
What languages or other criteria are the "must knows" for beginning developers?

I will begin my job hunt soon and wondered what languages are currently a "must know" for developers. Also, what languages should be learned in the next five years. I am excited about entering into programming and want to do everything possible in order to make myself a more valuable employee now and in the future. I will have a bachelor...

Is porting a library/code from lang.x to lang.y sane?

Like many, if not all, i too have a favorite programming language that i like to use in projects, read about, advocate about, sleep with etc.. which i'll call lang.y To not to re-invent the wheel, i mostly use others' works in my projects whe(n|re)ever i can. But sometimes, the already made wheels are written in other languages(lang.x) ...

Why do so few .NET languages integrate into Visual Studio (specifically VS2008)?

The "core" .NET languages are integrated into VS2008 - C#, VB.NET, and C++. I'm not sure about current support for J# and JScript. But there are a number of other .NET languages out there - A#, Boo, Oxygene, F#, IronLisp/IronScheme, IronPython, IronRuby, Nemerle, Phalanger, P#, PowerShell, and more. Of these, I have only found VS suppor...

Side-effects in closures, are they still purely functional?

Being relatively new to functional programming, I expend lots of energy wondering “is this the functional way to do things?” Obviously recursion vs. iteration is pretty straightforward and it’s obvious that recursion is the functional way of doing things. But take closures for instance. I’ve learned about closures using Lisp and I under...

What is a partial class?

What is and how can it be used in C#. Can you use the same concept in Python/Perl? ...

Choosing a language for an Open Source application

If i have an idea for a new program, and i would like to make it open source, what would be the best language to write it in, with regards to possibly porting it to other platforms, i.e. linux etc. I will be writing it for windows for a start. ...

programming languages not in english?

Are there any major languages whose keywords, functions etc. are not in English? Not wrappers or locales, but the original language. There's no particular reason why they have to be. Learning the syntax of open(arg1, arg2, arg3) is far more important than whether the function is open(), ouvrir() or abrir(). But all the languages I have ...

Do you use the "this" operator in C#?

Duplicate post, see: When do you use the "this" keyword? On almost every project I worked the "This" operator is used, when i start developing i was told that it is a good practice. is this really necessary does it gives you more readability? ...

Defend PHP; convince me it isn't horrible

I made a tongue-in-cheek comment in another question thread calling PHP a terrible language and it got down-voted like crazy. Apparently there are lots of people here who love PHP. So I'm genuinely curious. What am I missing? What makes PHP a good language? Here are my reasons for disliking it: PHP has inconsistent naming of built-in...

Lasting influence of C++

What is the lasting influence of C++ (not counting syntax) on the design of newer languages? Edit: This question was originally titled "Is C++ dead? Has it stopped influencing the design of newer languages?" but got closed. However, some of the answers respond to the original title. ...

Language Design: More or less flexible in the future

There seems to be a fundamental split among programmers on how new general-purpose languages should be designed. In one camp you have those who think new languages should be more disciplined, stricter, simpler, etc. than old ones and should focus on making it harder to shoot yourself in the foot, even if this means giving up some expres...

Interaction between Java and C#

Is it possible to write a user interface in Java for an application written in C#? I am working on a user interface of a project that is written in C#, but I have no experience with C# and I am an avid Java user. Is it possible to build the user interface in Java using Java's Swing and AWT libraries that operates an application primaril...

What programming languages are used in different scientific domains?

Does anyone know a of a distribution of programming language usage over scientific domains? Thanks! ...

What language does these things the best?

We have been debating using PERL/PHP/Javascript/JAVA and some others to do the following things. Are there any others that can do all of these things well and easily? 1) run from command line 2) easily create a gui 3) easy configuration 4) can run quickly from command line (less overhead) 5) can easily connect to databases, run queries,...

What is the best programming language for web development and why?

I've always used PHP, but recently I've been reading about why it's bad. I love Python, but I don't know how it works with the web. I've never even seen Ruby... what is worth learning? Should I stick to PHP? ...

Are all macros evil?

In my experience, not all macros have been evil. Along the course of my career, macros have been useful in a limited context. In MFC, message crackers provided a concise DSL-like description for message maps. Type-agnostic macros provided useful utility functions for a pre-template versions of C++, albeit dangerous. However, I have seen...

How do you iterate over a tree ?

Hello, What is you preferred method of traversing a tree data structure, since recursive method calls can be pretty inefficient in some circumstances, I am simply using a generator like the one above. Do you have any hints to make it faster ? def children(self): stack = [self.entities] while stack: for e in stack.pop()...

Dynamic Scoping - Why?

I've learned that static scoping is the only sane way to do things, and that dynamic scoping is the tool of the devil, and results only from poor implementations of interpreters/compilers. Then I saw this snippet from a Common Lisp vs. Scheme article: Both Lexically and Dynamically Lexical scope only, per the standard. scoped spec...

Derivative of a Higher-Order Function

This is in the context of Automatic Differentiation - what would such a system do with a function like map, or filter - or even one of the SKI Combinators? Example: I have the following function: def func(x): return sum(map(lambda a: a**x, range(20))) What would its derivative be? What will an AD system yield as a result? (This f...

Programmer productivity by programming language?

In code complete, there's a nice table listing how productive a programmer is depending on language. Jeff Atwood has a nice blog post about it. This chart is at least 4 years old by now. I'm curious: have there been any more recent studies done on this? (insert standard anti-flamewar boilerplate here... we're all adults) Update: I...