what files are currently open by a process (i.e. my app)?

I am using a Lucene.Net index and want to give the user an option to move the index, but am having trouble closing it down so the directory/contents can be moved (I keep getting access denied exceptions). I need to be able to have some more information so I can debug this problem, such as being able to tell what files are currently open,...

Howto programmatically determine ASP.Net worker process account

Hi there My web application is a product which has to deploy to a variety of web servers. Is there a way to determine the account name that the .Net worker process account is using at runtime? Using .Net 3.5, C# Thanks in advance -Pete ...

C# Process <instance>.StandardOutput InvalidOperationException "Cannot mix synchronous and asynchronous operation on process stream.".

I tried this myProcess = new Process(); myProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; myProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "Hello.exe"; myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments ="-say Hello"; myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; ...

Identify the files opened a particular process on linux

I need a script to identify the files opened a particular process on linux To identify fd : >cd /proc/<PID>/fd; ls |wc –l I expect to see a list of numbers which is the list of files descriptors' number using in the process. Please show me how to see all the files using in that process. Thanks. ...

accesing local exe file from application

i am having a intranet application , all the clients connected to it is having a specific .exe file in their local disk, now i want to execute the .exe file from the .net application hosted in a intranet server. i used this code to do that Dim psi As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo() psi.WorkingDirectory = "C:\\" psi.Fil...

How can I send keypresses to a running process object?

I am trying to make C# launch an application (in this case open office), and start sending that application keypresses such that it would appear as though someone is typing. So ideally, I would be able to send a running open office process the keypress for the letter "d", and open office would then type d on the paper. Can anyone give me...

Spawning multiple C-executable processes with Apache/FastCGI

I've not been successful in finding help with this issue. What I want to do is following: I have some C-based executables that implement the server side logic. There should be one process running this executable per client. The process should be invoked upon the first HTTP request form the client and killed once a specific HTTP request c...

How to find cmd.exe process id from which app is started?

I have simple win application(writen using .net C#) that needs to be started from cmd.exe, and then write to that console, but problem is that i need process id from that cmd.exe process. I can get all running process, Process[] procList = Process.GetProcessesByName("cmd"); but how to find my? :) Maybe to read input, and check is "Ap...

Software Metrics in Agile Methodologies

Agile methodologies are rather prevalent these days, but I cannot seem to find much documentation on what metrics are most useful and why. I have found many more things saying that some traditional metrics like LOC and code coverage of tests are not appropriate, leaving two main questions: Why are those two (and other) metrics inappro...

Deployment process

We are having a massive system having around 15 servers hosting .Net WCF services, mvc application etc. When we do a deployment (out of office hours) we have to uninstall and install everything on the live servers. This takes lot of time and if something goes wrong we have to rollback everything. can you please suggest something differen...

Window title for a console application

In Visual Studio's Attach to Process dialog, one of the columns in the Available Processes list is "Title", which lists the title of the topmost window owned by each process. We spawn multiple instances of several server processes in order to compartmentalize the work. For these console processes, the Title field is blank, so currently...

How can I use Performance Counters in C# to monitor 4 processes with the same name?

I'm trying to create a performance counter that can monitor the performance time of applications, one of which is Google Chrome. However, I notice that the performance time I get for chrome is unnaturally low - I look under the task-manager to realize my problem that chrome has more than one process running under the exact same name, but...

Process.Start() get errors from command prompt window

Hello, I'm trying to Start command promt process with args. Now I want to obtain information about errors if they exist. someProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(cmd, someArgs); Best regards, loviji ...

Process.Start() edmgen

after clicking on button in application process.start() runs edmgen tool with arguments. And I catch error : var cs =ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ApplicationServices"].ConnectionString; string myArgs="/mode:fullgeneration /c:\""+cs+"\" /project:nwd /entitycontainer:SchoolEntities /namespace:SchoolModel /langua...

How to visualize Feature branches?

We are using separate branches for separate features and we need to visualize these brances. Is there a tool that can help us? We do not need a tool that uses our source-repository to generate the graph. We want to use the tool for planning new branches and for visalizing them. ...